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Posts posted by Romeo

  1. Kicking me in the ass with badass art right from the beginning I thought I was ready for your text, but when you open up with clever uses of synonyms and good synergy with words I just can't say anything other than that it is awesome. The fact that you did the whole hourglass frame and went all in like that is a brave thing to do, but you're an elf, so clearly you're going to be fucking hot. Great job all in all, the serious tone to a sin'dorei character is important and I think you nailed it even with this text you got.

  2. Granted. In a perfect affected world everyone become boring robots while you, the only guy not affected, has the only personality in the world. Considered weird and an asshole yourself, the world turns their back on their savior.


    I wish people would stop typing like they're roleplaying when they're not.

  3. 54 minutes ago, Gigglebox said:

    I actually figured it out yesterday when playing around with the forums. Place your mouse over the image and CTRL+Right-Click and choose the option Edit Image. The numbers in the middle are the dimensions and reduced similarly to photo editing programs (if you ever used one).

    :O! Thank you!

    Also great job on this character. One of the few demon hunter characters that struck me surprised with how you brilliantly you execute it.

  4. 1 minute ago, byzantine said:

    Fixed, cheers o/

    A fun fact actually was that when I created my undead lightslayer, I was afraid that this female thing would be a problem. But rebellious as I was I didn' give a flying shit, and wanted to taunt my server with a male lightslayer with a fitting name, and so Romeo was born lol

  5. Great job! But one thing I'd like to point out is that lightslayers are not only female. Not only would it be strange for the cult to give a flying shit about your gender, because the undead don't, but also there isn't any material stating this. In wowpedia and other sources the lightslayer is always mentioned as her and she, which might be a suggestion that there are more females than males, but there is also


    who is a male lightslayer in the game. Otherwise, fantastic job as always!

  6. Granted. But all your games you'll ever play again you must play on easiest difficulty because you suddenly lost your skills. Also, you always get camped and spawnkilled on multiplayer games. Pwned lol


    I wish I was rich af without consequenses. AHAHAAAAAAAAAAA

  7. Awesome job once again! These little guides or whatever you wanna call them are marvelous because they aren't massive in size, it's perfectly organized and just all in all has everything I'd need when it comes to this topic. Thanks again! *holybubbles*

  8. Well, our gang was a pack of murdering thieves, spearheaded by my thief manipulator character. The guy I disagreed with played a priest good guy, who would never do anything I would want to do. So it clashed from the beginning when he decided to play a retarded character. That Guy maybe, but I just did what my character would do instead of what's "best for the group", if you treat it like a game it'll be a boring game
