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Posts posted by Romeo

  1. 12 hours ago, Matt said:

    I'm more or less curious to know what you plan to provide for the story as far as the phase is concerned. It seems to all revolve around one concept and if that's the case it makes me question the longevity of the phase. Something to look into.l

    It is a guild. It revolves around roleplayers within it and their cause, there's plenty of room to roleplay within that field.

  2. On 2017-12-05 at 10:12 PM, Vojtik said:

    For one Titans are very weak, they can barely hold Sargeras.

    Yes Illidan could damage Sargeras (not defeat him by far), but that is not the reason he is there.

    This was his goal for past 10000 years - bring down Sargeras and honestly he has little purpose without him. Also another thing: Since pantheon is fully focused on jailing Sargie, Illidan may be there to protect them from the armies of demons who could come and try to rescue their beloved master. Also since the Titans are in weakened state Void may show up.


    For fucks sake Sarges is not dead. He will come back right after we are done killing ourselves and Void fucks us over.

    But you were kind of complaining that Illidan alone was going to jailor Sargeras. But there is the entire Pantheon, so idk what you were on about when you said:

    The notion of this becomes irrelevant the moment you realize the rest of the Pantheon is there with him.


    For one Titans are very weak, they can barely hold Sargeras.




    which one is it bro lol

  3. Promising guild concept that doesn't go beyond what is needed, a plain and simple direction taken (the destruction of Dar'Khan along with most likely a cozy headquarters in Tranquilien) and a way good and easy-read forum format for future roleplayers who want to join, this looks really fantastic.

    My lightslayer Romeo will pledge his gargoylean powers to this cause! ^_^

  4. Dungeoncrawling, set up a group of max five people, have someone in that party DM (you can take turns if you want), allow creativity, be there to have fun, explore the darkness and have some kick ass good RP. Seems simple enough. If you don't wanna do that,


    just hit the LEGENDARY 240 PHASE

  5. 15 hours ago, ArvickCorpsebane said:

    But you were kind of complaining that Illidan alone was going to jailor Sargeras. But there is the entire Pantheon, so idk what you were on about when you said:

    The notion of this becomes irrelevant the moment you realize the rest of the Pantheon is there with him.

    You're still on this I see, so I'll try to explain what I mean to you so that you can understand.


    We're talking the end game boss of all here, this is Sargeras, it doesn't matter if there's the entire pantheon there to 'guard' him, what will Illidan do? Illidan looks like he's got a personal issue against Sargeras, and even when he's a demon hunter, the demon hunter, the demon destroyer, do you really think he can even carve a dent in Sargeras? Is he just there to witness the other titans kick Sargeras ass? Do you understand what I mean now? It is pointless for him to be there, he serves no purpose as he can do - nothing - to a god damned god of destruction.

  6. 10 hours ago, ArvickCorpsebane said:

    People would bitch even if we fought Sargeras. In fact, they would bitch more.

    Also, Romeo somehow ignores there is the entire Titan Pantheon next to Illidan keeping Sargeras in check.

    I'm ignoring nothing, just silly lorewriting isn't worth even spending my energies on.

  7. 15 hours ago, Norshar said:

    But it's actual lore though, another good example is Death Knights. They have three Instructors of whom teach Blood, Unholy, and Frost. It can be bland in some areas, but labeling yourself as a 'Frozen Knight' vs 'Frost Death Knight' has one difference and one title is just snowflakey. A Fire Mage vs Pyromancer. 


    Labeling yourself as a Havoc Demon Hunter in your TRP lets me know how your Demon Hunter fights and utilizes their abilities, though I do think using it as an IC term is a bit wonky but at the same time I don't think it's really important to worry over. It's just being direct rather than using some outlandish title. There's nothing wrong with being a Druid but calling yourself a 'Guardian of Nature' or being a Death Knight and calling yourself ' The Blood Reaper'. By all means, use exotic things such as that because calling yourself a baseline label can be bland as aforementioned but I don't think it's worth much of a debate over and I said what I said earlier to pick on him about it but in no means was it aimed to be malicious as you can see how we handled it. Also, some classes as said use those schools to differentiate even canonically.






    That's fair. Still, there's no need to use these things in character. On your TRP, fine, if you want to be this specific and leave out the mystery of your character, but I wouldn't go around saying "I'm a havoc demon hunter guys." Or "Shit, i'm an assassination rogue." From my point these points in character are uneeded.

  8. On 2017-11-25 at 2:50 AM, Norshar said:

    Why don't you just say Destruction Warlock/Doctor retard 



    still very gud i expect u in my dog house for blessed erp

    All-gamemaster server 'roleplayers' (laughtrack) aren't used to roleplay or lore in itself so of course they want to embed game mechanic talentpoints into their characters. There's no such thing as a combat rogue, destruction warlock, or frost mage. A mage is a mage, a warlock is a warlock, and a rogue is a rogue. There's variations, like in any other universe, but there's no mystical diverse path that states destruction warlocks are only destructive. These are in-game, mechanical things for game mechanics, it should not be confused for something taken in character, because it doesn't exist. People who put "combat rogue" and "destruction warlock" in their TRP as if it somehow adds any value makes no sense to me. There's far better ways to deepen your character than lazily slap on an in-game talentpoint tree.

  9. Given that there's like fifty topics like these with interests checks, none ever making it into the game, I question the passion of both players and the "host" of these ideas. It doesn't work, at least, it hasn't yet. There's interest, but there's nothing to show for it and nothing making it past the idea phase. You're already aware people want RP, and people will do many things, but it doesn't seem people have the energy to pull it off.

  10. 4 hours ago, TheKnightTemplar said:

    I call Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Someone is being hunted down in the phase for pushing a half-ork child into the water! what say you in your defense?



    Seems like the right thing to do to hermione granger mudblood magneto-mutant looking ass mix-race creatures, don't you think?

  11. Just now, LightDragons said:

    1: The Seat of the Pantheon isn't a spaceship, to my knowledge.

    2: Did you really think we were going to fight Sargeras? He'd squish us.

    3: They used Argus' power to swoosh him back to the Seat of the Pantheon where he will be imprisoned.

    1: This point system doesn't make you appear any more intelligent.

    2: The fact that you answered your own question makes this whole discussion pointless. Sargeras would squish you. There's nothing in the universe there to stop him, so why in the world would he be left alone with a mortal elf? How does this make any sense? Is Illidan going to kill Sargeras? Is teleporting a god to the other side of the universe going to stop anything?


    TL;DR blizzards lore sucks
