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Posts posted by Insomnia

  1. Hey, welcome to Epsilon, and welcome to Light's Harbor.  Glad to see you enjoy our phase, even through it's dry-spell (though it has possibility of making a return).  If you need any help, look for me under the name "Idodge" in game or maybe insomnia because I'm a weirdo who has two names.  ANYWAY!  Enjoy yourself, hmu if you need anything.

  2. Very impressive for someone still learning english, I agree with Vojtik.  Use a dictionary when writing and you'll be fluent and correct in english in no time.  Writing like this is great practice.  Keep up the good work!

  3. Hey. Celes.  I think that it's good to see someone interested in story with RP.  I think that at the end of the day that progression is important.  You've piqued my interest.  I play mostly dark magic esq characters, though of course I can be flexible and play any form of character.  As long as there is an engaging narrative or story, I can enjoy it.  :P

  4. To be honest, Light doesn't really have methods of being used that hasn't been explored.  There's always the Holy Warrior format from RPG, but that's RPG once again.  It's all faith based, as I had said... 

  5. I agree with the others.  The RPG class 'Templar' doesn't exist in the World of Warcraft universe, as the RPG universe is completely different due to non-canon lore. 

    However, I can explain what a templar in canon Wow lore is.  Though it may be saddening to hear, they are not actually a class- they are a rank within the Silver Hand.  The Templars as detailed by Wowpedia (a canon source) are a group of officers/high ranking members of the Silver Hand.  They are a type of priest/paladin combatant, so I suppose in a way they could be anywhere from a priest to paladin, or even in between with some form of Battle Priest or Knight Priest concept. 

    All together, I think you'd be far better off playing a normal paladin.  There aren't really physical differences between a majority of Paladins due to the Light being faith based.  If you believe in a cause, the Light will back it, of course the more or less you believe in it being right or wrong will dictate how much strength the Light gives you.  If you don't believe something is right, you'll have little to no aid from the Light.


    Source: https://wow.gamepedia.com/Templar

  6. So I've been trying to import my m2i files into my blender to do a few model edits for a personal patch, however it hasn't been going very smoothly.  When I attempt to import the m2i file, it gives me this error.  - Yes, I've run the script found in the M2MOD in the addons folder of Blender so they are compatible.  If anyone who is more experienced in this field could help me out, I would appreciate it.

    blender error.png

  7. Welcome to Epsilon, I seriously recommend joining the discord if you haven't already, it'll aid in anything you might need in your time here.  If you need any help with anything, you need only ask :)

  8. I'd say it honestly varies.  I know of a lot of US players, but I'd say most of us are EU.  Myself, I am Canadian.  But I've seen plenty of Swedish, British, and even Spanish RPers about.  So there's a nice bit of variance in player-base.

  9. Welcome to Epsilon, I'm glad to hear you've taken interest in Epsilon.  I hope you have a good time here and if you need anything you need only contact me on discord, ingame, or on the forums.

    With introductions aside, we have a bit of a blank spot with phases at the moment.  You just barely missed a massive phase under the name "Light's Harbor".  Of course it's still around and you can still get RP there - it isn't as big as it used to be.  There are however a number of new phases in the works that you can expect to be done very soon. 
