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Velinna Swiftstride

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Everything posted by Velinna Swiftstride

  1. Granted but those sacks are actually cancerous tumors that are inoperable and will claim your life within a month. I wish I had an infinitely refreshing one thousand dollars in my bank account that no authorities or bank would question. That's not all that great of a punishment btw.
  2. Granted but the money is behind a safe and no one knows how to open it. I wish I was a demon.
  3. Granted, but every other program on your computer crashes when you open them. I wish for infinite wishes.
  4. Granted but you are actually a futa furry and everyone assumes you're joking. I wish I could be a Death Knight.
  5. granted, but you can never speak to them and can only creepily look at them. I wish I could be a demon controlled demon hunter.
  6. I like it. Though there are some things to take note: Most Deathknights from the Ebon Blade, probably a lot less of them these days with the 5 wars Deathknights of either faction have been, were at the battle of Lights Hope and the genocide of the Scarlet Crusade. There are certain racial deathknights that aren't reflected properly in game. An example would be most Blood elf Deathknights would be High elves and Worgen aren't from Gilneas. They're from Argul's pack. The separation for clarity of what the three, and some speculate four, generations of the deathknights are. The extinct first gens, the runeblade second gens, the Lich King third gens and the Ebon Blade fourth gens.(Theorized as surely the Ebon Blade has liches and they're resurrecting more troops.)
  7. Interested. Certainly interested!
  8. Oh most certainly you'll hear of me from people like Mithaniel. All stories are 100% true.
  9. Pretty good. Can't wait to return to the Hammer. Thinking of rebranding it. PR and all that jazz
  10. I'd honestly prefer all. But I can widdle it down to specifics: Humans having burns and scars Pandaren and worgen missing tufts of fur or pandaren missing parts of their tails Elves having scars and maybe some muscle to those skinny arms and legs Maybe trolls have scarred skin. some ideas to spitball. If any of them seem a bit to far, then don't do it! @_@
  11. I made my living like any other ex-Divinity-X player: Trolling and triggering people like Mithaniel.
  12. I would request scars and other, battle, birth or otherwise, defects. Examples would be like burns, gashes (Sorta like Varian has across his nose) things like that. (And maybe a place I can make a donation to in the future! Such work should be rewarded.)
  13. Thank you all for the warm reception! It's nice to see new faces and some familiar ones.
  14. well I am very interested to see your spin on it! I love seeing things being converted into WoW.
  15. Hello everyone! I have finally gotten enough free time to return home. c: Hope you all have some fantastic stories because I have some that I'd love to share and host when I finish building up my phase.