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Posts posted by Gardener

  1. You can do .lookup area QUERY
    e.g. lookup area Neltharion's Lair.

    Once you have the area ID you can do .zoneport 10,10 AREAID

    Then you just gotta fly around and figure out where the starting position is.

    Just this once, I've found it for you.

    .world 2935.22 1156.33 102.234 1458 1.33 

  2. Do they all work on Epsilon? I'll go through the list and format them into something Deramyr can pop directly in. You can do it if you really want, but I don't mind either way.


    Deramyr's format is:


    ("Teleport name", MAPID, X, Y, Z, ORIENTATION),


    INSERT INTO `game_tele` (`name`, `map`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`)
    ("Legion Dungeon", 1470, 2104.445, 4624.86, 281.226, 0),
    ("Old Zul'Gurub", 309, -11916.300, -1264.79, 90.599, 4.712),
    ("Quel'Thalas Flat", 0, 3599.21, -2244.98, 131.408, 5.23),
    ("Ghostlands Flat", 530, 5375.1, -7371.72, 0.000015, 3.174),
    ("Hellfire Flat", 1448, 5429.85, -2864.35, 8.559, 0.064),
    ("Hellfire Flat2", 1448, 5025, -3124, 8.56, 4.126),
    ("Scarlet Flat", 1001, 657.948, 465, 0, 4.351),
    ("Burning Nether Flat", 1451, 5060, -1307, 60.004, 5.641),
    ("Blackwing Lair Flat", 469, -7483, -260, 170.517, 2.389),
    ("Well of Eternity Flat", 939, 2261.6, -4610.93, 33.518, 0.429),
    ("Stormstout Flat", 961, -2377, 1263, 0.001, 4.823),
    ("Shado-Pan Flat", 959, 3923.05, 1813.8, 904.334, 1.139),
    ("Alterac Valley Flat", 30, 467.594, 373.474, 139.185, 5.932),
    ("Arathi Basin Flat", 529, 306.22, 1664.33, 143.128, 1.645),
    ("Zul'Farrak Flat", 209, 761.441, 472.932, 13.126, 5.104),
    ("Stranglethorn Flat", 0, -12639.911, -2208.066, 55.342, 2.071),
    ("Zul'Aman Flat", 568, 436.884, 2333.672, 0.001, 5.516),
    ("Snowy Flat", 602, 2260, 172, -495.12, 0.212),
    ("Deadmines Flat", 36, -528.711, -393.272, 357.808, 3.386),
    ("Arathi Basin Snow Flat", 1681, 306.224, 1664.33, 143.128, 1.645),
    ("Magisters Flat", 585, -1864.593, -1802.318, -132.982, 2.821),
    ("Deepholm Flat", 646, 2980, -429, 344.68, 0);


  3. Tools

    Liftfile - For Casc explorer etc.

    Basically this includes a bunch of things like:

    Casc Explorer for browsing the game files. Use with Listfile.txt you can download from that github repository.

    Blender - to edit models.

    Blender import/export plugins.

    010editor - to hex edit if you need to.

    hex templates - so you can see what to change.

    M2mod - to convert m2 to m2i, which can then be imported into Blender, and from m2i to m2 to place in wow.


    This is a basic overview of what you need to do for your basic stuff

    1. Start with Casc explorer, find what you want and extract it.
    2. Open up m2mod and convert the m2 to m2i.
    3. Open up Blender, import m2i and make changes - do whatever you need.
    4. Export as m2i from Blender.
    5. Change to import section on m2mod, use original m2, use changed m2i and choose where you'd like your altered model m2 to be placed. Preload > Go! If it fucks up, you likely need to go back into blender and rename meshes. 

    Once you have your model, navigate to World of Warcraft directory and create the filepaths so that it is the same as what you extracted it from casc with.

    e.g. Model was found in character/draenei/male -> create that folder path in your root world of warcraft directory, and put your edited models there.



    For textures, a program like Photoshop or GIMP, convert blp to png and then open up textures there. Or just map it to model using imported png and putting it into blender that way.

    thats a crash course in it, if you need help just send me a pm on discord or on these forums. 

  4. Sorry in advance as this contains anecdotal information. 

    Most of these things happened between guilds. I can recall from Divinity a guild called Darkshire, who was basically just that - Darkshire, and another guild that was located near their premises: the Order of Mysteries. There were events that were made in which players from both of these guilds worked together to achieve an end goal. It worked pretty well for a time. If you're expecting a massive overhaul that players MUST abide by, it won't happen. Those initiatives never work. Instead, try testing the waters and if players enjoy it, great! It could blossom into something wonderful.

    At the end of the day, players will go where their friends are, and wherever the rp is at.


  5. Try deleting your cache folder located in your root Epsilon (World of Warcraft) directory. Games will crash regardless of your hardware specs. Framerate drops are likely due to someone spamming spells or your game trying to load a lot in a short span of time. Which can be detrimental to your fps. 

  6. I just started with instances, as they are missing. Now that they are done I'll be looking into doing some other places and eventually nice flat spots to build in.

    Am still missing a few, but will find more locations along the way. Thanks!

  7. Just find the teleports or worldports for them and make separate phases for them, or use a single phase. They're all on different maps, so go nuts.

  8. 27 minutes ago, DavidTwo said:

    I mean why bother even making the list? Imo you shouldn't have to go through this effort just for them to add in the teleport locations themselves, if the existance of a .tele add command came to be for players.

    I know, It's just that I have nothing better to do, and by doing this I can save players a bunch of time. 


