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Posts posted by DavidTwo

  1. I've been involved with these types of communities for 10+ years now, and I've noticed some things. Especially when it comes to phases that host publically.


    Heck, I'm guilty of this too, as my own guild and phase at the time turned into clique-based RP with only one group RPing and no one else involved. Knowing what I did to others made me sick in the end when I've heard about it. And I really just right this because I care. I don't want this to happen to other guilds and phases.


    What I write about is this: RP that turns into exclusivity and involves only a certain group of people that no one else has the option of joining... while a public roleplaying phase is hosting.


    Why am I writing this thread today, you might ask? Slightly out of irritation, but mostly because I don't want what killed my guild(s)/phase(s) happening to anyone elses guild/phase. That, and RP for public areas should never turn into exclusivity. If you're hosting a public phase.. and yes as I said, I myself am guilty of this too, make the story at least open to people joining. Or at least let people observe if it's something you do not wish people to intrude upon. Or discuss upon it IC in the phase/RP wherever to keep people informed and/or keep people entertained.


    Roleplays that turn into exclusivity can kill a guild and a phase. I've both felt it happen and seen it happen upon my many years on Divinity/RPH/Epsi and I dislike every time it happens. We're a small server. I get that private RP will end up happening regardless.


    But together, I feel like we can make a difference and keep both people entertained and wanting roleplay in phases.. and also keep our lovely safe haven of a role playing server active :)


    **Note to mods. Didn't know where to post this. Apologies if this is in the wrong spot! :)**

  2. *slowly comes out of hiding, but remembering that you can't do music patches with their own IDs instead of replacing the tracks themselves, so he goes back into hiding and back to the Divinity-X times of old*

  3. 3 hours ago, Skorm said:

    4.9/5. My only criticism is that the weapons should have really replaced the vanilla stuff.

    But that's a bit of a pitiful criticism nonetheless. Very well done patch.

    It SHOULD have only replaced the Vanilla stuff, tbh.

  4. Yeesh, I forgot I made this post.



    I was more referring to the fact that you can do so much on 3.3.5a back then, including all sorts of upressed models on what was deemed a lower quality of WoW.


    And-.. yeah really the fact that 3.3.5a had so many possibilities back in the day. You can definitely do it on BFA and Legion, just it's a slight more challenging (but the end result is usually great).

  5. On 4/12/2020 at 9:01 PM, Terramane said:

    Absolute legend, thanks!


    EDIT IMPORTANT: You might want to take this patch down actually until shadowlands is released, Blizzard had already gotten DivX shut down because they got content from a patch too early, they can do the same with this server if this patch gains any popularity.

    Might've been the stuff from Gears of War that did that... but the world may never know.

  6. Elite Grpyhon Display IDs are only showing the MoP-era version of the new Gryphon and not the recolored versions added in BFA (IDs are https://i.imgur.com/To5xz8i.png, example: https://i.imgur.com/UrGkmnY.jpg


    I tried to add in the skins (downloaded fromWoWtools) and test it clientside, but the morphs still default to the main skin of (creature/elitegryphon/elitegryphon.blp and creature/elitegryphon/elitegryphon_armored.blp).


    File paths:


  7. Native ID list updated and got a big overhaul. Now includes both Native IDs that retain the skin/armor... as well as the morph IDs that just retain the armor and not the default skin if you .mod native.




    Default Races   Allied Races
    Other Races
    Race Name Native ID(Retains Skin) Morph ID(Retains armor)
    Race Name Native ID(Retains Skin) Morph ID(Retains armor) Race Name Native ID(Retains Skin) Morph ID(Retains armor)
    Human Male 49 19723 Nightborne Male 75078 82708 Vulpera Female 83914 N/A
    Human Female 50 19724 Nightborne Female 75079 82709 Vulpera Male 83913 N/A
    Dwarf Male 53 20317 Highmountain Male 75080 82733 Mechagnome Female 90787 N/A
    Dwarf Female 54 37918 Highmountain Female 75081 82731 Mechagnome Male 90786 N/A
    Night Elf Male 55 20318 Void Elf Male 75082 82371 Thin Kul Tiran 82317 N/A
    Night Elf Female 56 37919 Void Elf Female 75083 82372 Fel Orc Male 16981 21267
    Gnome Male 1563 20580 Lightforged Male 75084 82373 Broken Male 17576 21105
    Gnome Female 1564 20581 Lightforged Female 75085 82374 Tuskarr 21780 21688
    Draenei Male 16125 37916 Dark Iron Female 83911 88408 Vrykul Male 21685 21690
    Draenei Female 16126 20323 Dark Iron Male 83910 88409 Skeleton 17578 N/A
    Worgen Male 29422 37915 Mag'har Female 84560 88410 Forest Troll 21968 N/A
    Worgen Female 29423 37914 Mag'har Male 84558 88420 Taunka 26316 N/A
    Orc Male 51 37920 Kul Tiran Female 80388 88413 Northrend Skeleton 26871 N/A
    Orc Female 52 20316 Kul Tiran Male 80387 88414 Ice Troll 26873 N/A
    Forsaken Male 57 37923 Zandalari Female 79101 88416 Naga Male 17402 N/A
    Forsaken Female 58 37924 Zandalari Male 79100 88417 Naga Female 17403 N/A
    Tauren Male 59 20585            
    Tauren Femalke 60 20584            
    Troll Male 1478 20321       **Do note. If you want one of these skins to maintain armor
    Troll Female 1479 37922       (Talking about Forest Troll, Taunka, Ice Troll, Naga Male and Female,
    Blood Elf Male 15476 20578       Then simply find a regular naga/etc morph
    Blood Elf Female 15475 20579       and .mod native it.  
    Goblin Male 6894 20582            
    Goblin Female 6895 20583            
    Pandaren Male 38551 55249            
    Pandaren Female 38552 55248            


