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'T' last won the day on August 21 2019

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About 'T'

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  • Birthday 04/06/1995

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  1. Release Notes (Mini Patch 830 - "Streets of Dalaran") Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today - it's raining Dalaran objects! With a couple of extras on the side! Spreadsheet of all IDs here! Release date: April 2022 Highlights Quizley Dalaran Buildings (.look object eps_7dl) Gnome Buildings with Interiors (.look object eps_8gn) HD Human Chapel (.look object eps_humanchapel) HD Snow Trees (.look object eps_snowtree) T Builders Haven Objects Tile Doors (& Other Misc Doors) (.look object eps_ door) Ground Decals (.look object eps_ decal) Tintable Numbers/Symbols (.look object eps_ numbers, eps_ symbols, eps_ numerals) Tintable Building Shapes (.look object eps_buildershaven_shapes_) Dalaran Furniture (.look object eps_7dl) HD Hillsbrad Trees (.look object eps_hillsbrad) General Content Development (Aigar) Human Uprez Downports (.look object SL 9.0) Missing KT Houses The true genius behind just about everything in this update due to work on the CDN, upgrading it to allow us to put out content like this. Full ID List - Spreadsheet of IDs here! Epsilon Wants YOU! If you feel like you can help us as we continue to make developments to the server, we're currently on the lookout for addon creators/object modellers/retexture artists to join our team. In time this will open up to items/creatures perhaps, but right now our technology is developed to work with these fields. For addon creators, please contact Azarchius on discord. For object related modders, please contact me on discord with an album of what you can do, my user is #AJT0715, or T in the user list. Thank you! That's all folks!
  2. Phases can be optimised to work with .vis ultralow, helping to keep players fps at a steady level (you can set backdrop pieces to -1 vis so that they're always visible). Close up, my phase is very detailed and with visibility at default it will drop mad fps. Here, a close up screenshot of the build with .vis ultralow on, you can see the builds in the distance still remain: You can see here that from a distance, just the skeleton of my phase remains like this so that on foot, none of the backdrop details disappear: Following our discussion about .phase set vis, I actually think it should be an area specific shift - I may have a build on one map that needs high visibility, and contains less objects - and a build on another that requires ultralow visibility as it has a higher density of objects. .phase shift zone vis .phase shift zone vis ultralow/verylow/low/med/high (OR) insert number (with cap to stop people from setting it to a huge number, causing themselves to error)
  3. 'T'

