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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. @Grandmaster Pa You can't cover up elf ears though to make them look shorter. Don't think it works that way.
  2. Here's the obligatory "hue fuck half-breeds!" Now that's done-... Adding new hairstyles is one thing since the hair is standing completely ceperate from the model but adding new types of ears is a little more difficult than that. You have to make sure the new ears are moving along to the bones (as ears wobble when elfs run), and there's so many different aspects that just don't work with longer-eared bones. What can be done, however, is making at item that is essencially a helmet or works like a spell and makes for example humans look like they got elf ears. Instead of working on the model, one would just take the elf ears and turn them into a helmet.
  3. A picture of me, boiz. Pls don't hate.
  4. Kitty

    LF the name "Angel"

    Stripper's name?! Nonsense!
  5. Kitty

    LF the name "Angel"

    Believe Xeslite said that someone seems to be holding the name. And there's always something so pleasing about having the OOC name like that.
  6. As I could see, someone was fast enough to snatch the said name! I'm up to bargain for it with art, if I could get the name "Angel".