  8. So with the addition of the new 8.1/8.2 WMOs, there are these new human buildings from the Arathi Basin revamp with a red roof.



    Today's request would be to continue the ever-growing list of recolors and add in recolors of the roofs of these buildings to match the recolors of the 6hu_garrison buildings. Like garrison blue, Lordaeron blue, Gilneas brown, Alterac orange, Dalaran purple, Kultiras Green...


    And heck maybe even Gilnean-ify them if you can.


    The buildings in question are these: https://i.imgur.com/rqDq2Ue.jpg

    881881 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_townhall02.wmo

    881882 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_lumbermill01.wmo

    881883 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_farm01.wmo

    881894 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_blacksmith01.wmo

    881909 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_townhall01.wmo

    881910 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_mine01.wmo

    881925 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_stables01.wmo

    881926 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_silo01.wmo

    881927 [BFA 810-820] 8hu_pvp_arathibasinbg_shed01.wmo

  9. Looking through the vast majority of new displays, I've come across a few that are bugged.


    91828 – Fire Elemental – Fire effect appears green (as if incorrect or wrong texture) https://i.imgur.com/mxgVU0z.png

    90598 – Water Elemental – Water effects appears green (untextured) https://i.imgur.com/Q3tZl8w.png

    Another example: Morph 89154 https://i.imgur.com/wtsauEX.png

    And 91565 https://i.imgur.com/8NWayVa.png

    90433 – The Meat Wagon Mount – Incorrect model. Using the Chinese model? (https://i.imgur.com/m2YieGN.png as it appears in Epsilon. https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/blog/images/15282-meat-wagon-mount-model-from-warcraft-iii-spoils-of-war-8-1-ptr-build-28616.png as it appears in retail)

    90005 - Blood Troll Female - Face is still missing https://i.imgur.com/cP8ERld.png

    Elite Grpyhon Display IDs are only showing the MoP-era version of the new Gryphon and not the recolored versions added in BFA (IDs are https://i.imgur.com/To5xz8i.png, example: https://i.imgur.com/UrGkmnY.jpg

    what they're supposed to look like: Proudmoore, Stormsong, Waycrest )

    86369/86370 - Ogre missing like half of its body? Idk if it's a Blizz bug or missing model. https://i.imgur.com/Gyv3lGz.jpg

    87784 for another Ogre missing ENTIRE body model; only Apron present (https://i.imgur.com/iDPC5q3.png

    86549/86550/86834/86835/86836/86837/86838/86839/86840/86841/86842 - Kthiir https://i.imgur.com/aUdoW0m.png Missing like all of its body except the face

    92082/92148/92149/92181/92182 - Some Ankoran missing their chest area? https://i.imgur.com/EVsl0RE.png https://i.imgur.com/QNLIZUD.png https://i.imgur.com/gDLKtuZ.png  https://i.imgur.com/LM2INoh.png https://i.imgur.com/i8jHRR3.png

    91861/91862/91863/91864/91865/91866/91867/91868/91869/91870/91871/91872 - Some sorta 8.2 worm. Missing some affects. Morph into it. That's the only way I can explain this one

    82811/84197 - Whisp is missing some effects https://i.imgur.com/PxfrcEf.png https://i.imgur.com/6DQJJSV.png


    I’m sure there may be more. I’ll post more if I find more.

  10. I'm not too sure if this was suggested before, and I know this is **kind of** maybe taking a page from that other server, buuut...


    Would it be possible to implement a new phase rank system where you can assign certain permissions to a phase rank?


    Let's say the owner creates a general builder rank, and only adds in certain things like .gob sel, .gob del, etc, and .npc sel, etc. Like all the .gob commands, .npc, etc.


    Or if someone only wants a certain rank JUST for phase moderation and DMing.


    Think it'd be neat.
