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Posts posted by Romeo

  1. SUCK


    Welcome to the server 2pac! First, let's check if you are on the right client, the client needs to be specifically correct for you to be order to connect, so for that, you need to have the patch 7.25.24742 installed, no more, no less. Secondly, you also need to have the proper REALMLIST, this can be found in your WoW Folder -> WTF folder -> config file, open this (using notepad or whatever) and change SET portal "enUS" to SET portal "play.epsilonwow.net". This is the first things you should check. If you have done these things, you should join our official discord where all the cool things happen. Inside the discord channel, there's a SUPPORT thread where people post about their problems. Post there and you should have a developer on the team help you out.

  2. 8c1YqRb.jpg

    Dame of Midsummer's Eve


    Name: Alva Dolores
    Moniker: Dancer, knight, greatsword, blacklord
    Age: Unknown, deceased
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Birthplace: Lordaeron, Hillsbrad Foothills
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Affiliation: Lordaeron Army, Amadeus Heartscourge
    Status: Undead
    Home: None
    Voice: Sirris
    Soundtrack: Pyramid God

    "Both in old legends and new are plenty of examples of terrifying deathmages and their ability to create a terrible form of life - a dead body which wakens to life through a ritual that burn the flesh and bone to a sooted armour that then is bound to serve the deathmage in eternity. But what these night time fairy tales rarely mention is what happens if, or rather when, the master of black magick succumbs…"




    The dark knight alone cannot harm it’s master, but if this one somehow dies the undead is free from the pact and chains. These free dark knights, often risen warriors or in this case a lordaeron knight, are often called blacklords by the Kirin Tor and the cathedral priests that saw them during their prime and are in the world extremely rare, which is a good thing given they are described to be terrorizingly dangerous. The dark knight’s freedom unlock the evil energies that was bound during the ritual from which they were created; that power then comes to transfer over into the control of the blacklord. And as understood, would be used against its enemies as it so wished.


    Once free the blacklord wakes a certain hunger for power, perhaps as a reaction of the enslavement from the pact. Often do they search to places where they can subdue men or beasts, crown themselves to that of lords and begin spreading their nightblack terror. But there are also stories of black knights that after their release have followed the sway of memory back to places that was important to them in the past, before death and revival. The burning jealousy that awakens when a blacklord discovers that someone else has laid their hands upon their once property has cost many lives on Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and the old Northrend - lives that not seldomly are resurrected themselves and forcefully recruited into the blacklord’s ever increasing horde.


    One such case was the tragedy of Alva Dolores, a former knight-paladin of the Lordaeron army that was killed during the early stages of Lordaeron’s fall by the undead, due to her grandparents betrayal of her family. The Cult of the Damned would take interest in powerful gauntlets in their upcoming war and so were looking for anyone suitable, and in exchange for great rewards, the grandparents were deceived, and the Dolores family was destroyed. Long after, when the necromancer that held Alva on a leash was finally defeated by the Argent Crusade, Alva Dolores returned to the location where her lowly noble family had lived, a stead in Hillsbrad Foothills, and took revenge on the betrayerblood that stole her home and gave into the whispers of the damned.


    Afterwards she sunk together there in hopeless delusion of twisted memory and emotion, purposeless. That was until the kind and bannerless Amadeus Heartscourge found her leaned against the ruinous home and gave her life anew. Since then, Alva guards the hunted Amadeus through the lands, last seen somewhere in the lands of Arathi Highlands. What she will do once she is relieved of a far more tame master is unsure, but piece by piece, she is discovering that she no longer rides the lands as the ordinary knight she once was.


  3. THIS IS AWESOME. Nicely written, Roganesque style, and one of my favorite things in the lore. I've had Light's Harbour guild for a long time out of respect but this seems so god damned good lol, gonna pledge Glaeweth! Just gonna figure out what she was doing during this time, great job Rogan <3

  4. 6 hours ago, Vojtik said:


    I do not know why you would perceive my comment as disrespectful, because it is not in any way shape or form. If you see it like that I do appoligisse. 
    You've made a lot of points in your original comment, I might have misunderstood some, or I chose to address the, for you, less important ones.

    To those other points then:

    How to cope with powerful characters?
    Well, I kind of answered some of that in the very last part.
    If one founds themselves confronted with powerful mages on a regular basis, the easiest way to 'give oneself a fighting chance' is to give themselves anti-magic proprieties via some means (tattoos, enchanted items, ...). Reasonable people do accept this. Most people don't find it enjoyable to just slap others around and they will be more than happy to give the less powerful character some compensation.
    If one meets a "god", well ... there is not much to do but to calmly walk away.

    If one, however, wants to play a weaker character, they should be ready to confront stronger characters, since they made that choice. They should know (have planed), how the character will react when confronted with strong ones. -- There really is little advise on this, every character will react differently. I personally do enjoy playing these characters a bit and I could tell stories about how I managed to trick and outsmart a group of evil-ish mages, or how I talked an orc into not killing me and later we became good friends in a tavern, or how I almost killed myself while running from a crazy plague-psychopath, or how I got to fight some troll loa while I was hired by some goblin to cook in his new restaurant. And probably a few more. (actually just remembering them, I might write them in the future when I have time)


    When it comes to OP characters and me, I usually don't enjoy playing those. But there are exceptions. Notably, there are three - two of which were made powerful and one who became powerful.
    First one (a shaman) was not really made to be strong, he was made to be a teacher and guide, a wise old man of sorts. However, that meant he had to be also very strong. But because of his age and personality, this never was an issue since he rarely gets into confrontations.

