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About Nethfrey

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  1. Nethfrey


    oshit it's patdick, much love #nohomo (for clarity: it's shidus/navaros)
  2. Welcome, coffee's on the table..... I don't know which table or where the table is, though. But it's there!
  3. Despite my own doubts about RP'ing a DH, I'd just like to applaud you on taking the initiative on the matter, and actually giving me a little more insight in what bonus traits the different bound demons (can) give you as a DH, and whatnot. Gud shit.
  4. Nethfrey


    aw heck people are welcoming me what do i do thank you
  5. Nethfrey


    it's ya fukboi shitus here to crawl around and look stupid. remember me or not I'm here to stay, so whatup (incase anyone's more familiar with it, used be on a char named Navaros, but he (un)ded)