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the worst highborne

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Everything posted by the worst highborne

  1. So in these objects with the tag "7xp_level1loot" have these cute little items in them. Is there anyway to sort of just cut out these items and turn them into separate objects?
  2. Good old Skarzo has already done such. https://forums.epsilonwow.net/topic/246-metals-ores-and-alloys/
  3. If I can ever find anything about the Legion herbs, yeah, I'd be glad to add them!
  4. can I just say those gems were a bitch to put in
  5. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x312_OapZxAxQ2lgAfv64G73Q4VKC8FjRtJgm-wUn0c/edit?usp=sharing Now, this is a 54 page document of madly scrambled notes drawn from like four different websites years ago, so I've lost the links. But hey, I personally use the shit out of this, and maybe someone else will find some use out of it. Edit: A good portion of this is headcannon, so don't take it like it's the law or some shit. If you find any cannon sources that contradict what is here, I implore you to message me about it asap. If you find anything on recent herbs, or just anything in general you think could be added, feel free to aggressively pm me on the forums or in-game.
  6. I love the simplicity of that set. i'd rate it a solid 8/10 https://gyazo.com/255ddac0185688cdfc410f9cce4daa8c This is my dwarven runecaster. https://gyazo.com/85e23da8111ac784b2d9eed22fc00a53 My super edgy demon hunter who is always angry all the time. https://gyazo.com/fc69176ab37c64bcd235d441d822de02 Idk what i'm going to be doing with this character, but this red and gold set is my a e s t h e t I c
  7. I cannot be the best highborne if there already is one. I will settle for mediocre highborne.
  8. Hello! I usually don't bother with introductions on forums but uh... you seem like an alright bunch. I'm the absolute worst highborne. The w o r s t. I spend more time building than I actually do rping. but uh yeah hi.