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Everything posted by Silcore

  1. Nathrezim are not footsoldiers. They don't walk through Stormwind's gates with the intent of spying on people or executing targets. They linger in the background, where they don't need to get their hands dirty. That's why they don't show up themselves. "The demons" is an ambiguous quote, which I believe refers to the demons that would normally be doing grunt work (i.e: felguards). This is because Nathrezim, again, are not the ones who infiltrate in this manner. It isn't self-explanatory if the entire argument is open to interpretation.
  2. Welcome to the community sirstephen. Happy to have you.
  3. The full context is important. Lilian Voss mentions that the dreadlords found a way to craft the undead operatives (Homonculi), but she is vague when stating "the demons knew the Illidari would find them". It's very likely the Illidari could peel back the guise of a low-tier demon like a felguard, succubus, imp, and so on. However, given the deceptive and supremely powerful nature of Nathrezim, it seems unlikely that they could peel away their guise. The plural "demons" could mean multiple things. It could mean "all demons" or "multiple demons of the same type" or "several types of demons". All in all, I can understand your point, but I don't think the evidence is concrete enough to suggest that Nathrezim can definitively be revealed by spectral sight. At this point its a matter of arguing semantics and grammar, and what things like "demons" really mean, which is why I say this comes down to headcanon and what feels most appropriate in an RP environment.
  4. I understand. I mean to say, although the wiki page is up to interpretation, it doesn't explicitly say that Nathrezim use Homunculi to act in their stead. If it had, it would suggest spectral sight could see through the guise of a Nathrezim. However, since it doesn't, it's much more likely they use Homunculi to act in the stead of felguards, which are the most likely to be on the front lines infiltrating mortal cities. This is only furthered by the fact that Nathrezim don't ever dabble in small infiltration missions, and so it would be unreasonable to say they use Homunculi to circumvent their presumed weakness to spectral sight. They tend to wait years or decades to slowly unfurl large-scale plans, like the one with the Scarlets, for example, which allows them to remain almost entirely hidden from prying eyes.
  5. The source states that Homonculi are used to circumvent spectral sight, yes, but it doesn't say that Nathrezim are susceptible to spectral sight. Rather, Nathrezim send Homonculi for infiltration, which makes sense since lower-tier demons that normally do grunt work would be revealed by every passing demon hunter. Recall that Nathrezim don't typically dabble in small infiltrations, and tend to stick around in the background for large-scale campaigns. Thus, the source doesn't necessarily state Nathrezim use Homonculi to act in their stead. It's very likely the Homonculi are used to act in place of their easily revealable lackeys.
  6. I'm rather in-between on this issue, albeit leaning towards the Nathrezim side of things, although I think there is a solid argument for both sides. The one side being that spectral sight clearly allows you to reveal Nathrezim through in-game mechanics, and the other being that in-game mechanics are notoriously not representative of lore. As far as I can tell, the issue comes down to headcanon, and personally I would prefer Nathrezim being unable to be seen by spectral sight. Firstly, because Nathrezim are meant to be infiltrators and masters of deceit, and having every Demon Hunter easily see through their guise defeats their purpose entirely. Secondly, there are a few individuals (I'm sure) who roleplay as Nathrezim here on Epsilon, and it makes for unintuitive and bland roleplay for a Demon Hunter character to skim the Nathrezim's TRP profile, realize they are a Nathrezim, and then call them out for it IC. It's much more engaging for an individual to perhaps detect some level of fel presence, or maybe a bit of taint, and have to investigate further to uncover the full truth of the Nathrezim's guise.
  7. Silcore


    Yeah. Lots and lots of years spent behind a computer screen. But I've had lots of fun, so I guess it can't be a total waste.
  8. Hey, The forum's favicon is much more gorgeous than that of the main site, because the main site seems to be using the default FusionCMS favicon. Would be nice if you could throw the forum favicon over there too. For consistency, and stylishness! Thanks.
  9. Silcore


    Hello, I'm Silcore. o/ I hail from EchelonedWoW, Divinity-X, Legacy, and so on. I've been around a lot, and while I spend most of my time on retail lately, I wanted to stop in and check out Epsilon again. A friend of mine gave me a poke about the server restarting so I decided to swing by. I'll see about copying my retail client and getting online sooner or later. Good to see all the familiar faces again.
  10. Hey, It looks like Epsilon only has one realm (using patch 7.2.5), but the registration asks the user to select an expansion from a list of "None", "TBC", "WotLK", and "Cataclysm." Probably a remnant of the default FusionCMS theme, so I just wanted to give you the heads up. Thanks.