    735.5a Changelog

    The lore could definitely use a lick of paint and we have Miles to thankfully help for that! It will definitely receive some work and most likely will change drastically - right now the area is just intended as a fun concept for a start zone with potential to be opened up as a casual main phase roleplay zone, with the original explanation perhaps being a bit of an over-excited afterthought that we appreciate the feedback on (that's totally my bad)! Having someone who actually knows what they're talking about when it comes to lore will help us massively! As for your feedback Myomeme, you can use .vis ultralow to improve the fps - it works really well and I barely notice a difference in the zone with it on which is better than I ever expected, you can see screenshots at the bottom of the post with the comparison (it can be a little hard to see, but that's good!). When it comes to the original design, with all due respect I wasn't ever actually aware that there was a previous lore, and if there was, it isn't documented anywhere that we've seen for the last year or two. I just thought it was a generic Orcish Valley - and as representatives of the server with fairness, the staff should be able to take control of that and take it in a direction we're satisfied with, though your original rendition is a solid part of the legacy of the server and is pretty iconic at this point. I imagine once someone with an eye for lore actually goes over it, it'll all make a bit more sense, and I'd be happy to talk to you on Discord about it so you can have your say. For now, really glad you guys are enjoying it!
  4. Updated the main post. (:
  5. What armour is this a recolour of? The Eagletalon armour is heavily inspired by Sylvanas' armour, not Alleria's, I don't really see a striking similarity between the two sets apart from one or two of the colour palettes. I can see what you're saying about making some shades to better match the Eagletalon sets, maybe I'll do that.
  6. It's not meant to look like Alleria's armour, but it is inspired by her armour, specifically her collection pieces. Sorry, probably should've added that.
  7. Hello and welcome to the Epsilon Start Zone Poll! I know that this is very late, there have been a number of issues one after the other recently that have delayed this from being posted (most of which have been beyond my control). Anyway, better now than never! After narrowing down the entries and removing the empty/unfinished phases, I asked each person to provide a title and a description for their phases, and these are the final entries! Phase 12329 - Arvick's 'Draenic Monestary' Phase 12024 - Alira's 'Aloraan Terrace' An immaculate and seemingly abandoned titanic facility that oddly seems to accomodate for mortal races. What little information that can be dug up on the place tells that the terrace serves for the headquarters of a mysterious "Project Alora" where "heroes are forged." Phase 12340 - Rage's 'Atal'jin' Atal'jin is a troll fishing village known for its easygoing populace and their reverence to the loa of travelers and storytelling, Torga. I've always found inspiration in the culture and history of the Pacific Islands, and wanted to pay homage through one of my favorite races in Warcraft. Phase 12330 - Richard & Das' 'Sugmar Peak' A cozy reprieve from the toil and hardship of the modern roleplayer. Phase 12331 - Mercy/Judzet's 'Embassy of the Allied Races' Phase 12025 - Manduin & Sarionis' 'Epsilon Island' Part of the Baradin archipelago, this island was settled after a band of Kul Tiran sailors was beached on it's rocky shores because of their ship being badly damaged by horde vessels during the second war. Inspired by Kul tiran architecture, Brennadan specifically. It's best feature is it's similarity yet clear distinction from the existing Dranosh Valley, and it's constant elusion to Epsilon's ideology of sailing taken from the Maelstrom of the logo and the title screen. Phase 12332 - Kitty's 'Ashwood' A Grizzly Hills themed human camp which was inspired by Boralus and Tiragarde Sound, Ashwood inspires to be a cosy location in the middle of the wilderness, filled with little Easter eggs towards loved members of our Epsilon Community. Phase 12333 - Mav's 'Azlorean' "The Esmeralda and its small crew have traveled yet again. This time, they've discovered a cluster of islands. The main one, Azloraen, contained a leyline that had leaked and "infected" the small islands with cracks of power. Hoping to repair the leyline, they reactivated the ruined teleporter and invited adventurers of all kinds to congregate and socialize." To ensure that this isn't just a popularity contest, the staff will use the poll as a guideline to make the final decision. First Prize: Your phase will become the new Start Zone, of course! The 'Architect' cosmetic rank on Discord! A $20 gift card to either use on Steam or Battle.net! (Please note that these competitions will not always have a monetary reward, but as an opener we feel that it's appropriate.) Runners Up: The 'Architect' cosmetic rank on Discord! Your phase will be held as a backup to fill the months between competitions, so there's still a chance that your phase will become part of the Start Zone rotation. SO GET VOTING! (And once again sorry for the MASSIVE delay.)
  8. Reporting Issues Form
  9. Epsilon MogIt [0.6.7] Updated: 09/06/2020 Changes: • Re-added firearm module to Epsilon Weapons. All Custom Epsilon Features are displayed as blue in this version of MogIt. • Custom Armour can be previewed as sets. You can see your set as you make it. • Filters. Search up item names to find that specific item you are after. • Categories. Custom Armour is split into categories: cloth, leather, mail, plate & other. • New buttons to context menus Right clicking items now displays options to .add or .lookup an item. • Allied Races Current allied races are now available in MogIt preview windows and tooltips. • Toggle Sheathe Buttons in MogIt context menu can toggle this, or you can try it out by using your sheathe/unsheathe hotkey. • Help text displays up-to-date information on features added to the base MogIt addon. • Ctrl + Left Click in MogIt dressing room adds items. Checks for bonusID. • Add Set button to MogIt's dress-up preview Adds everything equipped on preview model to your character's inventory. • Equip items on NPC button Equips items from preview to a custom NPC. •NPC Race/Gender buttons Changes targetted NPCs race and/or gender to what you specify. • Filtering through items is slow at first. This is due to there being thousands of custom items. To combat this, MogIt no longer filters as you type - instead, it will start filtering once you press enter. • There may be some missing items. If you come across any items that should be in, please reply to this thread adhering to the formats displayed below. Credit goes to @Graydon for the fantastic addon work!
  10. 'T'

