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About Azarchius

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  1. @Vladolin this is probably best asked over Discord. the answer is to use .phase cleartemp
  2. I wasn't even aware of the existence of this thread until DavidTwo posted it in the Patreon lounge a few minutes ago. I've been teetering on outright deleting the forums entirely, but we've decided against it for now. The reason is that long-form discussion such as this thread can not really be undertaken anywhere else, but on the other hand, we don't want the forums to just be an infinite list of grievances, so we're looking for a way to bridge that gap. We won't take down the forums until we're sure you're satisfied with the alternative--we might never come up with one and the forums would go nowhere. Really low priority, to be honest. Anyway, probably the single most respectful piece of critique whose criticisms hit from head to toe things that have bothered me, and the team, during the years. The NPE zone for example was intended to help cope with onboarding, we've sought to help bridge some of the things you've brought up but as you're bringing them up it's another reminder that we have clearly not done enough. 2023 was a tumultuous year. We began development on Shadowlands circa October 2022, and shut down public CDN and all updates to the 830 live realm at the beginning of 2023, resulting in the most stagnant year we've had as a community since the timespan between when we started working on 830 BFA and releasing it, similarly a year later. Unfortunately, until Shadowlands is done--and we are unspeakably close--we are completely incapable of introducing any update. So, I can't do much about that, but I can promise that things will look a lot better once SL releases. Literally every single one of your points is something we've talked about multiple times internally throughout the years, and they've been recurring, consistent issues, that we've had slow improvement on but nowhere near enough. I can't address them all, but if there was something I disagreed with, I'd have made it in this post. At this point in time we are incapable of implementing your desired feedback. If I could tick all those Vs on your critiques list tomorrow, I would. This is something that should be referenced and reminded about after SL releases and we've started cruising. P.S: The comments about 'deletion' are bizarre and rather unfunny.
  3. Implemented in the Shadowlands patch
  4. Welcome! Sorry, but better head to the Discord to say hi and ask questions. the forums are dead.
  5. Welcome! Sorry but the forums are dead. Better head off to the Discord.
  6. Welcome, you! Better head off to the Discord. The forums are dead.
  7. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'll take a look when we generate items for 927. I hopefully won't forget.
  8. No. It's some kind of overlay that interferes with the Gx Device. So Overwolf, ReShade, GShade, Discord overlay, anything that can draw images on WoW.
  9. Better head to #tech-support. But in general this usually happens becuase of ReShade/GShade/other applications that interfere / show custom stuff on the WoW interface.
  10. @Razmataz I guess it can be solved by making sure to remove the player from the transport before deletion or something.
  11. @Razmataz that's the intention, haven't yet moved us to display names, the idea is to migrate the table to be account based and not character based, hence no choice but to show display names instead of character.
  12. Changelog (Patch 830.2h - "Who knows at this point") Release date: 26-02-2022 Here you'll be able to read up on changes, big and small, made to various parts of the server. Legend • White - This was not changed. Also used for contrast. • Green - This was added. • Red - This was removed. • Yellow - This was changed. Highlights Azarchius Character-based permissions have been completely abandoned in favour of BattleNet Account permissions, as maintaining the facade of character-based perms while giving account-wide access resulted in confusion about who is an officer as well as maintaining the list on renames and so on. Permissions are now fully account based and at some point soon the list of characters granted access will become a list of display names granted access, so please be advised on this matter, and make a separate account if you truly wish to be anonymous on a character. Razmataz A variety of QoL improvements and bug fixes as a result of going through a couple of the bugs & suggestions you have provided! Also playing around with lightning storms - an effect you would have seen very occasionally in Kul Tiras BfA zones when it was raining. Content Devs Seven new packs of assets, totaling 884 new spawnable gobjects, with prefixes eps_kultirasalliance, eps_curbwood_01, eps_curbwood_02, eps_curbwood_03, eps_curbtitan, eps_curbstone_01 and eps_curbstone_02 Preamble Hi guys! A lot of updates pushed to the server without a proper changelog, but we're doing a big rollout at the end and it now constitutes the size of a beefy release, so here's