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Everything posted by Manduin

  1. Name: - Marcia PikeRace: - HumanProfession: - DeaconDesired Class: - Cleric Brief Character Backstory (this will affect the prologue event of your character if accepted):- Marcia has always been altruistic and charitable. Even in childhood, she always took the opportunity to help her friends with even the most menial of tasks. This meant she was cherished by the small village in Northern Lordaeron where she resided. This amicability from her peers, and some small prodding from her parents, led her to join the clergy and become a priestess when she was but a teen. Such an early initiation, of course, only amplified her qualities, and she became a sort of paragon of her abbey. However, with time, she became more and more secluded, and opted instead to focus on her studies. After all, there was much she had yet to master, and even more she had yet to learn. After the fall of Lordaeron, Marcia was left without a purpose for a time. She had no choice but to take refuge in the regions unaffected by the blight of the scourge, which eventually led her to the new human capital of Stormwind. There she took residence for the foreseeable future, and found a position within the Cathedral of Stormwind. She has been keeping faithful ever since, hoping that one day she would be able to return and see her home once more. Brief Character Personality Synopsis:- Marcia is a soft-spoken, kindhearted clergywoman, who busies herself with the needs of others over her own. Her faith remains unchallenged, and she believes with every ounce of her being that the light will prevail in all. She especially shies away from battle because of her affectionate nature. However, that is not to say she lacks prowess, and she would jump at the chance to assist an ally in any way she can. How much time can you commit to the campaign?- I am mostly free during the day, but can't reliably stay active past 8 or 9pm. What time zone are you based in?- UK/GMT Are you comfortable with character death for this roleplay?- If warranted, yes.