    11 minutes ago, Erandur said:

    i would like to share some of my teleports (for Raids and Dungeon i share more than one because it's not connected with the entrace zone):

    -- Class Halls --

    Shaman Class Hall: .world 960.76 1086.7 17.1 1469 4.8

    Warlock Class Hall: .world 3096 983 257.38 1107 0

    Paladin Class Hall: .world 2369 -5353.18 52.58 0 5.51

    Death Knight Class Hall: .world -1504.5 1056.3 260.39 1220 4.13

    Demon Hunter (i'm pretty sure that map 1481 is from Pre-Dh Quests, there are like 2 or 3 maps about this but the loading screen should be different): .world 1569.29 1405.62 237.10 1519 2.69

    -- Pandaria Raids --

    Siege of Orgrimmar (Pandaria Zone): .world 1441.2 340 289.1 1136 1.58

    Siege of Orgrimmar (Orgrimmar): .world 1363.8 -4372.9 26 1136 0.11

    Throne of Thunder: .world 5891.86 6603.20 105.91 1098 4.67

    -- Warlords of Draenor Raids --

    Hellfire Citadel: .world 3970.02 -735.247 33.65 1448 1.72

    Hellfire Citadel (Grommash's Torment) .world 4041.7 2544.78 210.80 1448 4.73

    Hellfire Citadel (Mannoroth Zone): .world -2999.83 -291.82 606.23 1448 0.01

    Hellfire Citadel (Black Gate): .world 4052.05 -2134.82 51.14 1448 4.78

    Hellfire Citadel (Killrogg's Death Vision Zones):

    - Stormwind: .world 3766.33 -220.90 -3.23 1448 1.59
    - Undercity: .world 3765.18 -136.67 1.804 1448 1.499

    -- Legion Dungeons --

    Maw of Souls: .world 7186.82 7319.46 23.50 1492 6.18

    Return to Karazhan (The Entrace): .world -11090.8 -1987.5 49.75 1651 0.68

    Return to Karazhan (Guardian's Library, the "normalized" scale version, who leads to the chess and Nether zone): .world 4144.82 -2059.10 727.17 1651 4.68

    -- Legion Raids --

    Trial of Valor (Odyn Zone): .world 2488.63 538.11 749 1648 3.26

    Trial of Valor (Helya Zone): .world 467.24 705.10 17.96 1648 4.66

    Tomb of Sargeras: .world 5859 -795.8 2953 1676 0.05

    Tomb of Sargeras (Kil'jaeden's Ship):

    .world 4500.12 -1509.83 385.64 1676 4.67

    .world 4500.12 -1509.83 5385.6 1676 4.67

    Note: There are Two Kil'jaeden Ships one above the other the only difference is the Map (only one show the correct map)


    Thanks Erandur! I'll pop those in and convert them to the format Deramyr wants so these can be added in as teles. Respect!

  9. Epsilon-64_2017-07-30_00-33-22.jpg 


    See that red book? That book could become the BOOK OF MORMON WORDS.

    What I mean, is a book that players can click on to read up how to use basic commands. I know we usually tell them to just do .commands and leave them to their own devices, but an actual in depth in-game resource people can use if they're brand new and have no idea of how anything works. To make this even easier, we could gauge the community, and each write different sections to go in it, to further unify us all. Now ain't that a fancy idea?

    The proposed book could have a handful of sections:



    Introduce the server, state what stage of development it is in, and welcome $playername or $race to Epsilon. 

    Basic Commands

    Basic commands could be a category with child categories:

    • Announce - So if players get stuck on something, they can ask for assistance.
    • .toggle announce, toggle guildannounce, toggle eventannounce.
    • Modify: Modify speed, modify scale and modify are the essential commands from this category. Modify standstate is worth mentioning too, as it allows players to pose etc.
    • Cheat: cheat fly on, cheat god, cheat barber, cheat mailbox, cheat tabard - Some of these are essential for exploring, and for customization further along down the track.
    • Phase create, phase enter #, phase exit.
    • .appear PLAYER - So if they have friends on Epsilon, or are quick to make friends, they can easily join them.
    • .lookup could go here, or have it's own section as it's such a massive command that can be used in certain ways to make the most out of what you search for.
    • .add ID or shift click item link, .learn ID or shift click spell link, and .cast.


    ?The Lookup command?

    It's such a useful feature it does deserve its own section. It could be split into a few pages or sections based on their importance to new players.

    1. Lookup item
    2. Lookup spell
    3. Lookup object
    4. Lookup creature
    5. Lookup skybox
    6. Lookup tele.

    Advanced Commands

    Advanced commands could constitute commands that comprise of building, setting skyboxes and doing other cool features that have been advertised as Epsilon having as capable things to do.

    • .guild create "GUILDNAME"


    • .gobject, .gobject select, .gobject delete, .gobject go, .gobject move, .gobject scale, .gobject info.
    • .gobject pitch, .gobject roll, gobject rotate, .gobject turn, .gobject near.
    • .gobject copy, .gobject teleporter, .gobject zcopy.


    • .npc spawn, .npc delete, .npc move, npc follow, npc scale, .npc evade
    • .npc say, .npc textemote.


    Tell me what you think below, and together we can probably make something that's easy to read, easy to follow and easy to please :)



  10. Cool guide.

    I'm gonna make a death knight who died in strath and was raised by cult of the damned shitters and now he just feels a compounding glimmer of guilt that makes him want to kill himself but then again he believes that he is unworthy of ending himself because in his eyes he must redeem himself for his actions and now he just follows ebon blade on broken shore and wants to make things right again.


    hows this am i billy? 

  11. .M2 objects spawned do not have any sort of collision. .WMO's are fine. Exiting and re-entering phase did nothing, nor restarting client seemed to remedy this issue. A friend of mine entered and had the same problem of being able to run through the objects. 

    Sorry for all the bug reports.



