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[Journal] Ravings of Madness

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I never believed in destiny or fate.

They are words that indicate no control, that everything in your life means this singular path is all that you are. They are tools that never go well for anyone. No one's fate or destiny has meant any good for them, and I know I would have been scornful towards those who tried to push such ideas on me. That was, until I saw that it is fate that is the worst of them and it is destiny that can be decided. Certainly, the word evokes similar feelings but it does not subjugate you. You can choose how to reach your destiny or what your destiny is. It isn't predetermined. Destiny is your belief of where you will go, I find.

My destiny is...strange. It isn't that of a hero of the books. It isn't a greatness you hear of. In fact, I prefer it like that. I am not a prestigious son of a noble bloodline. I am the taint upon two noble races that are flawed. Yet, it is that and more which makes me who I am. It is that which allows me to choose my own path. My own destiny. How funny it sounds, to acknowledge it as a whole. Yet, I must. For I have seen what lurks in the domain above us all. For years, I have known that it is coming.

The Burning Legion.

It is not a threat forgotten or forsaken, but can one truly be ready for them? No. Not Azeroth. Not this Azeroth. The Burning Legion will strike with wrath unmatched and it will burn at our hearts. Azeroth will try to fight them, but they will fail. Many will die. It is the inevitability when one fights the shadow that has no end. We can push them back, but they will return and our losses will surpass the past once more. We do not have the limitless form or energy that they do. It almost seems hopeless to fight.

But I have come upon secrets of the universe that would make me seem a liar. A madman.

As it must be.

I will bear such names, if it means I can save my home from certain doom.

If it means that all my suffering has been worth it, I will do what it takes.

Even if I must pay with my life.


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I have seen an universe drained of light and heat, where not even a story will survive. 

I do not know why or how I have seen this, but I know it to be a future for Azeroth and the worlds outside of it. I know of fallen worlds and worlds that are yet to fall. It seems like I am going mad, and this knowledge is but the last sign of it. Yet, I cannot truly believe that these visions of what might become are just my mind losing it. There is a meaning to it, to the suffering I witness.

I know from my time under the wing of a dragon that there is a wider image to the world than just Azeroth that we know. Time is the only constant, somehow, and that is what strikes out at me when I see what I see. That there is this sense of the inevitable. That it is only a matter of time before the next tragedy strikes. It almost makes it worthless to fight, to keep living even. Yet, I know me and I know the mortals of Azeroth. We will fight for what we believe in until our dying breath, and we might not know it yet. 

It inspires me to look for defiance of fate, defiance of time, and defiance of nature. We can defy expectations, but defy fate for those who believe in it? It almost seems foolish, but I know we can. It is why I have decided to do one last great act upon this world before I do something that will change the course of everything. I have seen the bigger picture, and I know now that this world will burn if it is unprepared. It will suffer, and the denizens will be under a shadow that it cannot outshine.

I cannot let that come to pass.

What I do will damn me as a villain, but I must become just that if I am to succeed.

I only hope that I can be forgiven when all is said and done.


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