    Second one was made to be powerful. He was made just because I wanted to try actively powerful character and how it would feel. It quite frankly sucked at first and didn't feel good at all. But over time I learned how to handle the power in a way that I was not seen as an asshole and I find out clever ways of using that power, which made it much more interesting for everyone. -- Most basically I found out how much power can I use during given events and people being ok with it. Those special tricks very much depend on the character.

    Lastly, the one who became powerful. This is a rare case since it is a character that is with me for many years and went through a lot of development, good and bad. His story is too long, but in a nutshel, while studying magical artefacts, performing experiments, researching forbidden teachings and some other wackdoodleshlus, he slowly became a real powerhouse. At this point in time (Legion) he is just ridiculously powerful. Curiously enough he was never interested in gathering power, and more into knowledge, it just sort of happened. He is unfortunately quite a passive one so he doesn't go on offence too often. With this character, I limit myself a lot and I am using most of his power only with people, which I know can handle that.

    TLDR from what I've learned, when playing a powerful character, one needs to find the correct limit for certain situations.A.k.a Going full power against invading demonlord is OK, while burning a random petty thief in a fairy hell is not. 

    One should also think about some clever and unique way to use their wast power. To that, I will add an example which is not of my design, but I had the pleasure to recently encounter. --A mage using his arcane powers to create manastones and use them as his main weapon, throwing them, making sword out of them, everything- This character in raw power was quite a bit more powerful than the others in the group, but because it was really well made concept, everyone was ok with that. Also, that guy was limiting his strength by the fact that his fighting style was more costly than that of a  usual mage. Eventually, just use op characters with friends who are ok with that.


    Long post, but I just wanted to say why would you ever go out beyond your own characters limits just because a fight should get more fair? Your character is bound to their abilities, to their strengths and weaknesses. If I suddenly decided Glaeweth can counter anything she goes against just for a more fair fight then what the fuck is the point of having a fixed class or a fixed concept for your character? Just rename yourself Mystique then.

  5. 11 hours ago, VernDagon said:

    The above was proven to be untrue as the two commands he believed worked, .mod mount and .mount, do not exist or were removed.

    Then it was removed.

  6. granted but they're only after your best friend deep down and everytime u spend time with them you gradually see them flirt more and more with ur best friend until u are just a third wheel nobody in their company


    i wish i had good internet

  7. sad that people associate 7.3 with better quality RP, as if that somehow is the truth. There'll be no difference once 7.3 hits, the popular roleplaying phases will still be entirely custom as it has been proven multiple times the all-gm phase mentality has most success here. So for anyone thinking "MAEi Rp WilL be beTter OnCe 7.3 hiTs Cause I IWlL have NEw ZoNEs And 3 NEw DemOn MORphs", you are delusional.

  8. i have had a very good experience with epsilon mostly because the community is great. dont care much for technical issues since roleplay doesnt require too much of that, just need some good people and a way to type and im happy, and i got way more then that on this server. got very good friends through this server and have had one heck of a time just existing in the discord and being social ingame, cant say i have had any issues, just sad that people need the latest and freshest patch in order to play for some reason, seems a bit dumb to me to stop playing because 'you're waiting for 7.3'

  9. Granted. Damn you're looking good. Love that avatar! Woahw, you're Soluna? Loved that character earlier :o OMG, wait, ur Xyris? I remember ur RP earlier and it was so fucking good, ur emotes are <3 


    I wish I could find good music on the spot

  10. You as a roleplayer has a responsibility to respect the craft that you're roleplaying in, but that doesn't mean that you have to sit glued to wowpedia and do exactly what it says all day. What would roleplay be if that was the case? No improvisation, no creativity, no mystery or nothing new. Going up there into the light and defining and categorizing expanded lore as something one can look down upon is not how you should approach this. Expanded lore is just a word and I find the word creativity to fit better, a defining and categorizing word that instead of demoralizing players to not try new things, forces them into the scene of creating something additional to the world you're already in.

    Sure I love the lore about Duskwood, but if someone would shit out a new branch of Darkshire witch hunters working under their regime somehow, I'd find that interesting. If whoever created this piece didn't use 'expanded lore' (creativity), it would just be "my character is good at killing undead because he's part of the night watch of darkshire", when it with just a glimpse of one's mind and fun and personal interest can shape it into something that is beautiful, fun to roleplay with, and respects the craft. What moron goes out and pushes down an original idea that is entirely possible in the setting of warcraft?


    Expanded lore isn't some taboo or different, straying-from-real-lore topic, it is simply that extra amounts and lengths of passion a roleplayer wants to give to the roleplay they're in or the world they want to build.

    TL;DR use it
