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Posts posted by Kitty

  1. Hello!

    Seems that there's only the short version of ".ph tele del". Some noobs, like me, sometimes write it as ".ph tele delete" instead and then get confused why it doesn't work and then make forum suggestion about the command... x)

  2. Hello!

    So currently the ".phase teleport"'s keep breaking for whatever reason. It would be great if we could just overwrite or delete phase teleports. Could be maybe a command for the Owners or even Officers! It would make sure we don't make 4 new teleports to the same location or something.


  3. Hello!

    How about books. Let us be able to write books and set them around in the phase. Could work similarly to the phase forge with the phase forge command of ".ph forge item create book" which makes the book spawn as an object that we target. Then ".ph forge book title" and ".ph forge book page 1 <text>", something along the lines! 

    Thank you!

  4. Hello!

    ".ph set music default" could set a default song to play in the phase instead of the one that usually plays on that map.

    Additionally,  ".ph music list add/remove" could perhaps que up 2-3 or even more songs in a list that then play in a loop. Simply doing ".ph music list" could show the currently listed music.

    Thank you!

  5. Hello!

     ".lo music/sound" It could work similary to ".lo skybox" but instead it gives ID's to the sounds/music so we could play them in our phases! yay!

    ".phase info" could also show us what Skybox / Music is currently default in the phase.


  6. Hello, dear Dev's, GM's, and System Admins! Since I have a lot of suggestions right now, I'll just pile them up into one post! I've tried not to overlap what has already been suggested.

    1. Phase owners could have their ALT characters also marked as "Owner" in their phases with all the same rights, so we don't need to promote our alts to officers to be able to do stuff in the phase.

    2. ".lo music/sound" It could work similary to ".lo skybox" but instead it gives ID's to the sounds/music so we could play them in our phases!

    3. The log-in music! Please let us be able to play it in our phases! I know MindScape begun to work on it already but think he dropped it for other stuff.

    4. ".phase info" could also show us what Skybox / Music is currently default in the phase.

    5. ".ph set music default" could set a default song to play in the phase instead of the one that usually plays on that map.

    5.1 ".ph music list add/remove" could perhaps que up 2-3 or even more songs in a list that then play in a loop. Simply doing ".ph music list" could show the currently listed music.

    6. Light objects! Let us light up our phases! 

    7. Books. Let us be able to write books and set them around in the phase. Could work similarly to the phase forge with the phase forge command of ".ph forge item create book" which makes the book spawn as an object that we target. Then ".ph forge book title" and ".ph forge book page 1 <text>", something along the lines! 

    That's all for now! Thank you! o>

  7. OH! Also, sometimes when some other time is set that's different from server time, only half of the new people who freshly join the phase see it. So some people see it to be day time, the others see it as night time...

  8. Hello! 

    I've come to notice hosting a phase that sometimes NPC's fall through custom built floors. Could it perhaps be possible to make it so that if someone joins the phase, the objects are to spawn instantly and the NPC's have a 5-10 second delay when they spawn. This would greatly assist against NPC's falling through floors.

    Thank you!

  9. Hello!

    Could we be able to create signs, please? Signs would help with following things: menu, street signs, random paper notes that could be read, wall signs/signs on mailboxes to clarify who's house is it, etc!

    Signs have endless good use! Some phases can even set up rules with signs!

    Thank you for reading.

  10. Hello!

    Currently there's four phase ranks in phase:
    - Guest
    - Member
    - Officer
    - Owner

    Each rank can respectively do certain things. I'd like to ask for a fifth rank though. A sort of "Dungeon Master" rank that would fit in between Member and Officer ranks. It would have all the benefits of Member rank but only the ability to make NPCs talk from the Officer rank. 

    My issue is that I'd like to give some people the ability to DM a NPC without the ability to partly delete my phase, even if it's by accident. I'd like to monitor how much people have power in my phase, I'd like to only promote handful of people to officers and right now, members cannot DM NPCs.

    Thanks for reading!

    EDIT: There's also an issue with the Officer rank that it keeps resetting all officers every time the server crashes.
