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SPELLBOOK: Drust Witch / Death Spells

Drust Stance:
//Dark Gift
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl off
.au 264006
.au 279997
.au 245843

Drust Stance + Ritual Combo:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.au 264006
.au 279997
.au 245843
.u 138709
.c 264006

Drust Cast - Direct:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t

Drust Cast - Omni:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t

Drust Channel - Direct:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.au 138709
.c 264006

Drust Channel - Omni:
.che co on
.che ca on
.u 138709
/in 1 /g .c 280434

Drust Ritual - Direct:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.c 264396

Drust Ritual - Omni:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.c 264006


Drust Ritual - Summoning:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.c 257853 t
.au 266050

Drust Ritual - Omni - Heavy:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 264006
.au 279997
.au 270157 
.c 279997

Drust Ritual - Omni - Large - Tranquility: *******************
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 288427
.u 138709
.au 264006
.au 279997
.au 270157
.au 288427
.c 279997


Drust Ritual - Meditation:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 236682
.au 57901
.au 124416
.au 91298
.au 264006
.au 279997
.au 245843
.u 138709
//.c 279997

Drust Ritual - Staff:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
//equipslot 16 polearm
.u 236682
.u 138709
/in .15 /g .au 264006
/in .15 /g .au 279997
/in .15 /g .au 199832
//in .15 /g .au 276913
/in .3 /g .c 279997
/in .4 /g .au 199714


Drust Dreamcatcher Ritual: ********************
//(Only works in Drustvar.)
.che sl on
.che ca off
.che co on
.au 199832
/in .1 /g .c 280007

Drust Dreamcatcher Ritual + Aura:  ********************
//(Only works in Drustvar.)
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 264006
.au 279997
.au 270157
.au 199832
/in .1 /g .c 280007

Drust Dreamcatcher Ritual + Barrier: ******************************
//(Only works in Drustvar.)
.che sl on
.che ca off
.che co on
.au 199832
.au 254326
/in .1 /g .c 280007


Drust Bolt - NPC Target:  ********
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 265877 t

Drust Curvy Volley Missiles - NPC Target:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t
.c 265666 t

Drust Reverse Suck Bolts - NPC Target:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t
/in .2 /g .c 267953 t

Drust Instant Blast - NPC Target:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 273536 t

Drust Black Lightning - NPC Target: ************
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 270464 t

Drust Cast - Root Spike - AoE Targetable:  ************
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t
.learn 265757
/cast Splinter Spike

Drust Cast - Explosion - AoE Targetable:  ************
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t
.learn 265879
/cast Dread Mark

Drust Explosion - Large - AoE Nova: *******
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 280008 t
.c 263959 t
.c 265879 t
.c 270830 t


Drust Curse - Generic - NPC Targeted:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 256915 t

Drust Curse - Shrink - NPC Targeted:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 256915 t
.c 181975 t
.c 287357 t
//.c 287342 t

Drust Curse - Fear - NPC Targeted:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 256915 t
.c 314614 t

Drust Curse - Petrify - NPC Targeted:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 256915 t
.c 257627 t

Drust Curse - Polymorph Pig - NPC Targeted:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 256915 t
.c 251073 t

Drust Curse - Polymorph Chicken - NPC Targeted:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 256915 t
.c 29044 t

Drust Curse - Polymorph Frog - NPC Targeted:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 268278 t
.c 256915 t
.c 173156 t


Drust Drain Beam - NPC Targeted: 
.che co on
.che ca on
.che sl off
.u 138709
.au 245843
.au 264110
.c 278504 t
/in .5 /g .c 278504 t

Drust Drain Beam - Long Range - NPC Targeted: ******************************
.che co on
.che ca on
.che sl off
.u 138709
.au 245843
.au 264110
.c 256915 t
.c 260852 t

Drust Mouth Beam - NPC Targeted:
.che sl off
.che ca on
.che co on
.mo a 2055
/in .48 /g .au 110674
/in .58 /g .c 257226 t


Drust Melee - Death Bite: (Female Worgen Only)
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.c 270597 t
.c 294031 t
.c 296276 t
.mo a 4025

