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  1. This patch contains two different retextures of the red-eyed dark ranger skin for blood elves, with the option to have underwear and the option to not. I recommend using the option without underwear if your character uses any of the demon hunter tattoos. Inside the first ZIP folder you will find four ZIP folders, each with a unique skin attached and named respectively. Those are the folders that you want to insert into the client. You can only have one applied at a time, since they all replace the same texture file. The retextures include changes to the skin itself, face, jewelry, eyes, and underwear. Enjoy! Vampyr + Dark Ranger Skins.zip
  2. The Rosalia patch, or Leffy patch, is a collection of pieces I made for the customisation of my main character, the smol goth vampyr waifu, Rosalia/Lia/Rose/Rosa/Leffy, and other Vampyr. It includes two edited skins to replace the Whitemane skin and also the Nathanos Skin. It also includes an edited Death Knight Eye glow (which can be used universally by putting it into a separate race/sex folder. I.E. character/bloodelf/female. This changes the blue glow to a vermillion for the Death Knight of that specific race and sex.) It also includes a collection of hair conversions from the Void Elf and Kul Tiran hair models to the female human. Note: Kul Tiran and Void Elf Hair conversions for Human Males in separate patch. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/czddy18a1erra8v/Leffy_Patch%21.zip/file SCREENSHOTS: https://imgur.com/a/0pJ3lo2
  3. Hello! First time posting here, buuut! So this is just a small list of things I wish there was for customization! I think I can say with a bit of confidence is that a lot of people would love (me included!) Zandalari trolls to have the skins and customizations of the base Trolls, so that people can choose between having a straight back or slouching, muscular or lean. Not sure if others agree but I would love also that Orcs could have the pale skins from the Shattered Hand of Warlords of Draenor expansion. And additionally, would love if there was a way to add the "Fresh Skin" customization from SL to Forsaken! And hopefully eye colors. Aside from that, would love to have the other customizations from Shadowlands in the game for the other Allied Races and Pandaren! Oh and one final note, red panda tails for male Pandaren would be great! Much like their female counterparts.
  4. Hello! Recently, a friend of mine had given me the files required to import Kel'thuzad from the Shadowlands into our current generation of WoW; His name is Taldor, and you may know him. He gave me permission to upload this, and also showed me how to do some basic patchwerk. Below are some screenshots to show you how the new Kel'thuzad skin looks, as well as the patch itself. To install it, do the following: First, download the .zip file. Next, extract the files here: C:(or whatever drive you use)/ ... /Epsilon (Or whatever you have the game folder named)/_retail_/Patches It should look something like Epsilon/_retail_/Patches/kelthuzad with the files Finally, you need to activate the patch. Simply go to your epsilon launcher, and click the 'Patches' button on the right. It should allow you to then check off the patch... And boom! You're good to go! There we go. Hope this is helpful to you guys! ______________________________________________________ Oh, and additionally, I called it v1.0! I should give a bit of insight on that! I noticed a glaring issue or two with the skin to keep in mind. First, there are no frost effects like the original has (and I'd like to fix that for the future), And second, there is no dialogue animation like the original has (which I don't know if I'll get a chance to fix) But yeah, there you have it! kelthuzad.zip
  5. Hey! I don't know if this has been said before or not, but it's an unfortunate truth that some character models are severely outdated. Some harbor more interest than others, of course, but one group that I feel is lacking in this field especially are those of the undead. I know, many undead had been overhauled back in Legion(?) and other things, where we have better models for zombies, some skeletons, and abominations, as well as ghouls. Aside from that, however, other creatures, such as Liches (Both Kel'thuzad and the generic type) are seriously lacking in that regard, as well as the various skeleton mages. Outside of that, the cult of the damned necromancers, which have their own unique models separate from humans, also are lacking in any HD-ification. I am completely unsure as to how to do this, or even start, but I'd love it if this could be something to get made, and if I can learn at the same time, that's even better, I'd be happy to help work on this. Thank you for reading, and to contact me easier, go to the discord and find me at XyrrYai#9886