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Posts posted by ArvickCorpsebane

  1. 13 hours ago, Romeo said:

    I'm ignoring nothing, just silly lorewriting isn't worth even spending my energies on.

    But you were kind of complaining that Illidan alone was going to jailor Sargeras. But there is the entire Pantheon, so idk what you were on about when you said:

    On 30. 11. 2017 at 6:42 AM, Romeo said:

    Also, was that Sargeras? Just left the burning immortal god of destruction against a mortal demon hunter to 1v1?

    The notion of this becomes irrelevant the moment you realize the rest of the Pantheon is there with him.

  2. 3 hours ago, Romeo said:

    Given that there's like fifty topics like these with interests checks, none ever making it into the game, I question the passion of both players and the "host" of these ideas. It doesn't work, at least, it hasn't yet. There's interest, but there's nothing to show for it and nothing making it past the idea phase. You're already aware people want RP, and people will do many things, but it doesn't seem people have the energy to pull it off.

    Better make sure it does work then. I have always been an advocate of taking action to provide RP when there is none. I checked some other topics and you are right. There is a big interest in a DnD-like setting, but people scarcely do anything, seldom care to develop it beyond "look at me, I have an idea!"

    I intend this to be a long-time endeavor. Flashing out a DnD story is always a struggle.

  3. I was wondering if some of you guys wouldn't be interested in D&D-like Roleplay.

    You know, D&D with Beholders, Dragons, Tieflings and all that jazz. Leaning towards a Homebrew setting so I don't confuse new people with tons and tons of D&D lore and rules. I still want to create something akin to it, though.

    For example, I feel like using the Open Legend RPG rulebook would be really cool (or at least a variation of the said rulebook). It's all free to read online and allows much more creativity than classic D&D editions. There are some things I do not like about it, but I think we can bend the rules a little for the sake of a more immersive RP experience.


    If you're interested in this premise, bump the thread and let me know what you think about it.


  4. On 7. 10. 2017 at 1:03 AM, ScharlakenRose said:

    You mean just a regular black dragon model? dragons all kinda look the same in their respective flights

    All aspects have their own models. Some other dragons too like Senegos or Tarecgosa.

    But uhm... doing uncorrupted Deathwing might be hard. Since first you gotta get rid of all the metal plates, make sure the model actually looks presentable without them. The texture itself is easy enough even for me. But that's about as much as I can do. Of course, it *can* be done but it's more trouble than its worth if you want something akin to this, I don't think we have anybody here skilled enough to come close to Vaanel.

     Výsledek obrázku pro Neltharion

  5. On 12. 9. 2017 at 4:38 AM, Romeo said:

    This is a fucking awesome guild thread. Organized, sexy references, and simple and easy to read. I have yet to make a death knight, or anything belonging to the ebon blade, but maybe I'll cook something up for this awesome guild! Looks really good man.

    A question thought, I'm a huge fan for both nerubians and liches, and I've been totally eyeballing the chance to roleplay a nerubian. Are you certain they're not your thing? I make a mean nerubian jafar advisor.



    I'm all for spooder Romeo.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Insomnia said:

    (Side note, Nathrezim RP is generally shit.  Due to the fact that they are so intelligent it is IMPOSSIBLE for a Human being to mimic them.  They are described as cunning, and more intelligent than the mortal mind can understand.  And even OOC, we are mortal human beings.  So based off of basic description; we are not smart enough.)


    Based off basic description; it is impossible for Blizzard (or anyone else) to write them at all.

    You don't really think any RPer RPs a 1 to 1 replica of a living being? - The most you can do is create a character that has a certain personality, backstory, and plot. - Just as writers are able to write incomprehensibly omnipotent beings, so can a roleplayer. Whether they can convey the character realistically or not remains for the individual.

  7. Arvick's Eredar Patch

    Hello, assorted people of Epsilon! - I made a patch that replaces the Draenei DK skins with more Eredar skins (dark red male and purple female even have some tattoos and decals for their faces). The patch is still WIP because I haven't added tattoos to all the Eredar skins, which is something I would like to do eventually. Another thing I would like to do in the future is to make the Demon Hunter horns work with Draenei males. But there is no easy way going about that, so I will keep experimenting and see what sticks. I hope you enjoy the patch! :)




    Simply drag and drop the contents of the rar file into your WoW directory.



    WoWScrnShot_090317_184925.jpg WoWScrnShot_090317_184929.jpg WoWScrnShot_090317_184932.jpg

    WoWScrnShot_090317_184935.jpg WoWScrnShot_090317_184939.jpg 





    WoWScrnShot_090317_185034.jpg WoWScrnShot_090317_185037.jpg WoWScrnShot_090317_185040.jpg WoWScrnShot_090317_185042.jpg WoWScrnShot_090317_185047.jpg









    -Fixed Installation Issue that prevented the patch from loading in-game.

  8. 2 hours ago, Fraenir said:

    And this is why I never could commit to WH40K post-90s.
    It's all about those damned monkeys too stupid to understand technology that they instead worship it, so they had to remove the awesome space dwarves who did understand tech and could advance it to avoid making hoomans look like the ass-sniffing apes they are.

    Výsledek obrázku pro codex astartes does not support this action

  9. 9 hours ago, The Pawn said:

    Granted. That's the only way you can move from now on.

    I wish I could be a prick to people at work without risking me being fired.

    Granted. Being fired is no longer a risk. It's a certainty.

    I wish I could think of a good character to RP.

  10. 5 hours ago, Bonky said:

    I'd be so down for this if it was on a Feudal World. I think it could work wonderfully, you could even use some Golem or Shredder morphs for Knights and the like. I think it'd be better to do E7, before the Robot Gigglytan shenanigans and all the ecksbawks huge warp stuff going on.

    You could put Tauren as Beastmen.

    Navigators (Astropaths), Nightsiders and Felinid could just be Humans I suppose.

    why GW :(

    I have been considering either an Agri-World or a Death World so that I could paint a better environment with WoW assets. I'm not sure if Feudal World would really work since the Imperium and Chaos are going to bring in all the technology regardless. As for your suggestions, I'm not sure how well would Shredders portray Titans, but WoW has quite a few mechanical things that would totally fit in. (The Arakkoa golems for example) - Shredders should maybe stay as a looted ork  alternative to these.

    5 hours ago, Bonky said:

    Felinid could just be Humans I suppose.


  11. 3 minutes ago, Valrik said:

    Relegating the RP to a few dark zones doesn't sound particularly fun at all. If you want to bring warhammer here, I really think it'd be better off with WHFB- considering that it isn't nearly as grimdark.

    I was using them as an example to justify that assets from WoW can create a grimdark aesthetic. I never said I would use the old world only. Besides, grimdark itself is more complex than that. It's more than just art assets.

    Anyways, I clearly see people are not interested in this.
