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Posts posted by Romeo

  1. Jesus christ this is amazing. I've never gotten into worgen characters because I think they're usually always the same (patriots who hate undead and have tophats while in human form but erp in worgen form) -- but this is quite fascinating. Absolutely love the design of the biography and especially the picture. How is that possible? Editing? It's awesome anyhow. <3

  2. Awesome. One of the most loyal roleplayers I know have always come back to this one piece of gem and it's definitively a god damned gem. Shame that you got a lot of bandwagon hate for no reason back in the day. Your roleplaying skills and your character creation is exactly what people need to see to get their own creativity spinning. Great, great job. <3

  3. Never had any issues with the guild in the past or anything, it was just a classical bandwagon hate situation which kept happening on RPH. For me Deathwatch was always a try to bring some undead roleplay into the game, which to me is extremely valueable! So thanks for that effort and I'll be joining on my lightslayer. <3

  4. A cool fascinating concept! Hope it goes well for you Landor. The only real thing I can talk about is how you have fixed and prepared your forum post. Some things (like the big front texts) do not quite belong with the rest of the text in terms of size or colour. But that's just being a nitpicking asshole about foruming, just saying doe! Good luck. <3

  5. She stank of alchemy and magic at all times. Her skin, once pure and glittering, had over the course of a thousand or more years reduced itself to a sickly, barely glowing green. Her eyes were sunken and milky, radiating at all times in a hue of green-white flame that one could see beneath the shadow of her brown hat. Her clothes were that of a vagabond – torn, shredded, stitched together several times here and there. Colours of brown, dark green and black wove together with a freaky hat the stereotypical appearance of a witch.  


    - Glaeweth

  6. hello friends hope you all have a great time here and i hope im gonna rp mad with you guys later <3, main is currently a kaldorei witch called glaeweth doomsong. probably gonna only play her.


    nice to meet u
