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Rosalia last won the day on April 4 2019

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About Rosalia

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  • Birthday 09/14/1997

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  1. I was asked, at some point, by my boyfriend to make a conversion of a hairstyle for the blood elf model as well as to add a more Quel'dorei (silver and blue) themed undergarment set for the high elf skins available. And as I am never want to do, I got carried away and made some edits also to men that I thought would be attractive in regards to RP. Because who doesn't want to have or play as a Thalassian giga-daddy? These edits include void elf and Kul Tiran hairs for the male model and some void elf conversions to the female model, along with the Jaina hair. I also made some edits to the Quel'dorei skins that makes the nail polish blue instead of the default red, adds underwear textures (though I also have a fully nude option available in the download for you fellow degenerates if that's what you'd prefer) and jewelry recolours so that they are silver instead of gold and the gems are amethyst and sapphire instead of emerald and ruby. I hope you all enjoy! ^-^ DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gbwlfvhyx5mq66k/Thalassian_Elves.zip/file IMAGES:
  2. So per the request of my boyfriend, I have made a conversion of several hairstyles and facials for human males from the Kul Tirans and Void Elves. Enjoy! ^-^ NOTE: It works with the BFA animations! Also, just drop the "Character" folder in the file into your main epsilon directory and it should work, for those of you who have asked. And thankies for downloading and all your support! DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vhcn0l8g2io5en7/Mahnly_Mehn.zip/file SCREENSHOTS: https://imgur.com/a/Cxnlvo3
  3. This is a patch for those interested in RPing the concept of a "Voidforged Draenei", in direct opposition to Blizzard's "Lightforged Draenei". It replaces the 5th skin option for the basic Draenei model, the dark purple type. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xq88k7rjsylnhcn/Voidforged_Draenei.zip/file SCREENSHOTS: https://imgur.com/a/H9x5mMQ
  4. The Dark Ranger skin for Blood Elf males from the update is presently broken. The texture, though it works on the player models, doesn't seem to register with the forge and gives a black skin rather than the skin it should be.
  5. The Rosalia patch, or Leffy patch, is a collection of pieces I made for the customisation of my main character, the smol goth vampyr waifu, Rosalia/Lia/Rose/Rosa/Leffy, and other Vampyr. It includes two edited skins to replace the Whitemane skin and also the Nathanos Skin. It also includes an edited Death Knight Eye glow (which can be used universally by putting it into a separate race/sex folder. I.E. character/bloodelf/female. This changes the blue glow to a vermillion for the Death Knight of that specific race and sex.) It also includes a collection of hair conversions from the Void Elf and Kul Tiran hair models to the female human. Note: Kul Tiran and Void Elf Hair conversions for Human Males in separate patch. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/czddy18a1erra8v/Leffy_Patch%21.zip/file SCREENSHOTS: https://imgur.com/a/0pJ3lo2
  6. During my time building on the server, I've since begun to make far more complex shapes with gardens, platforms, and other such spaces which, inevitably due to their custom shapes, require the use of buildingtiles. Now for many of these projects, square tiles are sufficient, however there are instances in which I require a more rounded shape or triangular one or a rectangular variant, even plank-like. I am reminded of some functionalities of building blocks and so forth in other games which have the same pattern of a square tile shared with planks, triangles, discs, spheres, rectangles, and cubes, and so it is in circumstances such as these that I face the need for the same form of building block in my phases. For certain gardens I require discs, for some corners I require triangles, and sometimes along perfectly flat surfaces I require planks or rectangles to evenly accommodate certain spaces whilst preserving the overall scale and visual integrity of the terrain, paving, or the like. The possibilities this sort of variety would offer would make the flow of phase aesthetics much smoother while also giving far greater options in construction, and that means greater immersion for those appreciating phases that take advantage of such constructive, and creative, capacity. Limitless potential, which our server must strive for, to ensure that the artistic license, that RP servers such as this are meant to indulge, is fully realized and encouraged...
  7. As others have surely noticed, and bemoaned, the m2s that we place in our phases lack shadows. Now this is a purely aesthetic issue that really serves no further purpose than to make our structures and such appear more... Concrete, part of the worldscape, but for those of us that take great pride in the appearance of our work in the phases and a desire to make what we build feel like a natural part of the world of Warcraft, that is still very important. Personally, I find it a great deal dysphoric to be walking around phases with shadows working on wmos and the natural, built-in structures of the game and for the m2s placed by players to have such a lacking, as though the objects are hollow ghosts of what should be there. If it's at all possible, it would be most appealing to find that our m2s and other objects take on the same properties as the objects already in the world, such properties which tell the client to render shadows for such objects which, sadly, our own objects lack the capacity at present. Among many other concepts, this would surely be one that would have a remarkable impact on the appearance of the client to the player base and give a more... Official look, a polish, to the creations of the players.
  8. Presently typing this out on my phone, so there won't be screenshots, but another zone currently not covered by phaseshifting is the death knight starting zone, the Scarlet Enclave. I've tried phase shifting in every corner of the map, as well as every zone within the area. It does not register such as a known zone. I've tried doing the command ".ph shi doo unknown off" as it suggested, but to no avail.
  9. Yes. The North Sea is doodadless.
  10. The Amani regions of the Ghostlands, particularly Zul Aman itself, along with the Amani Pass, seem to lack the ability to be removed. Even with every other region of Quel'thalas (eversong and the ghostlands) being removed, the region of Zul Aman remains with its structures and trees. I discovered this when I had already phased out all of the ghostlands and eversong, only to discover that Zul Aman remained in its entirety. using the .ph shift doodad unknown on/off equally hasn't had an effect.