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Posts posted by Romeo

  1. 22 hours ago, Witch said:

    Hi Insomnia,

    Both of your posts are excellent reads. Creative license is obviously something to be utilized in writing, but it is better to omit details if they are not relevant to the story you are telling. Pilgrim's Bounty and the high elf were details that ultimately added nothing to the story -- what is relevant about them? There is a turkey, are the citizens celebrating? If so how do they celebrate, and how does it impact your character or the setting.

    I'm assuming the story takes place after the Second War if there are high elves in Lordaeron. How do the people around your character react to seeing one? They were a reclusive people who rarely ventured beyond Quel'Thalas and even then were mostly seen in Dalaran City.

    You are a very good writer with a lot of potential. Try to be more fluid and don't clutter your writing up with unnecessary detail. Also, be sure to proofread!

    I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work. (:

    Following the opening of the Dark Portal, the nations of Azeroth and Khaz Modan were conquered by the Horde. The refugees from Azeroth, led by Lord Anduin Lothar, fled across the sea to Lordaeron. There, Lothar convinced the leaders of the human nations, as well as the dwarves of Ironforge, gnomes of Gnomeregan, and high elves of Quel'Thalas, to join forces in the Alliance of Lordaeron.


    Lordaeron specifically was a pretty overpowered kingdom, setting the standards for a faction that could actually hold many races without much problems. Many high elves were in Lordaeron, mostly in the shape of noblesmen and counselors due to their vast skills, so there are cases of high elves in Lordaeron. Reclusive, yes, but they were there in Lordaeron!

  2. There's this weird killing machine AI called the ward or warden I believe that tends to toss out bans to the innocent in confusion. It is there to prevent spamming objects and what not and usually draws people like you over the line and absolutely banhammers you into the realm of the banned. A GM or something will have to confirm, but if that's the case, you will be unbanned soon.

    In the meantime, here's a visual representation of you and the warden.



  3. EpsilonWoW is a phase-based all-GM World of Warcraft roleplaying server with a huge, welcoming community and the most cutting edge development level among all RP servers.

    Welcome Wesley. This is what it begins saying, but what it hides is a mine of great players, roleplayers, and first and foremost builders that come to spend hours and hours on making phases for the server's community to embark on awesome roleplay in. It's done through phases, and each phase is uniquely different, whole custom worlds the 'host' of that specific phase creates entirely how he or she wishes depending on the passions of said host. You can make a pirate phase, where pirate battles lonely islands and hoards treasures and what not.  The WoW timeline differs depending on which case you are in, as the server is a general all-gm roleplaying server, it has phases where everything can be done according to the phase owner's design. As such, there isn't any general timeline, instead, there's several, different depending on which phase you join. In phase X, the time may be wotlk, but in another, it's the retail timeline etc etc.

    Random RP happens, yes. But since everything is 'squeesed' into different phases, you will have to take the first initiative and join one of these big, current rp hotspots (Light's harbour, Ironshore at the moment). There there's usually a huge kingdom taking place full of exciting things to do and within that, there's roleplayers deep into whatever their characters are doing. Random RP is a driving thing, where you can come and go as you please through various phases.

    Above is Epsilon Command Guide. Plenty of useful answers can be found here regarding your phase creating.

    This is step II stuff - when you have your phase going you can create your own units (NPCs) inside your custom world and name them, gear them as you please with the guide above.

  4. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Zul'


    from Wowpedia, blizzard official lore website, and while some of the things here are RPG, the information we have on the Zul' thing is basically that it's dedicated to some form of important character or leader in their society. Can be a witch doctor, can be a badass warrior lord, can be anyone of importance. 

    Never really understood the reason to abandon RPG when that's the only alternative that presents an explanation. If you have A) no information, and B) a shit ton of information, isn't it obvious you are going to use a shit ton of information rather than none at all? People who claim RPG is useless is absolutely beyond me. Stop searching for an explanation when there already is one in the RPG presented clearly and logically. If that isn't to your liking, neither can headcanons from players of this community account for anything given it isn't "canon" (the excuse RPG haters constantly buzz)


    With that said, there's absolutely no need to "look at BfA for answers", because there's already an answer. Thread derailed. Thank you again for a great troll guide!

  5. 31 minutes ago, Vojtik said:

    Quite a nice summary of the supreme troll race. Some minor mistakes here and there, but nothing to hold grudge against. Definitely good for someone who doesn't want to spend few hours reading through various lore sources.


    Although the formatting is a wee bit strange to say at least.

    What minor mistakes? Put them here so he can fix them.
