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Posts posted by Romeo

  1. 28 minutes ago, Destruin said:

    'extinct first gens' while lets keep in mind they are by far the minority by a wide margin theyre not extinct. After the statement of most first gens are gone, MOST we see not one, but TWO fully intact first gens in the burning crusade. Teron Gorefiend obviously, and then Lord Ragnok in the Dragons of Outland comic; we also then see many more as spirits.... and by their capability as long as they have a willing ally they can easily return.

    But I'd still like to re instate they are damn near extinct, but not extinct i dont want to be quoted for this by five dozen memelocks.

    I think (not speaking for anyone) he means that they are very few in number to a point where allowing a player, who isn't going to be Teron Gorefiend anyhow, wouldn't make any sense given their rarity, but I think your point still stands Destruin, there - are - more than the number extinct, but I think Arvick just wanted to point out that it's a bad idea to RP one

  2. Granted, everyone you thought were your best friends stop talking to you when they no longer could get that alive phuzz, leaving you severely depressed and eventually end up taking a knife and carving red peanutbutter on ur sandwich. haha fooled ur ass.

    I wish there wasn't flies in my room.

  3. Granted, but they turn it into a terrible erotic roleplay session everytime you try to have fun and you end up hating the person to a point where they drive you out from roleplay in general. You start working at walmart and forget about every friend you've ever had online and soon you won't even remember what a warlock is.


    I wish I could figure out a way to roleplay warlocks without using the word fel in every sentence.

  4. This is an amazing read, and honestly I wasn't even expecting you to be this detailed and this precise to what I've considered be the right way to roleplay death knights. You hit everything spot on, from the annoying generation commentary to the death knights fucking eachother to the most important part - where the death knight should be situated and when. Really good guide and I'll be reading this myself if I ever pick up a fierce abomination like a death knight. Seriously impressed, not even sugarcoating. Finally someone who fucking understands this god damned race and class.

  5. Granted. Half of all roleplay private servers population dissapears and no server can fund themselves without their support. Traius dooms warcraft roleplay forever.


    I wish I was a 9 meter tall woodland elf that doesnt understand human ways

  6. (I don't give a shit since no one else is posting I will)

    Granted. Now everyone wears the darion mograine helmet and incorrectly displays what it means to roleplay a death knight. The scariness and fun in roleplaying death knights dissapears.

    I wish I could drink endless amounts of coffee and summon it at will by snapping my fingers.

  7. 0F5gWiD.png


    A cruel and nefarious fiend remained in the shadows of Azshara for a long time – plotting and tricking in the dark of things where a fiend best belongs. But what made this fiend so peculiar was not that he was a fiend! No – for he was. What made him distinct from the others was not a choice of his own; but that of a child. Ah, the innocence of children. So bare and naked in the world before them. So... Pure. But for a fiend it mattered little. His intentions were not entirely as sweet. For a fiend his days and nights covering in the dimness of ruin was now over; no longer shall he fear Malfurion and his elite. No longer shall he scene his brothers of carnage fall before him as he nimbly dances from one massacre to another hopeless to act. No. The fiend demanded vengeance. Vengeance through delusion.

    Demon and fiend as he was, his dark zeal was that of deception and trickery. Utilizing these two alone, this particular fiend outsmarted the elves of old and thus outwore the resistance – hiding in the now desolate remains without sinew to act, the fiend; like Sargeras to the well, drew instead to a new power he eagerly sought to thieve. He needed a vessel; someone who could see what he sees, feel what he feels... But not quite look like he looked. Killed on sight as the fiend he was, his only chance to sew his vengeance was through stretching his back and withdrawing from his haven. However, he couldn't without a new face – thus; She grew victim to his atrocity.

    Who was she then? Ah. As one might expect this is the tale of a child – and she was indeed a princess. Argent, thick hair with full, stunning eyes; all en-rapt in a slight petite body. Lustrous as her view was also the magical talisman hanging from her neck, sporting the same colour as her eyes – an icy, pale blue. But except this crown-jewel of a gem, the child didn't seem like a lamb of the Highborne. Her clothing was... Ripped, torn – useless in every regard. Yet she soaked in it. That elven elegance. That royal suggestion to her very existence. Whatever she wore didn't matter. It wasn't the clothing he was after.

    Dragging him to the surface of the world again, he was immediately the sufferer of the shining and piercing flares of the sun. As a fiend you may already have guessed his spite for such needless sources of daylight. He needed nothing to excel; this fiend. He was the perfect personage for a harbinger under the dark titan's reign. Wolfish and devilish in most regards, the possession of a child would indeed be child's play. To his astonishment however; the child needed no swindling. As soon as the fiend began to unravel before her, this princess of a child; this sweet little naked thing in the dark, seemed almost eager and wild for the eminence of change.


    “Who goes there?!” squabbled the little princess.


    “Shadow and fear..” gloated the fiend.


    “Black, then!” simpered the little one before she quickly mustered the strength for retaliation.


    “A-and you?” she quietly replied afterwards.


    The dead air broke with the fiend speaking again – it was if he was stunned; or as if each pawn advancing took time and this caused the silence. Unlike what was asked for, however, the fiend refused the question and the princess dubbed him lastingly – Black. Instead, the fiend-- or, Black as he was now suitably aliased, echoed her question again with a grin.


    “And who goes there?”


    “Stroller and mist!” meeped the elf.


    “Cloudwalker, then...” sneered fiend Black.


    And so it went on. What was first assumed to be wolf preying on sheep came to wrap itself into hour upon hour of poetry and rimes sprung to heart by the young Nefeli. She had nothing – no one. Everything and everyone she had ever loved, her father, her mother, her capital and her friends had all been mangled to dust and history one way or another. She was a hole – a hole waiting to be filled with something. Purpose! She didn't care about anything else. When Black realized this untapped potential he instead bound her under him and took her as his neophyte, forcefully or not – Nefeli flourished quickly with her new-found powers and in return she exchanged herself for more. The sweet innocence once found within this princess was no more.


    As years went by, the elven population slowly started to return to their homeland fearless of any demons still lingering, and with them came the battle-hardened veterans and the Malfurion elite. It became increasingly more difficult for Nefeli to shoulder the burden of being possessed by a demon, and in monumental, far-reaching attempts to be taught even more dark magic simultaneously, Nefeli undertook a path of wrong and malignant ambitions, and her body and soul suffered for it. First came the pale complexity – then the lack of weight and the sundering of emotions. While this was nothing of what it would later become; her ghastly frame was shaping.
    Spell by spell, day by day, month by month – year by year.


  8. First time I saw bearpants I shat my pants cause of the charisma. Really look up to this person and I'm extremely glad bearpants is on this server and joining us, honestly. Fuck yeah this community is legendary.

  9. Fascinating. It isn't unusual to see this type of character but highborne instead, which is very weird considering the posh, snobby nature of the first of the elves was destroyed a long time ago. With this character however, as a nightborne whose lived in a bubble for a majority of her time, everything makes sense! Gonna stalk this a little, see where you update and read that then. Good luck with your writing. <3

  10. Does anyone ever make a bad god damned design anymore? I can't compete if you're all amazing at foruming.

    Seriously thought this is a wonderful, simple concept that can be fleshed out and maximized awesomely given the right creative tools, which I no doubt think you have. Seems like a really well thought character and hope this becomes your main. If not just go kaldorei. Always go kaldorei.