everything that has gone out since November 2021. New Commands and Features .gobject Subcommands added: .gobject overlay [#guid] #red #green #blue #saturation #transparency Applies a colour mask of red, green and blue with the given saturation and transparency onto the selected or guid specified object. By colour mask, all colours on the object are washed with the specified colour. By saturation, this means how strong the effect should be. At 0 saturation, no colour is applied. At 100 saturation, every colour is replaced with the specified red, green and blue colour combination. .gobject group Subcommands added: .gobject group merge #leaderGUID Merges all objects in the selected gobject group into the group owned by the specified #leaderGUID .gobject group overlay [#guid] #red #green #blue #saturation #transparency Applies a colour mask of red, green and blue with the given saturation and transparency onto the selected or guid specified gobject group. By colour mask, all colours on the object are washed with the specified colour. By saturation, this means how strong the effect should be. At 0 saturation, no colour is applied. At 100 saturation, every colour is replaced with the specified red, green and blue colour combination. .gobject mass Subcommands added: .gobject mass groupclear %distance For all gobject group leader objects within the specified %distance, uses .gob group clear on them. .gobject mass overlay #red #green #blue #saturation #transparency %radius #entry Applies a colour mask of red, green and blue with the given saturation and transparency onto all objects within the radius and/or matching the given entry id. An entry of -1 means all objects are affected. By colour mask, all colours on the object are washed with the specified colour. By saturation, this means how strong the effect should be. At 0 saturation, no colour is applied. At 100 saturation, every colour is replaced with the specified red, green and blue colour combination. .phase set Subcommands added: .phase set lightning #lightningStormId [$area/zone] [$permanent] Applies the lightningStormID as designed by .phase shift lightning to the current zone (or area if the second argument is "area"), and saves across server restarts if permanent is specified. .phase shift Subcommands added: .phase shift lightning new Creates a new lightning storm ID for use in your phase with default parameters. Starts from id 1,000. .phase shift lightning set .phase shift lightning set boltcolour #lightningStormId [$pct/dec] %red %green %blue Controls the colour of the lightning bolt, input defaults to percentage (0 -> 100) but 'dec' can be used to use values 0 to 255. .phase shift lightning set brightness #lightningStormId %overall [%ground] [%bolt] [%cloud] Controls how bright the lightning strike properties are. %ground, %bolt and %cloud are scale factors of the %overall amount (e.g. 5 * 1.2 = 6) .phase shift lightning set clouddepth #lightningStormId %min %max If you can tell me what changing this does, I'll be happy to hear. .phase shift lightning set convergence #lightningStormId %min %max Controls how strongly drawn to the ground the lightning bolt is. .phase shift lightning set direction #lightningStormId %northsouth %eastwest %variance Controls where the lightning bolts will originate from. Northsouth & Eastwest will determine where they will originate from, while variance will vary how far away they can spawn from it. .phase shift lightning set dischargetime #lightningStormId %min %max Controls how long it takes for the lightning bolt to complete the discharge phase. .phase shift lightning set divergence #lightningStormId %min %max Controls how likely the lightning bolt is to branch off. .phase shift lightning set fadeintensity #lightningStormId %min %max Controls how rapidly the sky brightens when the discharge phase commences. .phase shift lightning set fadeouttime #lightningStormId %min %max Controls how long the effects of the formation and the discharge phases persist for. .phase shift lightning set flashcolour #lightningStormId [$hex/dec] %red %green %blue Controls what colour the sky and reflective ground is illuminated by during the discharge phase. .phase shift lightning set formationtime #lightningStormId %min %max Controls how long the lightning bolt takes to complete the formation phase .phase shift lightning set height #lightningStormId %min %max Controls where the bolt of lightning originates above the horizon. .phase shift lightning set segment #lightningStormId %size #max Controls how large the branching segments the lightning bolt can make during formation, and how many there can be. .phase shift lightning set sounds #lightningStormId %overall #soundkit1 #soundkit2 #soundkit3 [%distance] Controls the sounds that play when the lightning bolt strikes. You might need to experiment. Also, soundkit2 and soundkit3 are available to set, but I haven't understood their uses. .phase shift lightning set strength #lightningStormId %min %max Controls how much strength the lightning bolt has during the discharge event. .phase shift lightning set width #lightningStormId %min %max Controls