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[Guide] Compendium Magicae - Brief guide to Magic

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In this guide I will talk about everything that is calcified as magic or works similarly to magic. I will explain how different kinds of magic work, what are the benefits and drawbacks of them and maybe some other stuff.

All these information are based on years upon years of research and discussions. Let us begin.

"Magic is the art of circumventing the normal. The stars march in order across the sky, the seasons fall one after the other with lockstepped regularity, and men and women live and die. If that does not happen, it's magic, the first warping of the universe, a few floorboards that are bent out of shape, waiting for industrious hands to pry them up."


Magic in general

The universe is filled with strong energies and powerful beings, which in one way or another are used to channel "magic". There are many types of magic all conducted in different ways, having different results, and various effects. Non the less all the magic is very powerful and should not be taken lightly.


Arcane Magic


"This is not for idle hands, nor prying eyes. Information must not be lost. But it must not be used unwisely. Stay your hand, friend, or proceed—if you know the way."

Four rules of Arcane magic (these also apply to other, but not all, types of magic)

  1. Magic is powerful
  2. Magic is addictive
  3. Magic is corrupting
  4. Magic draws denizens of Twisting Nether



  • arcane is able to bend time, space and other energies such as Fire or Fel to mags will
  • arcane represents order
  • arcane is very volatile and its wielding is difficult and require intense focus and precision
  • pure arcane takes on white/violate color, however specific branches can take on other colors - bronze for chronomancy
  • arcane is by far the most versatile magic. Able to bend elements to users will, manipulate space and time, create objects seemingly out of nothing, turn one invisible, create images of creatures and objects, animate constructs, polymorph creatures, communicate over great distances or even rewind the time or see into future
  • arcane can in some cases cure fel adiction


Origin and source

  • Arcane is one of the most ancient forces in this universe. It is described as the lifeblood of Titans
  • Norganon is known as the Keeper of Celestial magic, he is the Titan responsible for overseeing the arcane and thus is master in using it
  • Malygos the Spell-weaver was tasked with guarding the arcane on Azeroth. His powers were granted to him by Norganon, he also received Arcanomicon - map of all ley lines on Azeroth
  • Ley lines are conduits through which the arcane energies flow and from where they can be easily drawn
  • Another place where arcane is concentrated are arcane wells


Arcane wells

  • Well of Eternity
    • it was a wound that was left on Azeroth after Aman'Thul ripped out Y'shaarj
    • it stood at birth and was a fuel of Kaldorei Empire
    • its destruction during War of the Ancients led to sundering. It's said that very waters of the well still rain upon Azeroth to this day, making it much easier to wield arcane
  • Second Well of Eternity
    • is the pool, which nourishes Nordrassil.
  • Sun Well
    • now (after events of The Burning Crusade) serves as a pool of not only arcane, but also holy power
  • Night Well
    • source of arcane created by harnessing powers of Eye of Aman'Thul by nightborn (no longer operational after Nighthold raid)
  • Shal'Aran
    • among other facilities it lies on crossroad of ley lines
  • Shrine of Lost Souls
    • created by Illidan in Black Temple
    • was used to cure demons and possibly blood elves from Fel addiction


Schools of arcane magic


Abjuration focuses on protective spells, such as mana shield, frost armor, ...


Conjuration is an art of creating something out of "nothing". It's a study of creating objects, creatures and other things out of mana. Spells such as Summon Water Elemental, Conjure Water and basically all offensive spells - Frostbolt, Pyroblast, Aracane Missiles,...- come from this school.


Divination is school focused on gathering information, breaking illusions. Its spells allow user to see over great distances or to other dimensions


Enchanting is art of bestowing magical proprieties onto object and creatures. Its other use is to remove these magical proprieties, during which process some amount of mana is released and can be stored.


Evocation teaches how to control and channel and gather magical energies, and how to properly train and focus ones mind.


Illusion can trick the reality itself. Make one invisible, make people appear as something different, make images of persons and objects or trick users enemies to fight each other. Illusions don't actually change the reality, only how people perceive it.


Transmutation changes the reality itself. All spells belonging to this school are very powerful and arduous to learn and use. These spells allow mages to turn objects and creatures int something else - Polymorph them, Blinking or teleporting people and opening portals over great distances. Other than that all spells that manipulate time also belong to this school.


Because necromancy uses some bits and pieces of arcane it's sometimes incorrectly classified as one of the schools.



