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Posts posted by Insomnia

  1. Due to the CDN (CASC) system that 7.2 runs on, client side patching is no longer possible.  Unless of course you go to the "Suggestion make me dev" post, where Xeslite links a modifiable version.  The issue being with that is there are a set of warning as it is not quite supported by the staff.  (Meaning if you have issues using that client, they won't help you, it goes into more detail and written by a GM themselves).


    For the time being, we have no access to mogit, and it is unfortunate I agree because we don't have the ability to see the large variety of custom items our server has.  Though I will reassure you, in time this issue will be fixed.  I'm sure out development team is working on the issue.  :)

  2. Welcome to Epsilon, Dwany!  I haven't seen you around myself, but it's good to have you now.  I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you need any help simply message me on the forums, ingame, or on discord.  Of course, my name on all of those places is simply "Insomnia".


    Have a good one ^.^

  3. 4 hours ago, DerpyDoo said:

    I dont even know fully how to code and I know that's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. You cant (or really shouldnt) be able to affect the server AT ALL. Cracked exe or not.


    Folks 'fixed' the exe real real fast. Like cracking DRM. This shouldnt be server DRM. I love me some internal patches but I cant approve of time spent to block it like Terry Crews unless there's actual real stuff goin on. It's silly to devote resources to that.

    Also, doesnt it not remove you from the CDN? Not sure for certain.

    For the most part, that is how it works.  I'm not a developer or a GM however, so if you want a more cement statement go to one of them.  This is simply me trying to calm down what seems to be a wildfire in the past few days.

  4. This is written before I go to bed, there might be typos and errors.  Keep this in mind.


    The reason the Dev Exe was taken down, and the ID was changed so said Exe could no longer be used is it creates a number of potential issues.  I will list you them here;


    One, it removes you from the CDN, which means when the issues our development team is currently having with CASC gets fixed which I can assure you -should- be very soon based off of what I have heard and been told --you will not be able to stream and receive updates as they come.  This is strictly for testing purposes, and with good reason.

    Two, It can cause bugs and errors.  Whilst this isn't an issue, the further you modify (Or so I've been told) your client it will increase wait times, login screens, etc.  This will cause an issue and likely lead to people who got the Exe and thinking it was okay to complain about long waits.  This is a variable that isn't taken into account when thinking over solutions to issues because you shouldn't have it.  There is a reason even developers are alerted not to modify their primary exe.

    Three, it has the potential to damage CASC and the server itself.  I have been made very aware after asking about it that it can in fact damage casc if you were to upload or modify the incorrect things.  Not to mention there is a possibility of you getting in deep shit regardless --because they can and will see a list of who is using the client.

    Finally, there are a number of other issues with using a client that you shouldn't have, and it has been locked away from the public with good reason.  There are issues with CASC on the server I have overheard, and for the sake of respect of their wishes --I will not disclose.  These issues shouldn't be around for too terribly long, and it is unfortunate but is the issue.  Keep in mind, these issues wouldn't likely be a variable if the server launched on it's release date; December.  But we launched in the fall.  That's the price you pay, sadly.  Screaming about swords and the following won't increase the rate things are developed and will likely discourage people from developing further.  If it was a Developer EXE without error or issues, it would have been released for public use, and I would understand better why you'd want it.  And in this scenario, there was a lack of communication to some extent, because it appears as if the staff held out on you --which they didn't.  I don't disagree with what has been said about some staff members being inactive, and that communication is important.  But at the very same time, full and complete transparency isn't -needed-.  No other server has offered it, not RPH, not DivinityX, not Echilonde, and not Paragon.  My apologies for the inconvenience, and I am just as illinformed in a lot of ways as I am NOT an official.  I simply hope I could clear up what I have been made aware of on the matter.  Do enjoy your night now.  :)

  5. So, I've been helping a number of people on Epsilon recover from the recent patches errors and issues.  So whilst they are not always fixes, here are some work arounds for until the staff fixes them.  Which I can assure you, will be soon!


    First, try deleting your new, updated, custom mogit for the time being.  This has been recorded to cause some issues, and should only be a temporary error.


    Second, if that didn't work then try clearing your cache.  This has been the most successful method of fixing the issues for logging in, etc.  For me, at any rate.


    Third, if you have any TRPs you don't want to lose, backup your WTF file and delete it.  This doesn't always work, but does sometimes.


    Fourth, if you are ingame and cannot move regardless of being able to login --try to teleport to another zone, then back.  Or perhaps join a phase and leave it.


    These are they ways I personally have helped people fix their games with, if none of the above work I recommend you contact a GM, or a System Admin.

