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trixiewish last won the day on December 31 2017

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About trixiewish

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  • Birthday 04/20/2001

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  1. Wholesome post. Being part of the RPH ban refugee crisis really had me plant my passion onto Epsilon, building phases, making new friends etc. It's a shame I feel as if start gets quieter every day.
  2. trixiewish

    Kul Tiras coat

    How is this not getting the attention of the devteam.. or anyone? AMAZING.
  3. приємно! гарна робота!
  4. Artful Dodging Recolours To fit those who like to rob banks with style. I submitted around 25 recolours to the submission forums but who knows how long that's going to take, so here are the 5 nicest recolours I've made for these masks. Perfect for you lot of criminals or careful vigilantes. I know someone else has done this but I just did it for all 5 7 masks and actually used colours that are nicer than the original; these colours are as follows: Red Brown/Black (trust me it looks black most the time) Blue Purple Green Minion White The colours are very varied depending on the lighting, so be woke. EDIT: YES THEY WORK FOR ALL RACES, ITS JUST A RETEXURE!!!! To install, simply DOWNLOAD and place the items folder into your main root directory. You will need the patched wow.exe for the changes to apply!- Message me for any questions! AQ: YES, THEY WILL REPLACE THE CRAPPY MASKS YES, THEY WORK FOR ALL RACES YES, THEY LOOK DIFFERENT IN GAME, IT'S THE LIGHTING YES, I WILL TAKE SUGGESTIONS glaeweth2.5.rar Search for these items to get these recolours: helm_leather_raidmonk_p_01_alliance helm_leather_raidmonk_p_01_black helm_leather_raidmonk_p_01_horde helm_leather_raidmonk_p_01_teal helm_leather_raidmonk_p_01 helm_leather_raidmonkmythic_p_01_elite helm_leather_raidmonkmythic_p_01
  5. Hey, just want to say that this problem is easily remedied by one simple solution. You can fix this issue my having your .gob copy to be set to 3.99. there will be some minor z-fighting though it is very negligible. My phase now looks spic and span without those pesky lines.
  6. The 'Black Line' Tile Problem. by tais So whilst I was busy and away building a phase all fine and all, spending hours on constructing, a server restart had happened. This'd be completely fine if I didn't come back to find black lines between most (but not all) of my tiles. At first, I was confused though I wanted to fix it since it was so aesthetically displeasing. Anyway.. to the report... The image above is my aforementioned problem. Small black lines between tiles that are all too visible. Though, after some time testing (and waiting for server restarts) I've found the cause and decided to make this report. The problem stems in the server rounding the positions of the tiles, and due to the nature of characters placing objects in random spots that would most likely be a number that the server will round up/down to. My first thought was to simply use the .worldport command to round the tiles myself though once I had '.go copy for 4' the second object would be a strange float number. Thinking of how the world behaves on its xyz, I came to conclude that it all comes down to the orientation of the tiles you put down. This is most noticeable in Light's Harbour where Kitty placed every one of the tiles at the 0.00000 orientation which will not round whatsoever and look flawless after a restart. The image below shows how the xyz is changed by copying the tile by 4. The underlined red is why angled tiles do not work. Now, you might just say: 'Hey! Why don't just just always orientate the tiles to the north facing direction all the time?' but that'd be completely impractical since that limits the designs and creativity you can put into your builds. There are so many applications that these tiles have; all in which involve angled and precise measurements. I'm not sure how/if this could be fixed, though I could only suggest that the degree in which the server rounds up is greatly increased for this not to happen. Just a note to mention, this problem doesn't seem to exist in other similar servers, at least not at this degree of problem. Thanks,