    Project Epsiway

    @ShadowLinken 8/10. I really like how you've used the tunic and then mixed and matched the legs, they almost look like they should be a part of the set. Belt definitely helps to blend them in. And I also like how you've like colour matched his hair and skin with the outfit. Also who doesn't love to abuse the shit out of that new floating animation? Haha. If I'm going to be like super critical, the only things I'd change would probably be the cape and the shoulders. I can never bring myself to use those split cape models, they always look really bad on my characters. And the shoulders are perhaps just a bit off because of the brown which doesn't match with anything else.
  11. Hello and welcome to our first Epsilon Server-Wide Competition! With the recent launch of 7.3, we want to start the trend of asking the community to take part in making their own stamp on the start zone of the server! The start zone is incredibly important, it's a first impression and introduction to the server, an area that demonstrates the kind of wondrous things you can create with the use of the commands available to everyone on Epsilon. And isn't everyone tired of looking at Dranosh Valley by now anyway? The specifications behind the competition are extremely simple; with the theme of 7.3 in mind, we'd like to see a new start zone made in one of the brand new Invasion Points. They come in a variety of different environments which maximises what you can do with each of the zones, so be creative! For this round Val will not be included and will be replaced by Elunaria, which fulfils the same kind of criteria that the rest of the Invasion Points meet. Val will be saved for something festive. There isn't an object limit, but we ask that you be mindful of players with less capable machines. The start zone of the phase must be on the ground of the map, and not on top of an object (to make sure that nobody is falling through objects). You can work solo or with a group of up to three people. You have three weeks from now, which means that the competition ends on the 27th of August. To make the competition as fair as possible, you cannot submit anything you've pre-built in these areas before today, meaning that everything in your phase must be built from scratch. To find these you can use any of the following teleport points by using .look teleport "Invasion Point:" and shift clicking them into your chat box after the .teleport command. [Invasion Point: Elunaria] [Invasion Point: Sangua] [Invasion Point: Cen'gar] [Invasion Point: Naigtal] [Invasion Point: Bonich] [Invasion Point: Aurinor] Once the phases have all been finished on the 27th of August, we will make copies of them to ensure that you can no longer modify them from this point on. From here, we will open a poll to receive feedback from the players on what they think about the phases and who should win. However; to ensure that this isn't just a popularity contest, the staff will use the poll as a guideline to make the final decision. First Prize: Your phase will become the new Start Zone, of course! The 'Architect' cosmetic rank on Discord! A $20 gift card to either use on Steam or Battle.net! (Please note that these competitions will not always have a monetary reward, but as an opener we feel that it's appropriate.) Runners Up: The 'Architect' cosmetic rank on Discord! Your phase will be held as a backup to fill the months between competitions, so there's still a chance that your phase will become part of the Start Zone rotation. TO ENTER, PLEASE REGISTER WITH YOUR DETAILS HERE So with that, get brainstorming, get your creative juices flowing and most of all, surprise us! We'll see on you the 27th of August where we'll be posting our poll. And from the Epsilon Staff, we wish you all the best of luck! This competition is NOT sponsored by The Splintered Warband, contrary to popular belief.
  12. We are just as excited as you, thank you!
  13. Don't confuse the staff and the development team. Also that's not the case at all. Plenty of retextures were just added? And David I've taken your suggestions on board, sounds good! Thanks, Tia
  14. 'T'

    Pristine M2's

    I'll definitely work on this. Thanks!