how wide the lightning bolt is, during formation and discharge phase. .phase shift lightning set intervaltime #lightningStormId %min %max Controls an additional offset of how frequently the lightning bolts occur. .phase shift lightning set notes #lightningStormId $notes Sets internal notes for your own use when you use .phase shift lightning list, given that you might want to know what purpose the lightning storm id seres. .phase shift lightning list Displays the lightning storm the phase has configured, brief notes (if any) for each of them and where they are used.. .phase shift lightning list next Displays the next 50 results. phase shift lightning delete #lightningStormId Deletes all data about the given Lightning Storm and removes its effects in any zone in which it is applied to. .phase shift lightning info #lightningStormId Displays details about all of the properties of the specified Lightning Storm that can be managed through the set subcommand. .phase shift weather wind #weatherId #windId Changes a wind setting on a particular weather id. Weather ids can be rain ( light = 3, medium = 4, heavy = 5 ), snow ( light = 6, medium = 7, heavy = 8 ) or sandstorms ( light = 22, medium = 41, heavy = 42 ). Wind ids can be pulled from the WindSettings table: available IDs are 0, 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 23 & 124. (I like 124, it's most prominent) .waypoints Subcommands added: .waypoints random %distance Sets the target NPC to randomly wander around up to the given distance in yards from their spawn point. Command and Feature Changes .additem Now respects bonus ids in the shift-clicked item link. .announce Moderators were given their own title in .announce. .appear Officers and above can .appear to anyone in the same phase, regardless of if .toggle appear is set to restrict players appearing at you. .gobject .gobject near [%dist] [$name] Gobject near now supports a name to search for nearby objects for. The name is case sensitive. .gobject move [#guid] {$direction %amount} ... New syntax: .gobject move now supports multiple directions & amounts in the same input, e.g. .gobject move forwards 5 left 3 down 2. Additional directions are now available: "x", "y" and "z", which move the object according to the world grid, and "here", which moves it to your position. No arguments result in the "here" behaviour. Attempting to move an object with .gobject move #guid now requires you to specify a direction of here to reduce fat finger errors. .gobject group move [#guid] {$direction %amount} ... New syntax: .gobject group move now supports multiple directions & amounts in the same input, e.g. .gobject move forwards 5 left 3 down 2. Additional directions are now available: "x", "y" and "z", which move the gobject group according to the world grid, and "here", which moves it to your position. No arguments result in the "here" behaviour. Attempting to move an object with .gobject move #guid now requires you to specify a direction of here to reduce fat finger errors. gobject teleporter add [#guid@#phase] [#icon "text"] [%x %y %z] [%o] Gobject teleporter add no longer requires #guid to be specified, as long as the object is targeted. If an object is targeted, then you should avoid specifying the #guid. If you are across phases, you can use #guid@#phaseid to still identify the correct object to add a teleporter to your current location & phase. gobject teleporter remove #id No longer completely disables the teleporter's dialog window after use. .gobject tint [#guid] #red #green #blue #transparency Gobject tint now supports increments of 5, instead of 20. You can now make 9261 unique colours instead of 216 colours. .gps gps {$direction %amount} ... New syntax: .gps now supports multiple directions & amounts in the same input, e.g. .gps forwards 5 left 3 down 2. Additional directions are now available: "x", "y" and "z", which move you according to the world grid. .npc npc emote #emoteid No longer validates if the given emoteid is valid. npc set weapon #item_id #slot [#bonus_id] Now respects bonus ids in the shift-clicked item link. .phase phase forge npc weapon#item_id #slot [#bonus_id] Now respects bonus ids in the shift-clicked item link. phase forge npc outfit equip #item_id [#bonus_id] Now respects bonus ids in the shift-clicked item link. phase set weather $type $density [$permanent] Phase set weather can now be applied permanently to a zone in a phase. phase shift doodad Now warns you if you are over the safe number of terrain swaps. Additionally, doodad and map swaps are now loaded in priority of when they were applied, to prevent issues where two shifts are applying over the same ADT and apply differently following a server restart. phase shift map Now warns you if you are over the safe number of terrain swaps. Additionally, doodad and map swaps are now loaded in priority of when they were applied, to prevent issues where two shifts are applying over the same ADT and apply differently following a server restart. .unaura Two forms is no longer affected by .unaura all, but is still affected by .unaura #spell or .unaura force .unpossess No longer