  • it is possible to get addicted to arcane
  • to become addicted one needs to be either exposed to strong source of raw arcane, or exposed to arcane for very long time
  • once a person becomes addicted, they need to continuously consume mana. If they are cut from a source of mana, they will start degenerating - low intelligence, insatiable hunger for mana, aggressiveness, ...
  • this addiction is difficult to cure. One known cure appears to be some combination of arcane and nature magic

Fel Magic


Just look at this Fel Magic Guide it's very good.

Elemental Magic/Shamanism


Thrall: "Isn't magic magic?"
Grom: "Yes and no. Sometimes the effect is the same. For instance, if a shaman was to summon lightning to strike his foes, they would be burned to death. If a warlock was to summon hell's flames against an enemy, they would be burned to death."



  • Shamanism works with elements - the "unliving" part of nature (stones, fire, ...). Of course elements are alive and sentient, some even intelligent
  • Because the elements form the very world we live in, the power of shamans can be truly devastating
  • Besides elements, other important part of shamanism is venerating spirits of ancestors



  • There exist five elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Life(Spirit)
  • Shamanism follows 3 basic tenets
    • Animism - all creatures and most object have spirit/soul, and these spirits must be treated with respect
    • Ancestral worship - ancestors hold great wisdom and power. They should be venerated so that they can bestow these in times of need
    • Spirit guidance - because spirits have great knowledge of many things you should allow them to guide you, when they decide to do so.
  • shaman's power does not come from himself, but from the elements themselves
  • shaman doesn't "cast" spells as mage does, rather he calls upon the elements and asks them for help
  • relationship between shaman and elements could be described as friendship. Shaman hears the elements and their trouble and he tries to help them to the best of his abilities; in return the elements will respond when shaman needs them


"I am granted these things because I ask, with respect in my heart, and I am willing to offer something in return. I request only the barest needs for myself and my people. At times, I ask great things, but only when the cause is good and just and wholesome. In return, I thank these powers, knowing they are borrowed only, never bought. They come to me because they choose to, not because I demand it! These are not slaves, Thrall. They are powerful entities who come of their own free will, who are companions in my magic, not my servants."



  • Most things that surround us are made from elements - mountains, rivers, even the air itself
  • Elements are primordial forces and they are unique to every planet. That means that the elements on Azeroth are not the same as the ones on Dreanor,...
  • Being that are born from elements are called elementals. And they varies in power and intelligence.
  • Each element is govern be the strongest elemental - the Elemental Lord
  • Elements are tied to emotions. That means that prolonged exposer to an element will influence ones emotional state. Also elementals have very one-sided personalities because of this.
    • Fire influences passion and fury
    • Air influences cunning and madness
    • Earth influences stability and stubbornness
    • Water influences tranquility and indecisiveness
    • Spirit influences bravery and naivety
  • Elemenals are also immune to their own element and it can't harm them in any way
  • Elementals are fully sentient beings, tho some are not very inteligent, and as that they are able to form relationships. Shaman should always strive for those relationships being good.



  • totems are the tools of shamans
  • there are two most distinct kinds of totems
    • Tauren:
      • Because taurens were a nomadic creatures they could always honor their ancestors at their graves. Thus totems were designed to allow them to do so anywhere. Those totems are decorated with carvings -those carving are very symbolic and represent who that person was in life- and enchanted with herbs to allow communing with ancestors.
    • Orc
      • Orcs designed totems in order to help them channel elemental powers. However art of carving these totems is exclusive only to shamans and the right to use them must be earned from elements themselfs.


Dark Shamanism

  • Dark shamans are those shamans , who decided that making friendships with elementals in not a good way and enslaving them is much better idea
  • they use various dark powers (void, death, ...) to twist and turn the elements and bind them to their will
  • the products of these practices are broken creation of their former self, flame elementals turned to ash, water into mud, air into poison,...
  • Naturally Dark shamans don't obey any standard shamanistic rules 

Nature Magic/Druidism


"To stand in the way of nature is heresy, even when nature is destructive."


