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Everything posted by Silcore

  1. This looks pretty great! I would recommend simplifying the font, as it pops a bit much in my opinion. Maybe reducing the font size and using boldness selectively would be a good start. I've added some general editing recommendations below: A great start! I'm looking forward to seeing how this evolves over time.
  2. We're fluctuating between 0 and 1 peers at the moment, and a solid 0 seeders. Expect stalled downloads until we've established a good network of uploaders. UPDATE: We have seeders now. Yay. Thanks to everyone who is contributing by seeding.
  3. The Blizzard CDN is currently down, meaning a number of users will be experiencing errors when attempting to download data through the client. If your WoW folder isn't completely downloaded, you may experience crashes in zones with content you have yet to load. If you are in the process of downloading the EpsilonStarter client (our tiny client), you should have a stagnant process for ~30 minutes before receiving a CDN error. To circumvent this, @Deramyr has created a torrent of the full Epsilon client that can be downloaded here. (Please check the updates below for the new torrent information). If you don't currently have a torrent client, Deluge is a good free option without advertising. Keep in mind that the folder is 60GB in size, so make sure that you have the available disk space for the download. If you already have a full Epsilon client and would like to assist in seeding this torrent, you can follow the instructions that @Ross provided in the Epsilon Discord: Feel free to use this thread (or the #Support channel in the Epsilon Discord) if you have any further questions about these CDN issues or making use of the Torrent. UPDATE: We have several peers working on streaming the torrent now. If you are having difficulty connecting to the existing peers, you may want to remove the existing trackers from the torrent and restart Deluge as an administrator. UPDATE: Deramyr's seed is 100% completed. If you want to directly connect to his address, visit the peers tab of your torrent client and add a new peer. The IP and host are UPDATE: After multiple reports indicated the previous torrent failed, we are using a tried-and-tested client in a new torrent. Keep in mind that this solution may not work, and we are in the process of downloading and testing on multiple devices. If you have a fast internet speed and available space, we would appreciate any attempts to download and seed the new torrent. To directly connect to the 100% complete peer the IP and host are UPDATE: The TinyClient now reliably works without any errors. You can find the download for that here: https://mega.nz/#!LcMxFCKa!vQs44wU6-EWnmdUWqvm3zIwQP-XrWzxnJomeflbm-RM F.A.Q 1. I'm encountering an SHMEM Read/Write error when booting the Epsilon executable. How do I resolve this?
  4. Silcore

    Start Zones

    But if people aren't interested in visiting the phase that is being hosted, why should we punish their lack of desire for RP? The starting zone gives them a place to congregate with other players in an OOC manner. Removing it only encourages them to play a different game between interesting phases being hosted.
  5. Silcore

    Start Zones

    Without a starting zone, new players (and new characters) will instead be greeted by a lifeless native starting zone for their race. Not seeing nearby players masks how many players are actually online, and in a server with an already sub-100 peak population, this could greatly diminish players' eagerness to remain on Epsilon. This is especially detrimental in situations where there are no phases being actively hosted. What are players left with if there isn't RP to immediately jump into? A world without interaction and no central location for them to convene at. All in all, it seems like it would hurt the server if the starting zone wasn't present. Rather than removing the zone, people should simply be encouraged to participate in the RP that is happening.
  6. Patch notes is a great idea. It would be nice to see what different things the client is streaming when updates are pushed.
  7. Hey. I think the tech behind this new client (and the ability to push patches for download to everyone) is pretty awesome, but I feel every day my client is taking more or less five minutes to open, which feels relatively clunky. Some new players have also expressed confusion as to why the client doesn't seem to respond when opened. So, I figured I'd propose something more akin to what Blizzard does with their games: choosing one day of the week to push that week's changes into the download stream, and pushing emergency hotfixes whenever necessary. This keeps the client startup smooth every day except for one day of each week, and that one day players can expect their client to start slowly as it streams new data on startup, letting them plan accordingly (like queueing up for a HotS match while the WoW client loads). Just a thought. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.
  8. You can type .char customize and it will flag your character for recustomization. This lets you change their appearance, race, and gender from the character list screen.
  9. The server occasionally restarts for fixes or other reasons. It looks like the crash five minutes ago was because Azarchius was fixing something.
  10. @ilovekitty Hey. It's super easy to remove these sorts of creatures. Stand next to the NPC and type .npc near. You should see a list pop up which has an ID next to the name of the NPC. Afterwards you want to type .npc delete #### where you fill in '####' with the ID of the creature you're interested in deleting. Make sure your syntax is correct when you're using the commands. Remember, the format is as follows: .npc near Yields a list of nearby NPCs and their respective GUID. .npc delete GUID Deletes the NPC who matches the given GUID.
  11. Silcore


