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Everything posted by Kitty

  1. Hey guys! I've taken a new good picture of me! <3
  2. Hello! Could we be able to create signs, please? Signs would help with following things: menu, street signs, random paper notes that could be read, wall signs/signs on mailboxes to clarify who's house is it, etc! Signs have endless good use! Some phases can even set up rules with signs! Thank you for reading.
  3. Hello! Currently there's four phase ranks in phase: - Guest - Member - Officer - Owner Each rank can respectively do certain things. I'd like to ask for a fifth rank though. A sort of "Dungeon Master" rank that would fit in between Member and Officer ranks. It would have all the benefits of Member rank but only the ability to make NPCs talk from the Officer rank. My issue is that I'd like to give some people the ability to DM a NPC without the ability to partly delete my phase, even if it's by accident. I'd like to monitor how much people have power in my phase, I'd like to only promote handful of people to officers and right now, members cannot DM NPCs. Thanks for reading! EDIT: There's also an issue with the Officer rank that it keeps resetting all officers every time the server crashes.
  4. IC: There's been rumours of the avalance slowly being cleaned up west of the forest to open a passage to a certain elven ruins.
  5. Afraid you can only customize your character on your own. If you wish to change a race, you got to request a Game Master to flag you for a faction change.
  6. Welcome to Epsilon! Already RPed with your Hujon! He's a lot of fun. ^^
  7. I'd love this! I want to host my phase 24/7!
  8. Thanks, @Romeo! And you were dealt with IC, @Rogan. Hope the innkeeper crushed your skull good.
  9. The Reaching Enclave [240] Brief History of the Island The Reaching Enclave as it’s commonly called was just another small islands that formed when the world sundered into the continents we know today. The Island lies directly between Howling Fjord(Northrend) and Highmountain(Broken Isles). The flora consists mostly of pinetrees with a couple of leafy trees poking in. Most well-known iconic plants would be the giant blueberries that seem to enjoy the climate of the island. The fauna mostly consists of bears, wolves, deer, elk, squirrels, hares, birds and even rumoured to have rather large spiders; more rarely seen are the polar bears, penguins, lynx, ducks, and at times even the mountain lions. The island itself is mostly surrounded by sky-reaching mountains, with the most famous one being the Warmrock Mountains. The Island is known to offer home to Alliance, Horde, vrykul, a type of furbolg, gnolls, banshee, wraiths and even a small clan of tuskarr. The following locations only exist in the island lore and are not accessible in-game. Ruins of Tyrfall Dragon’s Roar Isles Corvenshore Marlock Grove (Skoldward) Hok’ram Village From here on, these locations are accessible in-game. Ruins of Haruma Tower of Gadieth Ruins of Blightforge Warmrock Mountains Frozen Peak Light’s Harbor Religion Leadership OOC Q&A Guild / Community / Discord This post will be updated once there's more to add.
  10. The new overcoats are SWEET!

  11. These things are beautiful! I'm very grateful the devs are listening to people's suggestions and implimenting them! All these beautiful recolors! AHH! Very nice work, guys!
  12. @Killaninja12 It's not autistic. Not everyone wants to see memes 24/7. I'd like it if I could see people's screenshots, etc, but I really don't feel like seeing all the boring memes... Unfortunately right now those two channels are connected.
  13. Hello! Could we have a separate channel for in-game screenshots in Discord? Not that I don't appreciate the "images" channel, I'm just tired of seeing elmo memes and other similar stuff but I'd still like to see what people are up to in their phases/RP.
  14. A friend of ours is having an issue where he has 130 NPCs created and he can't reach the ones he needs because of the chat limit. Could ".ph forge npc list" have a limit of 50 names as well like the ".lo item" and ".lo gob" has? Thanks!
  15. Doesn't only have to be guides, you know. People could make their character pages there, too!
  16. Made some art of Kitty!
  17. Oh neat! I'd pay for something like that. Easily 25€ just for a portrait.
  18. I love you, @MindScape!! <3
  19. Just had some new art done of Kit!!
  20. Sooo~... How about those guild shirts? Let's say black t-shirts or red, white even, without the need to be in guild or having guild icon on them. Just plain t-shirts. Here's the shirts what I mean:
  21. @Romeo Thanks, she thinks so, too.
  22. This is not my art or doesn't belong to me but it's the temporary reference I have of Kitty, my current Epsilon main. Link to art~ This is my retail main called Kaitseingel "Angel" Whitedawn. I got this commissioned of her recently! Link to art~
  23. Custom patches won't work in 7.3, they will be client-side now.
  24. Was in the event yesterday and can guarantee quality RP-time! Very fun evening, thanks! \o/