  6. 7 hours ago, Xeno said:

    I've had the same problem and it also seems to affect Retail in a way that causes Retail to crash, whenever I open the game, or cause some of my addons to never make the game loadable again.
    Edit: Or give one extremely long loading times.

    This should have absolutely no effect on your retail client unless you've placed Epsilon and your retail client in the same folder.  I recommend checking, and if this is the case --reinstalling retail in another place because your files would have been changed.


    8 hours ago, Romeo said:



    i cannot login on any of my characters, i have disabled mogit, i've waited, but it doesn't load anymore than this. stuck in loading screen forever. this is the cause of a update you guys have done, and it's preventing me from logging in. but it is a nice login screen. good job on that login screen.

    I would recommend checking if you have the custom mogit, I'm not sure if it's been solved but it has caused recent issues and should be patched soon.  If that doesn't work, then try clearing your cache.  Finally, if that doesn't work backup your WTF if you have TRPs you want to keep, and delete it.  


    If none of the following works, then I'd recommend you contact a GM or a System Admin to solve the issue.  Of course, I'm sure Azarchius and/or Derymyr have been made aware of the issue.

  7. Welcome to Epsilon friend.  If you ever get lost, need help, or anything; you need only ask for help.

    My name ingame is "Insomnia" as well as on discord, and obviously the forums.

    I hope you enjoy your time here, and once more --Welcome.

  8. Vojtik is right there, it is it's own form of magic drawing it's power and origins in the Shadowlands.  Not important, but still note-worthy.


    All in all, it's an interesting character.  I don't see many Necromancers, and much less Liches in recent times.  I wonder if I'll ever meet up in RP, it certainly would be interesting.  


    Keep up the good work, lad.

  9. I think this would be pretty cool to see.  Stratholme has always been an interesting concept for RP to me, a more rustic Elwynn in my opinion.


    I say go for it!  I'm sure you'd get numbers if it's pulled off well enough.  And I'd furthermore: be interested in how you make the city.

  10. On 9/30/2017 at 9:32 PM, Arynn said:

    So... the ones who saw my intro post a while back know that I'm an aspiring concept artist, this is not concept art though, just a piece I made for a friend from Argent Dawn EU, this lovely elven chap is Ranger Captain Lorinthul Autumnfury. I'd like some criticism if someone can provide it, especially if there are artists among you, i'd like to know where can I improve. This guy also showed it to some of his friends and now people want to pay me to do this stuff... I'm not bad at drawing, but i don't think I'm THAT good to accept money for my stuff, you guys think I should start accepting this kind of stuff?

    Lorinthul final.jpg

    Listen up, your art is fucking beautiful.  I would pay for this, so much.  Unfortunately, I'm a bum and can't afford to!  But there's no shame in accepting cash for work.  This is far better than I could ever do or hope for.  Seriously, don't be ashamed in taking money.  I love the style, and everything about it.

  11. Hello to whom ever may be reading this, but I am just writing down some bits and bobs I think would be nice to have on the server.  


    More Meshes:  I think it would be nice to have more 3D meshes on the character model, for example the new 7.3 Legion belts and pouches.  Perhaps on the chest, arms, legs, belt, ect.  This helps with character diversity and making no two characters look the same.  --Of course, this isn't a priority.


    Phase Management System: Though I have been reassured in past that this is coming, I have to reitterate how important it is to the server's survival.  What we have currently "Works", but it doesn't thrive.  We need the ability to randomly log on and do ".rp list" and see who is hosting.


    .App and .summon fix:  This needs to be fixed, when someone .apps or .summon across phases, it will put you into an infinite loading screen.  I have a method of fixing this.  Simply do as RPH and I believe Divinity X did it.  When you try to app cross phase, make it no work and say what phase they're in instead.  If the phase is locked, make it so they can't enter.  Problem solved.


    More Cloaks and Standard Weapons: I know this isn't very important either, but I think we should have more options for normal looking weapons and cloaks.  For example, I know Mordred's cloaks are coming and I know that the RPH cloaks coming is a rumor going around.  But I think that something akin to Mordred's weapon patch being added would be nice.  And more cloaks for options is always nice.


    This is just a few examples of what I think the server should get, if I think anything else up I will write more down.  Hope this gets read, good luck staff!

  12. I adore this idea, and though I haven't even the slightest clue how to do it I support this to the fullest!  Another cool suggestion might be new cloaks, though I know we have Mordred's cloaks coming along with the rumored RPH cloaks coming over I think the more options the better!


    I'm 100% for character diversity and different appearances, if anyone knows how to make it happen please do!
