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Everything posted by Crommush

  1. Name: - Perton DerrynRace: - HumanProfession: - Questing Swordsman Desired Class: - Paladin Brief Character Backstory:- A young man that has been serving the Brotherhood of Northshire for a few years and, after his trials, aspires to be a full and true paladin. Perton is reluctant however to speak of his wealthy upbringing and his past in general, saying only that he petitioned the Brotherhood without the support of his father, Lord Anton Derryn, a Stormwind noble whose line is renown for their mercantile exploits. Since he could not be sponsored as a squire, Perton chose the route of the questing warrior instead, and has taken part in many small skirmishes against the lesser threats of Elwynn ever since. He is confident that his deeds will prove worthy of his knighthood, even if sometimes the man seems to be trying to convince himself of that fact more than anyone. Brief Character Personality Synopsis:- Perton is best described as an ally of justice and of all that stand for a right cause, though often this makes him look down on those that don't embody the ideals that he ( and most importantly, the order he seeks to be a part of ) represents. He has a tendency to overcompensate his insecurities through unabashed impulsiveness and one-upmanship, traits that can sometimes cast a shadow over the very ideals he strives to uphold and cherish; a fact that concerns some in the Brotherhood. Despite these faults his heart stands in the right place, and Perton shall abide no wicked and wantonly cruel people in his company. How much time can you commit to the campaign? - WHENEVER I'M NOT RAIDING ULDUAR IN THE EVENINGS. What time zone are you based in?- GMT+1Are you comfortable with character death for this roleplay?- Snake... HURT ME MORE.