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Posts posted by Rogan

  1. I think you should flesh out this concept more before presenting it wholesale. Lovecraftian by definition is an incredibly difficult setting to portray and write about (you can't really just spam "OOOOOOOO HEADACHES PURPLE GLOW!!!!!!") without having an actual standard base to set up. The reason why his work, well, works so well is that it has a base and foundation as to what it can and cannot do - you  really need a grounded setting to actually portray helplessness, because otherwise what happens is you're just playing a soap drama. What is the hook, the power, the plantation, so to speak that we as a playerbase would need to push off from to combat the sensation of nothingness?

  2. I'm a strong supporter of Forum based roleplay, having been groomed there, and done it a lot, especially nation RP.  It's super easy to get in and out of and I can really show my stuff if permitted there.

  3. On 11/7/2018 at 6:56 AM, VernDagon said:

    Signs? You can make signs?

    Correction; you can create a creature that either uses a static object displayid, or something that only displays text to MAKE it into a sign.

  4. Have you considered just using the GM tag instead?

    Otherwise, great to see a return of this, been advocating for Dev blogs, big or small, for a very long time. The dev-update bar on Discord isn't the same as it was in terms of promoting 'hey, we're out there', responses. MY primary concern is that Alleria set looks awfully similar to the set Alexa made, which exists as an RPH patch, iirc. Is this an accidental correlation or are we seeing one of the first big additions of player-created content on Epsilon? Asking because no one is actually credited for the content.

  5. On 9/6/2018 at 2:45 PM, Vojtik said:

    Or just keep it off most of the times.

    IRL you also keep your doors closed and only open when you want ppl to enter.

    It resets everytime you log in/out, Tyler's only asking just to add a notificaion.

  6. Blackrock I; Completed 8/9/18

    Argus is gone, destroyed seemingly in the wake of Sargeras' final mad act, however the echoes of the Legion's dark master still ripple. Doomsayers roam the streets of capitals proclaiming the return of the Black Empire, a historical period heavily tied to a primordial Azeroth ruled by the Old Gods. Naturally, more level heads have organized an expedition into what is believed to be a hotbed of such extremists; Blackrock Mountain. Lead by Juron Kazzarian of Moira's Dark Iron Clan, the mostly Dwarven expedition had gone missing days ago, and now the various adventurer guilds and anti-occult orders have called those willing to meet a contact in the shadow of the mountain.

    A trio of adventurers, one unbound by banners, and two of the Horde and Alliance borne entered the mountain, sent on their way by Prospector Drukhar, this was after a brief conflict with a seemingly deranged human calling himself 'Woo Ping.' This was resolved quickly however and the band continued on, reaching the mountain with due haste, where they entered and found it to be mostly abandoned. The ghostly visage of resident dwarves was little more than a shadow. They reached the tomb of Forgewright, suspended by chains in the Molten Span, only to find orcs and undead holed up inside it. The enemies are quickly dispatched, as two sorcerers carrying matching journals are brought down. One journal held by Seona and the other by one simply known as 'the Windbeaten'. Maleves moved off temporarily, to allow for the mage and the warrior to continue down, until they reached the quarry which helped build the ancient halls of Shadowforge. This quarry was totally consumed by smoke as large misshapen blocks now stood, obstructing paths - a maze, no doubt, created hastily by the other two magi which had been seen depositing a crystal into the lava below.

    Those attempting to read on further find the entry missing.. incomplete.


    • The Windbeaten
    • Seona
    • Maleves


    1. Two of the Fathers' Journals recovered.
    2. Four confirmed disciples of the Father.
    3. An entity claiming itself to be a successor to Archbishop Benedictus' position in the Twilight's Hammer is the leader of the cult. This is worrying.
    4. Kazzarian's fate discovered.

    Event gallery:  https://imgur.com/a/Lb8VFHt

    Blackrock II; scheduled for 15/9


  7. neutral towns, personally


    personally i want stories, a good build is a good build but there aint any STORYTELLING DONE*, which really bums me out because i can feel the tide of creativity seeking to burn out


    *phases that arent private that cater to long, mostly story-driven events are borderline non-existent, similar to what vis or myself made at some point or another
