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Everything posted by MisterHamlington

  1. Well, aren't you a salty one.
  2. Outland has been left out all most completely. I don't remember the last time someone did an Outland themed RP. I'd like to see a Burning Crusade one, relive the threat of the Fel Horde and aid Thrallmar or Honor Hold in the battle for Hellfire, assault Tempest Keep and take down the rogue Kael'Thas, see what Rexxar's up to, take down Illidan's hold over the broken world bit by bit, assault the Throne of KJ and put an end to the Demonic Overlord Kazzak...Its a perfect war like themed rp set in the old days of classic where there were no furries like worgens and pandas and the newly introduced Draenei were mysterious and interesting whilst the betrayal of the Elves of Quel'Thalas was totally unexpected. Hell, I'd like to see some First Gen DK RP going on around Teron Gorefiend...Its been long since I've seen some of them.
  3. uh so, i used to roam the RPH forums from time to time. don't know if anyone here knows me. just here to say hi and hello.
  4. So, I was playing on Epsilon as per usual when suddenly I got this Error 132 and I expected it to be the usual crash and nothing else. But when I tried to enter back in to the game, I got this weirder error message which indicates that my installation is damaged for some reason. I tried deleting the WTF and Cache Folder but nothing worked, I tried to see some topics up on solving Error 132 but that doesn't work as well. Any way that this could be fixed?