Drust Melee - Death Claw & Bite Combo: (Female Worgen Only)  *************
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.au 264006
.au 279997
.u 138709
.mo a 4025
.c 204220 t
.c 74900 t
.c 133468 t
/in .7 /g .c 74900 t
/in .7 /g .c 133468 t
/in 1.5 /g .c 270597 t
/in 1.5 /g .c 294031 t
/in 1.51 /g .c 296276 t


Drust Utility - Small Shield / Barrier - Buff: **************************
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t
.au 261265

Drust Utility - Large Shield / Barrier - Buff: **************************
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t
.au 254326
.au 261265

Drust Utility - Slow Fall + Water Walking:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t
.au 263294
.au 287780
.au 220485

Drust Utility - Soul Lantern - Casual Hold:   ****************
/equipslot 17 offhand_1h_zuld
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.u 245843
.u 160820
.c 147602 t
.au 173331
.au 199832
.au 276913
.au 291111
.gps 0.01 f

Drust Utility - Soul Lantern - Combat Hold:   ****************
/equipslot 17 offhand_1h_zuld
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.u 147602
.au 173331
.au 199832
.au 245843
.au 160820
.au 276913
.au 291111
.gps 0.01 f

Drust Utility - Floating Light Orb:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.c 263959 t
.au 289446
.au 291111
.au 276913

Drust Utility - Pitch Black Form + Jumpscare Teleport:
.au 34424
.au 85630
.mo sp 0.3
.learn 319107
/cast Killing Spree

Drust Utility - Open Portal:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.u 266263
.c 263959 t
.au 266263

Drust Utilty - Enter Portal:
.c 265879 t
.c 280008 t
.au 274467

Drust Utility - Exit Portal:
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.u 266263
.au 266263
/in 1.5 /g .u 274467
/in 1.5 /g .c 280008 t
/in 1.5 /g .c 265879 t


Drust Summon - Wicker Wolf:  ******************************
.che co on
.che ca off
.che sl on
.u 138709
.au 245843
.c 263959 t
.c 256930 t
//.learn 206124
//.learn 37803


Drust Extra - Place Some kind of Rune Totem down:
.au 199739

Drust Extra - Bewitching Tea Set Table Morph:
.morph 90552

Floating Drust Hologram:  *****
.c 277443 
.au 279997

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SPELLBOOK: Thornspeaker Shapeshifts

Thornspeaker Bear Form:
.che fly off
.c 81908 t
.u 199832
.u 264006
.mo sp 1.0
.mo sc 1.0
.morph 86785

Thornspeaker Cat Form:
.che fly off
.c 81908 t
.u 199832
.u 264006
.mo sp 1.0
.mo sc 1.0
.morph 86795

Thornspeaker Bird Flight Form:
.che fly on
.c 81908 t
.mo sp 10
.mo sc 1
.morph 88355
.u 264006

Thornspeaker Stag Travel Form:
.che fly off
.c 81908 t
.u 199832
.u 264006
.mo sp 2.5
.mo sc 1
.morph 87428
.au 115034

Thornspeaker Walrus Aquatic Form:
.che fly on
.c 81908 t
.u 199832
.u 264006
.mo sp 2.5
.mo sc 1
.morph 87886
.au 115034


Feral: Bear Melee Combo
.che co on
.che ca on
.mo a 505
.c 93330 t
.c 285894 t
.c 5221 t
/in .45 /g .c 285894 t
/in .45 /g .c 1822 t
/in .8 /g .c 33917 t
/in 1.35 /g .c 285894 t
/in 1.35 /g .c 5221 t
/in 1.85 /g .c 285894 t
/in 1.85 /g .c 1822 t

Feral: Melee Swipe
.che co on
.che ca on
.mo a 505
.c 1822 t
.c 292179 t

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Remove Effects & Reset Character Macro:

.u all
.cheat fly off
.mo an 470
.mo an 432
.mo sc 1
.mo sp 1
.cheat god on
.cheat slow off
/g .rev
.ph clear

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