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Everything posted by mig

  1. mig

    NPC Auras and Skybox

    .npc aura usually works in that regard, since they save them through restarts. Unfortunately, it seems really iffy on saving multiple auras, which is essentially to some of my archer characters wearing a quiver and aiming.
  2. mig

    NPC Auras and Skybox

    The most recent restart seems to have broken NPCs with multiple auras, breaking a few of my creature's poses. Also a current issue I've been experiencing with skyboxes is having them default back to the bright sunny sky after flashing the intended skybox briefly. I've tried this with default/zone/map and nothing seems to keep them static at certain times. I haven't found the conditions where this bug occurs reliably, as it seems to happen at random and fix at random.
  3. It's unfair to denigrate one type of RP based on reasoning that can be applied to virtually all RP. Nathrezim are an imagined, fictional race. Their logic is based solely on the writer's imagination and extrapolation. --- As for dreadlords vs. spectral sight: based on how it's been handled in quests and vignettes, it's anyone's guess. The particular instances where spectral sight is able to reveal a dreadlord involves the power level of the class order hall leader, which is a probable factor. Considering they possess an actual body, their disguises are likely much harder to crack than just a regular illusion. I wouldn't split hairs over it.
  4. mig


    Criticism should be encouraged, not shoved in someone's face. I try to endorse a critical approach to writing in roleplay, but I don't believe in accomplishing it through lambasting someone's character. Regardless of how flawed the character is, unsolicited commentary is generally annoying. If we are going to try to strive for a more creative approach, we should really start retiring the terms 'snowflake' and 'cringe.' Both are as equally banal as the things they are describing.
  5. For the most part the Syndicate are nationalist, but there's a bit of a specific schtick to Jack.
  6. [This isn't a formal event as much as it is a breadcrumb for RP. Anyone who is Alliance-aligned who wishes to do storylines in Hillsbrad/Arathi is welcome to come. Will host events once the phase is established and interest is had.] Sellswords and mercenaries alike might stumble across a bulletin calling for aid in dispatching bandits threats in response to a recent crime. Kessler Estate is a quaint manor tucked within the mountains of the Uplands. Though it endured through years of strife within a land embroiled by endless conflict, the residence of Lady Janara is a sign of ill-deserved affluence--as perceived by an embittered lot of Syndicate insurgents--leading to a recent raid of pillagers upon its grounds. After ostensibly suffering property damage, looting, and an attempt on her life, Janara has posted a bounty on the heads of the bandits responsible, paying handsomely for proof of their demise, and even more for the goods returned intact. Public Information: Lady Janara Hailing from the fallen kingdom of Alterac, Lady Janara is a former noblewoman who hardly keeps her dabbling with the occult a secret. She is a prolific author of many works of propaganda, with trenchant words regarding the deep-seeded rivalry toward the Stromic government and general enmity toward their allies. Despite this, she has been more than willing to contribute her dubiously acquired funds to the desperate efforts of the contingent Alliance force seeking to liberate the northern human kingdoms from the Forsaken. Jack-knife Jake Jake hails from no nation, no house, and carries no banner except that of the repugnant Syndicate. Bloodthirst seems to be the only thing that drives the aggrieved brute to violently dispatch his enemies. He is suspected to be a ringleader among his ilk of destructive bandits.