  • Druidism focuses on the "living"part of nature - plants and creatures
  • Druidism consists of three main diciplines:
    • Shapeshifting - ability to change druids body into one of an animal
    • Astral magic - is combination of arcane and nature magic
    • Nature magic - manipulates the life flow itself


Emerald dream and the Wild Gods

  • Emerald dream is a spiritual world, which exists outside of the real world, however is connected to it
  • Emerald dream is home to the Wild Gods, who are the primary source of life and nature magic. They were born form Azeroth's spirit of life
  • Wild gods are ageless and partially immortal. When they are killed in the real world their spirit will return to the Dream, where they are reborn
  • All dreamers, who enter the Dream can affected it, bu no mortal (not even Ysera) has the power to do so in large extend or permanently.
  • Anyone can enter the Dream and move in it, however skilled druids have certain advantages - they can move much faster, walk through solid objects or fly. Very skilled druids can open Dreamways
  • Dreamways are essentially portals connecting different parts of the Dream, allowing for incredibly fast traveling
  • Emerald Dream is also home to G'Hanir the Mother Tree. This tree bears the seeds of all Azeroth's trees and it was an acorn from this tree that served as the seed for the World tree Nordrassil
  • It is one of the most sacred duty of druids to maintain balance within the Dream as its instability could affect the physical world.


Nature and life

  • Druids are able to some extend control the flow of life energies, letting new plants to bloom and allow creatures to heal their wounds quicker. But they can also immobilize their enemies with living roots and let angry treants to tear them apart
  • Life is in essence very pure and thus can cure diseases, poisons and even addictions


Moon, Sun, Astral magic

  • Druids are able to use arcane magic, however to much lesser extend than mages.
  • With astral magic druids seek to maintain balance between arcane and nature forces in the world.
  • These druids thus worship sun and moon as sources of knowledge and power


(Yes, Tauren paladins are for all lore purposes Sun druids)

Holy Magic/Light


"No one feels he deserves it... its grace, pure and simple... but the Light loves us anyway."



  • Along with Void, Light is one of the original forces, which created our Universe
  • Pure Light does not exist within our universe, but rather in it's own speared dimension
  • Holy magic is manifestation of Light, one of the primordial essences of this universe
  • Almost anyone is capable of channeling the Light, but the effects are only as strong as ones willpower, faith and determination
  • The light can be used to mend wound, create protective shields, harm enemies or even bring dead back to life. It can be also used to purify evil, cure diseases or remove curses
  • When used on undead creature it causes them incredible amounts of pain. Non the less even undead are able to be healed by the Light and even channel it's power, both of these processes are however very painful for them. Because of that any undead priest is regarded as a being with unwavering willpower
  • The Light answers to all who believes that their cause is good. It's because of this that Sir Zeliek (one of the original Four Horsemen) or Scarlet Crusaders are able to use it.
  • Light can be fulled by any emotion, however love is by far the strongest fuel for it
  • Light itself fills its users and those healed by it with positive emotions such as love, hope, courage or comfort



  • Naaru are beings of pure light, they are the most purest manifestation of Light in the universe
  • Naaru have immense knowledge of magic and technology
  • Naaru have the ability to see into the future
  • Naaru are purely good and fully altruistic, thus they will allow themselfs to fall, if they think it will help someone

Void/Twilight Magic


"It rips. It tears. It is boundless and eternal..."



  • Along with Light, Void is one of the original forces, which created our Universe
  • Absolute Void does not exist within our universe, but rather in it's own speared dimension
  • Void is sometimes called Shadow, and Twilight magic referred to as Shadow magic
  • Void energies can impart negative feeling such as fear, doubt, despair or panic
  • Even tho Void is capable of healing or destruction, it's true focus lies in corrupting it's victims, swaying them to do its bidding
  • As Void itself can not reach fully into this universe. it manifest in multitude of Void aberrations
  • Because the Void and Light are opposing forces, the Void often tries to corrupt any servants of Light and turn them to its side. 


" Whosoever stands before the Light… inevitably casts a shadow."

Insane power

  • Void has the power to corrupt anything and anyone, given enough time
  • Void magic rarely causes any physical harm, it's fully focused on damaging minds
  • Twilight magic is immensely powerful, as there is no armor which can protect against it, however to fully understand such ancient and corrupted power is to be driven insane
  • Void fills everyone with madness, both its victims and its users.
  • Masters of the Void magic relish in the state of insanity, spreading corruption far and wide, feeding on mind of those unfortunate enough to be nearby, reaching terrifying new levels of power
  • The most wast repertoire of spells are the Shadow words, which quickly affect its targets minds, they are varied in power from Shadow Word: Pain, which just causes it's victim to writhe in immense pain, to Shadow Word: Death, which fills mind of it's target with overwhelming fear, despair and madness, often causing them to die.



