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Posts posted by DavidTwo

  1. Actually a bit shocked I have to suggest this one, as this was one of the commands in the original Enteleaie core. Back in the day there was a command (.playsoundtoself, or .plays for short) that allowed you to play sound IDs to yourself. This suggestion is in hopes that we can get said command back. It'd be beneficial to RPers who wish to play sounds but only to themself.

  2. While it's a nice patch... you do have to realize. Battle for Azeroth is still in the ALPHA phase. Sure, the server might be overseas or something, but this still could put us on Blizzard's radar. You should consider this the next time you release content. Just kind of my own train of thought.

  3. While it's a nice patch... you do have to realize. Battle for Azeroth is still in the ALPHA phase. Sure, the server might be overseas or something, but this still could put us on Blizzard's radar. You should consider this the next time you release content.

  4. So I had a bit of an idea. What if we took some of the Vanilla human buildings (like the Blacksmith, Barracks, Stables, etc.) and the Stormwind Buildings from D-X's Patch-P, and put the Garrison roof recolor textures on it? It'll open up a few new possibilities for those that enjoy mixing Vanilla-esque buildings with Garrison buildings, and would also make it mix a bit better, in terms of  building.

  5. 846876 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_engineering_rank1.wmo] [Spawn]

    846844 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_towerpost_v1_nocol.wmo] [Spawn]

    846818 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_tower_v3.wmo] [Spawn]

    846801 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_alchemy_rank1b.wmo] [Spawn]

    846918 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_menagerie_v0.wmo] [Spawn]

    845484 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_menagerie_v3.wmo] [Spawn]

    845485 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_engineering_hub.wmo] [Spawn]

    845494 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_stable_v3.wmo] [Spawn]

    845560 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_enchanting_rank1b.wmo] [Spawn]

    845750 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_blacksmith.wmo] [Spawn]

    845872 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_engineering_rank2.wmo] [Spawn]

    846176 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_mill_v2.wmo] [Spawn]

    846684 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_tradingpost_v3.wmo] [Spawn]

    846672 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_tailoring_rank2.wmo] [Spawn]

    846618 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_stable_v2.wmo] [Spawn]

    846589 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_inscription_rank2b.wmo] [Spawn]

    846586 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_jewelcrafting_hub.wmo] [Spawn]

    846546 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_tradingpost_v0.wmo] [Spawn]

    846430 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_leatherworking_rank1b.wmo] [Spawn]

    846395 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_mill_v3.wmo] [Spawn]

    846380 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_tailoring_rank1b.wmo] [Spawn]

    846319 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_alchemy_rank2b.wmo] [Spawn]

    846229 - [emptywmo_6hu_garrison_tradingpost_v1.wmo] [Spawn]

    224854 - [6hu_garrison_storehouserank1.wmo] [Spawn]

    830203 - [6hu_garrison_enchanting_rank1.wmo] [Spawn]

    830204 - [6hu_garrison_enchanting_rank2.wmo] [Spawn]

    833742 - [6hu_garrison_townhall_v0.wmo] [Spawn] ((Maybe do a swap and put the colored roofs on this one, if it'll work. Could be a cool alternative))


    227673 - [6hu_garrison_tradingpost_v1.wmo] [Spawn]

    833711 - [6hu_garrison_towerpost_v3.wmo] [Spawn]

    833713 - [6hu_garrison_towerpost_v2.wmo] [Spawn]

    224548 - [6hu_garrison_armory_v1.wmo] [Spawn]

    833745 - [6hu_garrison_tower_v3.wmo] [Spawn]

    833744 - [6hu_garrison_tower_v2.wmo] [Spawn]

    834098 - [6as_alliance_tower.wmo] [Spawn]

    846439 - [emptywmo_6as_alliance_tower.wmo] [Spawn]

    230985 - [6hu_garrison_fishingshackrank1.wmo] [Spawn]

  6. So we have some of the building recolors already, but there are many more that could be done, such as the Trade Shops. (Trading Posts), also the PVP tower in Ashran, and also, last but also not least, the towers/tower posts for the Walls of the Garrison.



    There's also the matter of the profession buildings having the roof recolors, and perhaps even the tents/wagons that were introduced.

  7. Title says it all, honestly. Why not make Azeroth recolors of the Northrend buildings, as well as Gilnean versions of the Northrend buildings? And perhaps Tia's version of Dalaran as a bonus option too.


    Also... more recolors of the Human Gilneas stuff, like green, orange n' stuff. And perhaps the .m2s as well.

  8. I'm not sure if this is planned already, but I would love to see these buildings back. They were very nice to have back then and could be quite awesome building assets for Epsilon.


    I would also recommend also using the roof colors that Arbiter made as alternative colors for them. I think it'd be interesting variety, at least. For the Stormwind ones.


    Also, maybe try and do some Stormwind versions of the Dalaran buildings of this patch? Again, variety.

  9. 6 hours ago, Adam said:

    I'm not really fond of those worgen house recolors. Perhaps, garrison buildings with different roofcolours.

    They're not bad tbh. And yeah the Garrison buildings wouldn't be a bad addition either.

  10. Gilnean recolors?! I think this was a reallllllly old request of mine too :P.



    Can we has your Dalaran recolors too? Those were great. The ones you made out of the human architecture. ((I know this isn't a request forum. I'd figure I'd give it a shot at requesting it anyways :P ))



    And a small bit of critique for the Gossip: You're missing Kaiyne's cheeky jokes. Come now. Those made the Weekly Gossip.

  11. So when in a big phase, and let's say someone doesn't have a good computer. Stuff may load quite quick for people, and lag their PCs... so what my idea here would be to have a command that could mod people's object view distance, basically. Something that they can modify. Small for only the area. Medium if they want to see more, or Far if they have a good PC and can handle it all. It's just to help with some lag, really.

  12. Oh, that's alright. But that wasn't the bug I was referring to.


    Whenever a crash happens, my .ph teles (I make them inthe old SW map, map ID 723) end up in the main world (Main map Eastern Kingdoms) for some odd reason. Even happened to another .tele I made in the Emerald Dream (The Vanilla one; map ID 169). I made the report at

