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Posts posted by Bastille

  1. Hey there, doing what the Raz suggests and dropping a thread in regards to adding line breaks in Forged Item Descriptions. I'm aware it cannot be extended beyond 255 characters (Sometimes it doesn't even allow me that: It might be due to adding colors) but if we could somehow get line breaks/spaces, that would be awesome.

  2. Noticed that when you leave a phase or teleport to start, your Altered Form, which is worgen form, is always removed. You have to manually .aura 97709 afterwards to don worgen form again.

    EDIT: Every time one logs in, they're unaura'd of everything.

  3. 12 hours ago, Reddoh said:

    there is actually a good amount of light objects, it's called warden_light or something like that. There are several different colors. The thing is you need to activate them (which currently resets on server reset like a lot of things phase related.) To get them to activate you need to do .gob setstate 0 3 and it'll work rather well, plus the lights are scaleable.

    This is very helpful to know, and they're lovely lights. One problem I found is if you have the object activated to glow and then you delete it, the glow stays until you leave the area and return.

    Is there a macro one can make to quickly activate/set these lights to be on?

  4. A small reminder to check the edited red text at the top of the guide pertaining to version 1.2.9 and the Sanitize Incoming Profiles option. If you don't want to lose your edited progress, don't update to 1.2.9 for it will automatically 'sanitize' your profile, removing most to all the colors and icons.

  5. I'm literally making this thread as a place where you describe to the best of your abilities a spell you can't quite recall the name of and see if anyone remembers it.
    Of course there's something I'm looking for, and I hope someone out there will remember it.
    The spell causes you to do a twirl on one foot while raising both hands above your head, then stopping and slamming your hands forward to release a cone of purple arcane/shadow energy.

    For the life of me, I cannot remember the name of this spell. I had it on RPH before Legion wiped all spells. Can anyone help me out?

  6. 7 hours ago, Traius said:

    I used the same guide from the RPH forums to get into doing this myself. One thing I'd like to note while I'm here;


    I think images in a TRP should be much smaller and fewer in number. Also, it's best to stick to a rule of thumb; no more than 2-3 colors. Otherwise it looks a bit ridiculous.


    Perhaps next time, instead of putting the worgen image and shadow dancer image in, use one of the two and instead of at 30:30 put it at 20:20. TRP's start looking obnoxious when you add too many images.


    But thank you for this, I'm sure many like myself would enjoy their own creative stamp via coloration.

    I'll keep that in mind when Epsilon is launched. I'll more than likely scale the icons down some, and possibly switch up the colors. Regardless of how edgy mine is, I'm hoping this will help everyone else in their creation of their TRP3.

  7. Bastille, the Tea Wolf
    My main man that I've been RPing since Catclysm. He's come so far in progression and has had countless adventures with many colorful folk. He enjoys tea, music, performances, knives, cleaning, cooking, erotic novels, and exploration. He's pretty financially set due to underground trade and running multiple businesses, as well as establishing a few settlements in which people live peacefully.

    ... that's it for now. :3