Creatures of the Void

  • Void Lords
    • supreme rulers of the Void and by far the strongest creatures we know of
    • they themselves can not enter our universe, but they are doing all to open a way
    • Dimensius the All-devouring is the only named Void Lord. When ethereals were delving into the Void, they managed to summon his shadow, the faintest of echo, however just that was enough to destroy K'aresh (homeworld of ethereals) and shatter their physical forms. Major defeat of this shadow came with ultimate sacrifice of Naaru T'uure. 
  • Old Gods
    • strongest creations of the Void Lords which are capable of entering our universe
    • their soul purpose is to corrupt slumbering world souls, creating Void Titans
    • countless Old Gods were send to our universe and four of them landed on Azeroth - C'Thun, Y'Shaarj, Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth
  • Void Gods
    • corrupted Naaru, which lost their Light and became filled with Void energies
  • Voidlords
    • fleshless creatures clad in plate armor, their traits are very similar to Voidwalkers
    • they feed on magic and life
  • Voidwalkers
    • amalgamations of void energies
    • they do not feel pain or fear and are rather easy to control. Because of that, they are commonly summoned as guardians
  • Voidcallers, Voidwraths, Void revenants,...
    • other similar fleshless beings,composed of void energies
  • N'raqi, the Faceless ones
    • created by the Old Gods as their army
    • these horrifying creatures varies in shapes and types from which the most powerful and intelligent are the C'Thraxxi, who usually serves as generals
  • Aquir
    • the insectoid race created by the Old Gods
    • each Old God molded this race into his liking, thus different species were created 

Death Magic/Necromancy


"That is the good thing about necromancers - we never let anything go to waste."



  • Necromancy is a magic able to raise and control the dead, however it has many application beyond that.
  • Necromancers can conjure devastating plagues, harness shadows or tap to the cold land of dead and use this power to freeze their enemies
  • Necromantic magic is about manipulating the Death itself
  • The land of dead is called Shadow Lands. It's a place where spirits of dead creatures go. Necromancers are able to forcibly rip those spirits back to physical world and bend them to their will


Necromancy through the ages

  • The Burning Legion
    • firsts known  attempts of reanimation come from the War of the Ancients, when Nathrezim were seen raising the dead
  • Shadow council
    • under tutelage of Kil'jaeden, Gul'dan and the Shadow council learned how to reanimate the dead
    • Shadow council also used spirits of demons to control dead bodies
    • Gul'dan later pushed the art of Necromancy to a new level when he created the first death knights
  • The Scourge
    • So far the last step up in necromancy came with the Scourge
    • Skilled mages were driven by the promises of power and knowledge, swearing their loyalty to the one true king
    • combining their vast arcane knowledge with new teachings they obtain wondrous power
    • most skilled of these mages ascended to another level - lichhood, gaining even deeper connection with the dead
    • all this advance led to the creation of the most perfect undead minions - Death knight of Acherus