    Welcome to Epsilon! Happy to have you.
  12. .tele icecrown You can find teleportation locations using the .tele list NAME command. Replace "NAME" with part of a location name to see what possible teleportation spots match your search.
  13. Awesome. Happy to hear it worked. I'll see if I can convince my friend to give it another go. Hopefully it works for her as well.
  14. Sorry for the late response. Here's an album of the client, with all data contents shown: https://imgur.com/a/84Hvk
  15. My friend was encountering this issue as well on her Mac (she is on 10.10.10). Surprisingly, after having installed the Mac client on my Mac (10.12.6) and making sure it ran perfectly before zipping it up and giving it to her, she still received the same CAS error. I have no insight into how this bug can be fixed, but I hope @Azarchius can shed some light on the issue, as I'd love to get my friend online as well.
  16. Silcore


    Name sounds familiar. Welcome to Epsilon, friendo.
  17. This method worked for me: Download the EpsilonWoW_Mac.zip Unzip Put the .app into the Applications folder. Put the .app into a folder called "Epsilon" inside of the applications folder. Open the .app You will encounter an issue asking you to delete the file. This is because the file is from an unidentified developer. See the instructions in the OP for which terminal command you need to use to fix this. Once the .app opens, wait 5 minutes for it to install the core files to start the game. It will appear frozen, but it isn't. Just wait. Once the game loads to the start screen, exit the game. Now grab the necessary tc_bundle.txt file and put it into the Epsilon folder you created. Also go into your WTF/config.wtf file (open with Notepad) and change the line SET portal "enUS" to SET portal "play.epsilonwow.net". Open the game again, log in with your account information (ACCOUNTNAME@epsilonwow.net). That should do it. There are simpler methods, as Azarchius touched on above, but this is the one I did.
  18. Silcore


    Might be a technical issue. We did just have two back-to-back disconnects but your post was 18 minutes ago, and the server was stable at that point.
  19. Ah. That clears things up. Got'cha. This method didn't work for my MacBook Air on Sierra. Unlocking the padlock only reveals two options: "App Store" and "App Store and identified developers". It seems Apple removed the ability to choose "Anywhere" with the Sierra update. Only way to access it is with the terminal command I listed.
  20. Oh. Hah. Well, it worked fine standing alone. I figured that's what I was supposed to do. Opening the Mac app just downloaded all the contents of the WoW folder that weren't there. I guess it ended up being an easier process than downloading the tinyclient and then putting the Mac app inside of it. The instructions are clear for the most part, yeah. If anything, change this part to mention the Mac .app so it catches the attention of Mac users. Although, like I said, it works fine without having a tiny client.
  21. Since the Mac client is brand new (and I wouldn't mind playing Epsilon while I'm away from my desktop), I went through the process of grabbing it for my MacBook Air. Here are some of the difficulties I've encountered in the process of downloading: The hyperlink for the Mac client on the Connection Guide is currently pointing to the Windows 32-bit client. This can be circumvented by just using the plain text URL and putting it into your browser. The .app file will more than likely be blocked by your Mac (since Epsilon isn't an identified Mac developer). The ability to download apps from unidentified developers is disabled by default, but that can be circumvented using this guide. In short, type the following command into your Mac Terminal: sudo spctl --master-disable If you intend to put the Epsilon.app into your Applications folder, make sure to wrap the client in an "Epsilon" folder. Otherwise, the client will pump out the necessary Data, WTF, Cache, Logs, and WoW.mfil files directly into your Applications folder. Although the Mac client works similarly to the tiny client, you still have to modify your config.wtf by changing SET portal "enUS" to SET portal "play.epsilonwow.net". Similarly, you have to put the provided tc_bundle.txt into your Epsilon folder. Aside from those relatively small hiccups, it's running smoothly on my MacBook Air for now. If I encounter any crashes I'll update this post. UPDATE: The game works great! Although, I would absolutely not recommend running it on a Macbook Air. Practically burning my fingertips because it's running so hot.
  22. Silcore


    Welcome to Epsilon. Happy to have you. Not sure if I know you, but I'll get to know you eventually!
  23. Well, not necessarily that cut and dry, although variances in size of such a large degree are unlikely.