requires original possession target to be selected to unpossess. .waypoints NPC Formations are now compatible with waypoints that have no delay. Note that the npcs in the formation will come to adrupt stops, while the leader of the formation won't if the nodes have no delay. Bug Fixes Crashes Fixed a crash that occurred when an object was replaced at the same time as someone else requesting data about it. Performance Process behind backing up phases has been rehauled and results in reduced degradation of server performance during backups. Reduce the number of queries performed when adding gobjects to a group with the addnear command. Phase forge npc create runs a little faster and won't lag the server for a short interval (~0.5s) A variety of changes to the summon spell system have been made: NPCs can no longer summon NPCs Players should only be able to succeed in summoning NPCs if they are the original caster of the spell, not a caster of the spell caused by another player forcing them to cast the spell with a different one. Players can no longer succeed in summoning NPCs with spells unless they are a member of the phase. Pets are unaffected. Players can no longer succeed in summoning NPCs with spells across the entire server in one session more than 200 times. In most cases, this will be tripped twice per summon spell, so the limit is effectively 100. Doodad mass import is now asynchronous, and only one can run at any given time on a phase. We will be looking to migrate all heavy commands to the same format. #main<->.announce sync now occurs asynchronously (fixing a rare crash), working with our 'Maiev' system that oversees communication between Apertus and our growing list of microservices. Other Fix an issue where startspell list next did not show the next 50 results. Further fix an issue with startspell list, but also phase texture and phase detaildoodad lists not accounting for the offset of the search results when using list next. Fix an issue where zone transitions with area/zone shift skyboxes were removing all auras instead of only skybox related auras. Fix an issue where deleting a character would result in phase membership to be lost in all phases across all characters. Fix an issue where gobject grouping did not save into the database properly. Fix an issue where phase forge npcs with tabards and a guild would not properly display the player guild emblem. New Gobjects End of Changelog Glossary Below is a list of common terms you will encounter when reading changelogs and using commands on Epsilon, to help you understand how a command might work. Syntax The structure of a command, composed of strictly arranged words (arguments and/or parameters) required to be met for the command to be performed. Think of it as the grammar of programming, where all computers are grammar nazis who won't do what you ask if you don't write perfectly. How you see Epsilon's changelog and in-game use of syntax is not what it tends to look like in actual programming. Parameter Parameters in our case are used to structure the specific command it is you wish to perform. Argument Arguments in our case are used to tell the parameters which data type(s) to use when performing the command. Example: Syntax = .phase forge npc displays add #display_id %scale %weight In the case of Epsilon, is the same as: Syntax = .parameter parameter parameter parameter parameter argument argument argument .phase forge npc displays add 100 2 5 The arguments (green) tell the preceding parameters (white) to: "Add" #display_id "100" at %scale "2" with %weight "5" to the targeted forged NPC. Data types Floating Point - Symbol % A real number, accepts decimals. World of Warcraft does not count more than 6 decimals. .mod scale %scale = .mod scale 1.063523 Integer - Symbol # A natural number, does not accept decimals. .gobject spawn #display_id = .gobject spawn 175490 String - Symbol $ A sequence of characters, typically forming one or multiple words. .summon $name = .summon Bob the Builder Optional - Symbols [ ] When a single data type is encased in brackets, it means it's an optional argument and is not required in the syntax for the command to function. .phase forge npc displays add #display_id [%scale] [%weight] #display_id is required but [%scale] and [%weight] are optional. When two or more data types are encased in brackets, it means that though they are optional, if one is specified then both are required for the command to function. .gobject teleporter add [#guid] [#icon "$text"] [#x #y #z] [#orientation] No argument is required as the command uses player position by default, however [#icon "$text"] requires both arguments to be specified to work.
  13. Azarchius


    Welcome aboard, mate!
  14. @Razmataz the problem is the client is crashing because we are force-loading enGB/enUS db2s, we need to change those db2s to be universal-type db2s, and override a bunch of other db2s like class db2s with the locale-specific stuff. It mostly means changing the locale flag on our primary Epsilon-esque db2s, and then trying to load a non-English locale and seeing one by one which db2s it QQs about