Art of corpse preparation

  • Sure, necromancers can just raise any body that is just lying around. But if one is not a master (like close to Kel'Thuzad level) such minion will be weak and won't hold up in one piece for long. Therefore if one wants to raise more permanent servant a preparation must be made.
  • Preparing a corpse is quite difficult and time consuming, requiring specific tools and thus can not be preformed in a field
  • Most of the materials used are common like threads, leather straps, screws, nails, ..., but materials for advanced minions may be harder to obtain like soulgems or elemental esesnces
  • Basic types of undead servants
    • Skeleton
      • most basic and easiest type of corpse to prepare, all that one needs to do is remove from the body everything, but bones - don't throw that flesh and organs away, it can be used to make other minions
      • they are consider the weakest and most fragile minions. When they "die" their bodies are usually too damaged and can't be raised again
      • most skeletons are raised by novices and because of that are not very strong, most can't even wear armor or wield heavy weapons. Don't however underestimate these creatures. Because their creations is such easy task, powerful necromancers can invest lot of resources into making them stronger - these are then very strong and durable, capable of using magic and even intelligent
      • skeletons can be strengthened by reinforcing their joints with metal and leather, engrave magical runes into their bones, ...
    • Zombie
      • out of all the minions zombies require the least amount of preparation, the only thing that needs to be taken care of is that the zombie doesn't fall apart right away
      • zombies can't use armor nor weapons, however their rotting flesh may contain some unpleasant diseases
      • on the upside zombies are easy to repair and raise again
      • zombies can also be modified in variety of ways like filling them with acids, poisons, corrosive liquids, or making them explode (which will destroy the corpse obviously)
      • zombies still suffer the effects of rot, tho at slower paste that dead bodies
    • Ghoul
      • ghoul is essentially better and stronger version of a zombie, so they can be modified in same ways
      • the process of creating ghouls was invented by the Scourge and to this day remains secret available only to those in their ranks
      • ghoul bodies are filled with dark energies and thus they do not rot, and can even regrow parts of their bodies by eating humanoid flesh
      • they are strong and posses sharp teeth and claws, which can rip through even plate armor
      • ghouls are more intelligent then zombies, but mostly still mindless, however sometimes ghoul can become very intelligent even as capable of speech
    • Wraith
      • wraiths are bound spirits, so the body itself does not need much attention however the ritual to summon them is just that much more difficult
      • contrary to popular belief, wraiths are actually quite intelligent, retaining almost the same level of intelligence as they had in life
      • most wraiths will become able to harness the dead energies themselves, casting frost spells or draining life (health, stamina, mana, ...) out of their victims. Wraiths raised by master necromancer can even gain ability to freeze ones mind, preventing them from casting spells or doing other focus requiring tasks
      • wraiths are very resistant or even completely immune to physical attacks
      • wraiths life is usually bound to skull of their original body
    • Abomination
      • abominations are products of experimenting and skillful craftsmanship
      • process of their creation revolves around stitching parts of multiple corpses together, reinforcing them with metal parts and filling them with volatile chemicals
      • abominations are terrifying opponents not just because of their look, but because they quite literally have the strength of multitude of men
      • however they are not very inteligent
    • Dead Thrall
      • only true masters are able to raise the dead thrall, the perfect and ultimate creation
      • preparation of this body takes a very long time and require rare resources and thus is preformed only on corpses of the highest quality
      • thralls mostly retain their original appearance, their intelligence is on par with the living, however their bodies are much stronger
      • example of these minions are for instance death knights of Acherus 
  • mummification
    • mummification is a long process, taking several weeks to complete. It consists of placing body into salt bath, removing inner organs, wrapping the body in cloth, ... (not all steps are necessary)
    • mummified bodies are basically immune to rot even without use of magic. The bodies are also stronger and can be modified to greater extend

Loa Worship



  • Contrary to popular belief Loa and Wild gods are not the same ting
  • Loa is a name given to anything that is worshiped by trolls including, but not limited to Wild gods, elementals or powerful spirits
    • so technically if group of trolls decides to worship a sheet of paper, that sheet of paper will become Loa 
  • There exist countless Loa, most of them are week, but some are very powerful
    • Every family can have it's own family Loa, cities usually have a pantheon of Loa
  • Most of the time Loa borrows its power on a basis of a deal - they give one power, but in return the one will give something to them.
    • deals made with Loa, especially the powerful ones, are often very favorable to the Loa
  • Strong Loa can grant wondrous powers to those, who they deem worthy, they can even resurrect dead. However just as easily as they grant those powers, they can call terrible curses upon those who anger them
  • It is possible to become friend with a Loa, but such thing i very rare.




  • Chi is another word for Spirit - one of the elements and thus have similar proprieties
    • it can be used to mend wounds or empower ones body in both offensive and defensive way
  • However unlike shamanism, the way of Chi focuses on harnessing and using the inner force of it's user
  • Way of Chi is commonly practiced by monks
  • Monks utilize three main ways of harnessing Chi
    • Windwalking - uses Chi to empower muscles getting stronger and faster
    • Mistweaving - uses Chi to heal wounds and protect allies
    • Way of the Ox - uses chi to shield themselves from powerful blows and repaying the opponents with even stronger attacks

Rune Magic



  • Rune magic is one of the most ancient practices of magic
  • Runes are symbols that holds magical power, and can be easily used to permanently imbue objects with magic
  • On Azeroth runes are most commonly used by Death Knights to empower their weapons

Art of runes

  • runes are very complex and ancient symbols
  • each rune has a meaning (f.e. that swirl on your Hearthstone means home)
  • the meaning varies from simple things like Fire, Light, Smoke, ...; through Colors, Shapes, Sizes, ...; to Strength, Time, ...
  • by combining these base runes into rune-gram will result in combination of those symbols, such process is very complicated and should not be taken lightly
  • when the rune/rune-gram is drawn it requires power (usually arcane or fel) after required power is supplied the effect of the rune will be invoked
  • rune crafting is very difficult and require long time to master, but its possibilities are endless. Runemaster can achieve such feats as having multichromatic fire wings behind his back or creating exact replicas of people out of dirt.

