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Posts posted by Miles

  1. This would be incredibly useful for generic soldier NPCs. This could extend beyond just the gender as well but for this i have something additional in mind.

    Because some of the later ids tend to be less conventional or outright dont work on the opposite gender,
    I suggest something that allows to randomize between a certain number of ids. Example below:

    .ph forge npc outfit skin 1 5 (Which would randomize between skin 1 and skin 5)
    Alternatively we could have something like the displays and just input 4 numbers from which it could choose
    .ph forge npc outfit hair 0 4 3 5

  2. I appear to have previously posted this in the wrong forum.. twice.. Idk what's wrong with my brain.

    1 - .ph play loop

    It's as the command says, I feel like the ph music thing will be used a lot more if there's the ability to loop ambient music. I think it could be fairly useful if there's some additional work done on this command.

    Right now it plays a music ID from start to finish, what I'm suggesting are the following extra parameters. I don't know how difficult it would be to add this, but I assume it can be done similar to how TRP handles themes, but instead of a left and right click on an icon it's instead the following commands.

    .ph play (ID) loop - Loops the music, good for ambient stuff.
    .ph play (ID) stop - Uh oh I've played the wrong ID. Also stops the loop.

    2. - .npc emote delay

    Add a delay to the npc emote command so they repeat it after a certain amount of time. Would make it easier than to use an elaborate waypoint system to achieve this.

    3 - .npc target [targetname]

    NPCs will /target whatever's in the box and if applicable, turn their head accordingly. Perhaps if no target name is given, it'll target the nearest targettable target. Turning it off could be done by doing .npc targetreset or something.

  3. I'd like to see how much interest this would garner, with the new classic client I feel like it might be within the realm of possibilities but it might also be useful to see how much this would be desired by the community. I think it would open up incredible possibilities for building phases set in certain time periods as well as maybe getting a 'spare' map for custom locations where you can remove the doodads.

    Hopefully this gets some support, because for me personally this is something I really want and I hope a lot of you eel the same way.

  4. With the phase listing not being tied to whether a character is online or offline, and my tendency to forget to de-list it. It would be incredibly useful for me if my more attentive friends could do so instead since they often notice it before I do. Also it'd be useful for me to list and delist on alt accounts.

  5. Currently, ".mod stand (ID)" applies the emote but refreshes it once any other emote is played. Including turning.
    ".npc emote (ID) r" does not do this, allowing for the idle pose to return to the emote ID you listed for as long as it isn't set back to 0 r

    For RP, this would be highly useful as it would diminish the need to reset your stand state every single time you make any movement including just chat.

  6. https://discord.gg/tgnf86H

    Phases 14399 & 22121
    Azeroth is set in, well, Azeroth. It's a thing I started a while ago with the first location being a spot in Uldum if folks remember Mar'at.
    The goal is to create a phase with a consistent yet true-to-franchise experience set in different areas across all of Azeroth. Featuring colourful characters both canon and custom,
    I'm hoping to reinvent the way RP is run in phases with a ton of fresh new ideas such as being less afraid to have some interaction with characters that exist in the plot.
    This doesn't mean we are going to meet Jaina every other weekend for tea and biscuits (Kalrihk insisted it should be toast instead) but focus more on the smaller quirks of
    WoW gaining inspiration from some of the older quest lines from Vanilla and elements from Warcraft 3's atmosphere. This translates into both visiting spots like Darkshire and Stranglethorn
    as well as completely custom locations, like the small dwarven stardew-valley-meets-warcraft town of Fernstone and the Warcraft 3 inspired orcish base in the Badlands, Morathar's Hold.
    The locations cycle regularly and we usually have a small plot happening in each one that resolves over the course of a few sessions, do keep in mind that it helps to have a diverse cast of
    characters at your disposal as on occasion these locations might limit who can realistically show up although I try to accommodate where possible.

    What should you expect when you join?
    I try to give as many characters as possible a chance to stake their claim to a spot in the plot line if I can and in doing so allowing them to have their moments of glory not only through combat
    but through meaningful character interactions as well such as meeting powerful figures like dragons, dreadlords, warchiefs and pirate kings. The secret ingredient to all of this is personal touch.
    I don't abstain from it completely, but I usually avoid making generic guard NPCs,
    in most of my custom towns especially you'll find that all NPCs are named and even have a little bit of backstory to them.
    The goal is to stuff as much character into not only the plot but the locations you find yourself in as well. In turn you get almost complete creative control without worrying that you might be
    threading on anyone's toes by playing a death knight, demon hunter, man'ari or naga. While this doesn't mean we're looking for villains,
    I do like to be open to the idea of a character that's actively shunned. This as in shunned IC-wise, rather than denying you at the door.
    Though, the more outlandish, the more you might need to give me a heads up, Naga and such are fairly common but rarer, more fantastical or
    highly custom-lore creatures may need to poke me first so I know what's going on. Additionally if you want a character to join in that's otherwise not considered neutral by
    most phases for obvious reasons, chances are we can make it work with a little bit of prior communication.

    What do I expect from you when you join?
    I expect a respectful person that can separate IC from OOC, and a person that actively seeks to contribute and gives the others something to bounce off on.
    People that constantly just smile and nod and contribute nothing other than blank acknowledgement probably won't do to well. Not because of any bias against thiem but
    because it is very hard to write about a character that doesn't actively move forward in their lives. That's all for the most part, though I would like to say that creative freedom
    should be exercised in a way that benefits the plot as a whole, not just make your own character get a ton of undeserved advantages or power.
    For example, Archmages can be cool, especially if they largely aim to teach people, learn about the world and strive to discover more knowledge, whereas on the other hand,
    an Archmage that just wants to flex their magical muscles every time there's combat might not be as successful in the long term.

    Note on Timeline
    The timeline will in most cases take place in the modern day. Whatever latest patch that might be. However for the sake of making the writing of plot less restrictive,
    Azeroth is officially considered a divergence from the main timeline, though we try to stay as true to it as possible, meaning you can probably still keep most of the things you do
    in these phases canonical to whatever you do in others. With the divergences most of the time just being the interactions characters might have with lore characters.

    Closing Statemtent
    All I want to say is come visit and come chat to us on the discord. Characters that have a lot of character are perfect for this universe.
