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Posts posted by Aelle

  1. On 6/13/2018 at 11:22 PM, Akhorahil said:

    Yes, right, the "resource" for a mage being the extent of their spirit or body. People do roleplay having a limit on their character, though it'd be interesting to know exactly what defines their limit. The sheer quantity of spells - and what's the breaking point in strength? What, in the opinion of the archmage player, tires out their archmage? Are blue dragons subject to this limiter? (That I actually know nothing about, dragons seem to fluctuate so wildly in quality that I've never really expended effort to RP with one.)

    Typically, I get a 'feel' for the situation. I look back at my previous turns, the sorts of spells I've flung out, and I decide to myself "Okay. After this spell, I've got one more spell left in me before I need to take a breather/my mana pool's spent."

    Sometimes it's an efficient and logical method of putting your character in a potentially hazardous situation, and it gives other players something to do.

    One of my spellcasters is a Blue Dragon Whelp who, for all of his knowledge and understanding of the arcane at a higher level, runs dry on mana real quick.

    The natural arcane proficiency and pool of your character's race (e.g. Dragons, Ethereals, Demons, Blood Elves) makes a good deciding factor in this, as does the length of time your character has been practicing his or her craft. (A human Archmage is not only going to be able to fling tougher spells, but is going to have a far larger mana pool compared to a human magi apprentice)

  2. So as a technical support post recently pointed out, a fuckton of mounts on Epsilon do not work, either causing you to run around on a female white Pandaren or on nothing at all.

    Having used the .morph command with the correct display ID's, I can confirm that many of these models do in fact work and that the issues are to be found somewhere else in the database.


    The devs can fuck about trying to fix it at a later date, but they can also put it off for a short while if they implement a command such as .mod mount or .morph mount, which allows players to input the displayID of a model they'd like their character to mount.

    It's a pretty simple command to implement, from what I understand of it, and could have a considerable number of applications.

  3. Back when I was on Paragon, me and Razmataz actually tried this out to see if it could be done.

    As it turns out, it can't.


    This might've been something doable back in the Nogit days but sadly, it does appear as though playlist and BGM information is tad more complex than one would think.

  4. This is still a problem.

    Any fix in sight at all?

    It's kinda screwing with one of my characters.


    Might also be worth noting that, having grabbed the displayID for Midnight, I can morph in to the horse with no problems.

    It might be an issue of a displayID simply not lining up correctly in the directory with certain NPCs or mounts?

  5. So Warlords of Draenor added some awesome aesthetic additions for the Orcs in terms of their clan identity. The Shattered Hand and Bonechewers got those awesome pale skins with the scarifications and piercings. The Warsong Clan got Garrosh-like tattoos. The Bleeding Hollow got those cool white warpaints.

    However, these are all Mag'har skintones.

    Would it be at all possible to recolor these skins to be shades of green, matching the modern skin-tones of Orgrimmar Orcs?

    That way, we can play corrupted Orcish characters who are still able to show off the scars, tattooes, and ritualistic paints of their clans of origin.