Shadow Magic



  • Shadow magic is an art to tap into shadows themselfs
  • This art is practiced by master rouges and thieves
  • Those who mastered this art are capable of almost miraculous deeds like disappearing from sight in day light, run without making any noise, steal things without even touching them or walking through shadows themselves



"Stay away from da Voodoo."


  • Voodoo is a practice used by trolls
  • Voodoo is combination of arcane magic, nature magic, shamanism and spirit worship
  • Most of the times Voodoo is regarded as black or dark magic
  • Mojo is a important substance in most Voodoo rituals. It's origins are not clear, but it can be obtained for living creatures or Loa
  • Shadow hunters, Hexers, Withch doctors, ... all use Voodoo in their own way

Blood Magic



  • Blood magic is a form of magic which uses blood as its source of power 
  • Sin'dorei Blood mages are usually not users of Blood magic
  • Most notable practicioners of Blood magic are Death knights, Shan'layn or some Voodooists 


If I forgot something or if you thing there is a mistake somewhere, let me know. Same goes if you would like me to elaborate on some topic (or expand one of the above topics)

Edited by Vojtik

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Let me help you with some of these. 



Chi is known as "Body Energy", harnessed from meditation with self, this energy is determined by the level of meditation is done by someone. Most common classes are Monks that managed to harness such a power and use it as a weapon, developed by Pandaren 10.000 years ago, during the Mogu control, Kang, The Fist of First Dawn trained the Pandaren prisoners to rise up against the oppression and fight with their bodies and makeshift weapons from tools of their slavery.


Later on, monks mastered this energy into a new combat style and thus allowing more uses of it, such as healing and protection.


  •  Chi is a self regenerative energy harnessed through meditation.
  •  Chi can be harnessed by anyone, but used by Monks on a greater scale.
  •  Chi is a body energy, thus cannot be blocked by magic shields.
  •  Empowered Chi attacks may pass certain types of armor that block physical attacks, but allowing the same force to pass through it.
  •  Chi is also used to vitalize and heal wounds, extensive healing sessions may fully heal body, mind and soul.
  •  Chi healing is slow, highly skilled Monks can speed it up. (Avoiding mechanics.)
  •  The four wild gods of Pandaria determine the power of the Monk, ranging from "Windwalker" as damage dealers, lightning attacks and swift strikes, "Mistweavers" as healers with soothing misty energy and serenity, "Brewmasters" or more well known as "Black Ox Monks", channeling Chi energy to stagger powerful blows and even dodge some and "Red Crane Monks" which primarily based on Holy and a mix of Chi.
  • Intense chi meditation can break mind control spells and curses.
  • Chi cannot be silenced/surpressed/interrupted unless it directly affects the user through stuns or other mental effects.


I will drop more later.


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Well Chi is specific term for the energy of Spirit that is inside the body and thus can be blocked by anything, that can block the element of Spirit, (which most magic shield don't).

Anyone can technically use any type of "magic" (with bit of basic teaching), what I meant is that monks can actually use it effectively.

In lore most of healing is slow and rather just boost regeneration. 

Edited by Vojtik

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1 hour ago, Vojtik said:

Well Chi is specific term for the energy of Spirit that is inside the body and thus can be blocked by anything, that can block the element of Spirit, (which most magic shield don't).

Anyone can technically use any type of "magic" (with bit of basic teaching), what I meant is that monks can actually use it effectively.

In lore most of healing is slow and rather just boost regeneration. 


True, it can be used by anyone, I think I stated that Monks do it "better". In terms of blocking, I do not know what else can block "Spirit Energy", since I've yet to see such a thing happening. 


Only exception I could think off is Fel since it relies on absorbing life and Chi is a property of a living being.

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Not a lot of information given, especially in the "Void/Twilight" one which seems to focus more on the creatures of the void. Also, "Shadow" is far more used than "twilight" is. I personally have barely ever saw the "twilight magic" term being used, contrary to shadow magic.

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I'm fully aware of that. However the term 'Shadow'  is bit overused in the lore so if there is an option to not call something 'Shadow' but something else I'll usually go fort hat something. Just call it Void magic.

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moral of the story: magic is over the top in wow so its better to use something on a low scale or not at all



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Excellent guide, and some of the magics specified here - I haven't really took an interest upon untill now. This can come quite in-handy when in doubt about a specific type of magic.

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