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The Pawn

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The Pawn last won the day on April 18 2020

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About The Pawn

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  1. While we're at it, see if it's possible to add in the "mannequin" skin for every race rather than just humans and night elves. They're pretty good for armor stand npcs and some of the more unique ideas as animated dolls and what not I've seen people RP as from time to time.
  2. The Pawn

    .lo obj filtering

    I approve of this. While WoW Tools does help in finding what you need, it can take a while to load each different object you search up to confirm that those are indeed the droids objects you are looking for.
  3. Now that we are able to select doodads and shift them on and off, an issue I've noticed when trying to rebuild certain areas is getting the coordinates of an area exact. While it does display the world coordinates and as such you can worldport to it (and then gps to face the orientation), doing it to each and every doodad is incredibly tedious and time consuming. Much like how we can teleport to selected gameobjects with a command, I think it would be very useful to be able to teleport to a selected doodad. As a result, i propose the .doodad go command, which would teleport you to the exact coordinates of the selected doodad. Would make it useful for phases that are trying to build or expand upon certain areas while trying to remain faithful to the zone. (Had previously put this suggestion in the wrong subforum. Reposting it to be in the proper spot)
  4. Granted, they go on strike, and you take the blame for it. I wish for blizzard to make more skimpy armor.
  5. • Type of Bug: Command not Working. • Description: the .phase forge npc copy command, when you select it on an npc, and then use the command, successfully says it has copied the npc, and lists it in the list of phase forged npcs, but when you go to spawn it, the new id it gave for the NPC is invalid and will not spawn. • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot): Aside from talking with Boz to see if this is a bug, the following screenshot has 3 npcs named Zaetha. Only the top one is spawnable, as it is the only one "created" while the other two are copied. • Steps to reproduce: Use the .phase forge npc copy command, then attempt to spawn the copied npc. • Expected result: It would copy over the npc to another id • Observed result: It copies the npc, but does not let you spawn it, as the ID is invalid. • Reproduction rate: 100%, every attempt to recreate (Even testing with Boz) has caused every copy made to be unspawnable. • Additional information:
  6. Dark Blue as well for the great Flowerpicker Clan!
  7. With the addition of .cheat duration on/off, many spells have gone back to having a timer on them unless the cheat is enabled. While this is well and fine, an issue comes up from this. Many of us making npcs that use some of these auras now find that the effects we placed on them with intent to last forever, now fade away as well. To that end I propose another command. .npc set aura <ID> permanent For that, it would toggle the cheat on for the npc for that set aura like how .cheat duration on does for us, so those of us who wanted some of these once lasting auras on our npcs can now have it become permanent once more.
  8. with the updated mogit for epsi... Where'd all the capes go?
  9. I'll be blunt. Forsaken buildings are lacking. VERY lacking in terms of diversity. So to that end, much like you did to the garrison objects with gilneas appearances... Would you be willing to make forsaken-recolors of all the garrison objects too? Oh, forsaken recolors of the actual gilneas objects too would be nice. Similar to what the first patch did by giving them stormwind-esque retexturing. Or you could retexture the vanilla human stuff instead with forsaken appearances.
  10. • Type of Bug: Building (.gob rotate + .gob move) • Description: Rotated objects occasionally change their positioning when using .gob move • Evidence (Chat message/Screenshot): Don't really have any, but when on announce, i was told this is something that occurs. Nimorrax also managed to replicate the process • Steps to reproduce: Simply moving around an object that has been affected by the .gob rotate. • Expected result: Moving it simply to another spot to line up with another tile • Observed result: Tile moves, but also changes its orientation, forcing you to have to re rotate it back to its original position (Affects the Z axis from what I've noticed, .gob rot X Y Z) • Reproduction rate: Random as far as I can see, sometimes it did it instantly, sometimes it took a few times of the .gob move command while doing fine-tuning. • Additional information: Unsure if it's objects that are rotated prior to server restart or if it's all of them This hasn't happened to me until today, so i think it's a new bug.
  11. Given the mighty necromantic powers of the death knight, Lulu hereby breaks the fourth wall to give undeath to this topic. Rise, Riiiiiiise! And haunt these forums once more. =Changelog= Weapon Changed from Axe to Mace Minor tweaks to the quirks.
  12. Granted. Welcome to the world of insomniacs. I wish the weather would stop being so shit.
  13. For a while now we've had the royal_bloodelf/highelf/voidelf versions of the old ancient night elf stuff. Would it be possible for a similar set of recolors be done for the Nightborne of Suramar? In addition, would it also be possible for there to be the belf/helf/velf recolors of the nightborne objects and buildings too? (would also love the .m2 objects to get similar treatment, as they're great for builds, just the colors don't really match the wmos for the royal stuff)
  14. Granted. No one visits it though cuz its shit. I wish i had the attention span to actually stay on one character instead of making multiple alts I grow bored of.