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Everything posted by Ollith

  1. .ph shift map command seems to bug out after a server reset takes place. Certain maps will overlap others and cause the loading order to be ignored.
  2. The issue isn't that the items are bugged, it's that Ranged weapons are coded differently from other types of weapons. The Draw string will only appear on a weapon that has been given the ranged weapon classification (You can give any weapon model a bow string if you give it the right classification) As for the animations / buggy sheathing that again is simply ranged weapons being designed differently from other weapons. Their animations are tied to the Ranged weapon classification and as such any ranged weapon model with a different classification will be considered melee weapons. Your best course of action is to make your own custom bow/gun/crossbow using Epsilon's .forge item commands. Also if you wish to use a ranged weapon and a melee weapon together you need to equip the melee weapon in the offhand slot then equip your ranged weapon. This will have your melee weapon sheathed while allowing you to unsheathe your ranged weapon for idle/spell animations. Just make sure to unequip your melee weapon before logging out as the game will delete the item when you log back in due to coding conflicts. Another thing you could do if you want to be able to swap in and out of ranged and melee animations is to make /equipset macros on your character window you can make equipment sets that will swap your armor/weapons when applied. These can be put into macros with spells and animation commands to allow your character to swap weapons smoothly while preforming animations. macro example: /equipset (bow) .cast (Aimed shot spell #ID) Trig Hope this helped in some way!
  3. Hi! I was recently informed on how the emptywmos were made for the server and it sparked some hope for an issue that has been bothering me for ages. There are a few Garrison WMOs that have giant cubes latched onto them like a parasite. I hate these cubes. I've started to fiddle with wow-export and blender and have found that these WMOs in question have dedicated WMO groups to these awful cubes and when deselected the cube Vanishes, leaving the rest of the model seemingly perfect! My suggestion is that if it is possible(and not too much of a bother) to have these WMOs fixed and be added into the upcoming patch as from my (limited) perspective it seems like a simple fix! The Wmos in question would be 6or_garrison_tradingpost_v1.wmo and 6oc_orcclans_farm.wmo Thank you for your time!