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Posts posted by Chef

  1. I like the concept behind the idea for sure, but it'll be hard trying to convince people to follow a universal economy unfortunately . . Though this will probably help a lot of people immerse themselves in their roles by knowing their character's income - or at least something to base their income off of. 

  2. I've had mostly zero luck finding people who are open to RPing outside of their clique to be honest. Maybe I'm just not on at the right time, but so far it feels like just more of the same. Also, I was told last night by a specific guild that they were "exclusive" and most spots were reserved. This does not do well in generating a friendly, positive, nor welcoming environment. I really want to like this server, but so far the openness of outsiders seems to be very far and few between . .

  3. Hey there! I hail from numerous servers, but most recently from RPH under the guise of Chef; a few people around may have known me - or at least seen me hanging around. I left the moment I heard about all the praise of Epsilon, so here I am. 

    I enjoy a great deal of roles, but I find myself most comfortable with Forsaken, Night Elf, Tauren, Orc or Draenei centered role play. This does also include knowledge of the Light, Nature Magic, Astral Magic & Shamanism. Let me know if you'd like to RP through a PM or whatevs and maybe we can all get something going. Definitely in need of a dedicated group to hang around with, as I am coming over with zero connections as far as I'm aware.


    Hope you'll enjoy my company.



