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  1. Hello Epsilon, recently I've been busy with an exploration movie going over some of the more interesting prototypes in WoW from 0.x to 10.0. A sizeable chunk of that had to be shot on Epsilon so with the help of a few friends I decided to convert the cut 8.0.1 island expeditions and other early maps to 8.3.0, here's a link to the full folder. Most are rough early iterations but a few are highly detailed and would likely be interesting not just for exploration but for RP too. Note: these are not custom Noggit maps, these are simply ports from 8.0.1. For a way to convert from Wrath someone with technical and C# knowledge would need to update/fix this tool. Otherwise the tools I used are uploaded and documented here: ADT converter, WDT converter. Also for some reason sometimes Epsilon patcher doesn't always load custom map files on first log-in. Abandoned Mines An unreleased island expedition set in a mining town. Link: https://mega.nz/file/NcNFBJhR#wAPNcQZLDq-26X1y_PsuFlsooNEaJSM2CKL7gM7B8X4 .worldport 1916 1 2 2127 Katalina Island Another island prototype with some cool tech and easter eggs present. Link: https://mega.nz/file/pFsFAB4L#tsESCqTZ7PmliE7WJ5BUeev14farXmi9F0lFMBqGphU .worldport 6193 -2372 2 1889 Swamp Island Prototype Prototype island expedition set in a swamp. Link: https://mega.nz/file/tMETCC4S#8wrOo_3azepjmyjsQjPRqri1ereVOad6xa9j-AWXdKc .worldport 2731 1041 0 1887 Jaina Arena In Battle of Dazar'alor the arena is a server-side game object, there was a prototype with it being terrain-based. Due to technical reasons it's not on the actual raid mapid but is bundled with the swamp island. Link: https://mega.nz/file/tMETCC4S#8wrOo_3azepjmyjsQjPRqri1ereVOad6xa9j-AWXdKc .worldport -8299 3018 3 1887 Islands420 Wonderland The first island on this mapid, a copy of bone town from Draenor with environment resembling a snowstorm. Link: https://mega.nz/file/sd8B2SjI#VuUHXWHq-aR0NhZK46E-L0E5vTqZW0IHaUNOjPk_uOE .worldport 2065 -2446 31 1896 Islands420 Mushroom Island The second island is a modified copy of timeless isle overgrown by mushrooms. Link: https://mega.nz/file/sd8B2SjI#VuUHXWHq-aR0NhZK46E-L0E5vTqZW0IHaUNOjPk_uOE .worldport 1669 2493 5 1896 White Mesa Islands A series of small islands with a mix of legion and bfa assets. Link: https://mega.nz/file/MYlz1SKD#RfBiQnf86watMdWM-tS4tf1IynSWgirKot54vqLBmWc .worldport 1726 2427 58 1885 Nazjatar Level Design Kit A version of Nazjatar shipped by mistake with a level design kit. Link: https://mega.nz/file/lMVQRYrA#3ny1CbIsGtTi8LNLHSdVMEXcTOtpyY2lX_AZth-fR1I .worldport 1674 2206 100 1718 Nazjatar Unknown An unknown early version of Nazjatar unreferenced in the files. Goes bundled with the previous patch. Link: https://mega.nz/file/lMVQRYrA#3ny1CbIsGtTi8LNLHSdVMEXcTOtpyY2lX_AZth-fR1I .worldport 762 -6806 -202 1718 Sinkhole Island Another cut island expedition, though more rough and early than the ones above. Link: https://mega.nz/file/dAkiGLIT#r3p_rMnv8nA5yIzjwjvsQjzlaD78rtyO4-RML-c0XUY .worldport 14432 14351 88 1881 BFA Level Design Map A devmap showcasing Blizzard's level design process, techniques and resources. Link: https://mega.nz/file/5J8HjK6D#mAttbzru_uvlyRtxha4mkrOLEAwC1w5chl-cN38td5Q .worldport 14397 14589 31 2168 Mechagnome Island Another island expedition, very rough. Link: https://mega.nz/file/BZUgEaSB#YGZvFutbEwBHWnzpi9KPl08J_wb4gK94KxCtx04h9WI .worldport 915 1297 39 1809 AI Test Map A copy of old Arathi Basin modified to resemble an island expedition layout. Link: https://mega.nz/file/kBVBCSjK#X8ej7eNZXPdI6hAP2C-2eemqVPHLzExjFyd-jIT0yr0 .worldport -16009 -15960 -27 1685 Snake Cave A series of prototypes for Temple of Sethralis. Link: https://mega.nz/file/MEFUnC7a#smXVXipeh7VaYfn3THecR5DjVxIC6AainulVfqz_xGA .worldport 2717 2784 -105 1690 Nzoth A really old version of Nazjatar with Nzoth present in the second part of the zone. Link: https://mega.nz/file/cVtw1TgK#r1yVsdNLafBRVZ7dHio84jikyEpC1lXrVhg7T-CWt-k .worldport 473 -283 -94 2117 Assassins Scenario Drustvar An early version of Drustvar from pre-alpha. Link: https://mega.nz/file/ZVkGTAjA#ipUXZoEuTSvcLNdRY4F97zcS_c2jARqaZDAZta6BwJ4 .worldport 1476 3133 324 1890 Islands Cursed A really messy prototype island expedition. Link: https://mega.nz/file/IJ8AnbLQ#ZAiMrk57nLKivzjbrwirrpDLpiE3COKI6OOBKhfbCBg .worldport 1514 891 251 1891 Underrot An early version of underrot. Link: https://mega.nz/file/5M1D2ZCA#FlGhFP43fNxMBf-FPdG2DCmaL-VhytvO5d1YJeMjQXM .worldport 563 1415 100 1841 KulTiras 8.0.1 version of KulTiras, no time-accurate WMOs, there is a model kit present though. Link: https://mega.nz/file/RMFn3CKZ#1KGqWLus2WTSn8QVPUb0pAdlf8bXn-fjgrvy39gjZeI .worldport 2605 -5428 7 1643 Zandalar 8.0.1 version of Zandalar, no time-accurate WMOs. Link: https://mega.nz/file/Rd1ElJyR#RdxqPdwXDEDdPLxcWvaGkoXNzkbkN89d7LUgdVYDdLE .worldport -2770 2375 4 1642 GM Island It is ported to the new alpha format that will work with non-classic Kalimdor. Link: https://mega.nz/file/5IVmBCqB#QjbKGEjjctO0oSbuWKxzIXn-IT9Q1mCMR2EepVILEc8 .worldport 16222 16264 14 1 Enjoy! Have fun exploring, if you have any questions regarding how it was done or if I've screwed anything up feel free to reach out on Discord implave#7038.
  2. Often trying to build over empty landscapes I come across the issue that tall-grass constantly clips into objects I place down. I recently found out the eps_terrain_cut.wmo removes a square of the ground but also the grass detail-doodads on top of it. I'm wondering if it's possible to have a doodad_cut.wmo that only removes the grass alone, without punching a hole in the terrain