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Danker and Danker

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Everything posted by Danker and Danker

  1. Uhhhhhh no clue what you're even asking so probably not @_@.
  2. LF boss of recolors will pay in pesos

  3. ALSO AS A SIDE REQUEST A SLIGHTLY BIGGER AND MORE INTRICATE TASK: IF YOU RECOLORED THIS ONE YOU WOULD LEGIT BE MY FAVORITE PERSON. http://prntscr.com/g3t7sm <--- Again, to match the colors of the set. This helmet's ID is: 115843
  4. I know it's very minute, but it's simple and I would love you if you did it well. Want this ASAP If yall don't mind :3 http://prntscr.com/g3t6nm <--- The helmet's ID is: 115635 LITERALLY. The cloth portion of the helmet where it's white? I just wanted to change it to a brown-ish shade. Something that would match with the chest-piece and the rest of the set.
  5. I support this so fucking much, so many cool animations can be used.
  6. Anduin's cloak (a blacker/darker version) as an item. I will literally suck you off for this, forever.
  7. Was curious if I could work with a member of staff to provide all the coordinates / info needed to set up teles for every instance? For now, only Vanilla cords are being provided. I will work on getting one expansion up a day until it is complete. This will help people who want to use these zones to build / RP.
  8. If someone could that'd be amazing, or at least make the demon hunter eyes or w.e available to the model.
  9. WELL, The Fel corruption process is being slowed through runes on the arm and other magical enchantments, of course this is only prolonging the inevitable. If it can't be done that's fine I was just curious IF it could be done.
  10. Of course make it proportionate to her body still, but a bit bigger is fine.
  11. So, erh. One of my characters has gone under a very large amount of corruption and one of her arms at the moment is that of a Fel-orcs. Since the female Fel-orc skin already exists, I suppose this couldn't be too far fetched, but I want it to look similar to the male models ingame. Little bit bigger, disgusting looking etc, I'd also love the glowing demon-hunter eyes on this Orc-skin or a way to obtain it as well. I kinda want this before I RP with this character over @ Fel-forged. I would fucking love it if you did this. :3 TLDR: Female Orc Stukov but with Fel-orc arm, if possible. Some references bellow. (Screenshots) http://prntscr.com/fx5ccr (The arm) http://prntscr.com/fx5dvv (The eyes)
  12. o nvm i thought you meant the erhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh server discord
  13. Im in the discord nerd i asked u to make me that skin
  14. i feel like learning how to RP a forsaken for this
  15. Thanks for all the welcomes and such :B
  16. I have many many characters. I literally just shit out ideas when I'm bored a lot of the time. My two main characters are.. Ganel of Duli'v & Rogmah the Honorless.
  17. Could you make an item or a patch that mimics the Demon Hunter eye glow for female orcs? <3
  18. Placeholder for Backstory and such, this is entirely WIP still looking for logos & art styles to support the color scheme presented.
  19. Name: Rogmah. Gender: Female. Race: Orc. Age: Forty Two. Class(s): Rogue, Warlock, Warrior. Languages: Orcish, Common, Eredun. Rogmah was commonly known for her unique and masterful use of Shadow step long before she became a Warlock. Unlike most of the Shattered Hand, Rogmah preferred the more head on approach. So, instead of sneaking up on her enemy she would instead use shadow-step to place counter-attacks and overall out-maneuver her enemy. She also is excellent in the art of sword-play. Rogmah as a Warlock is fairly competent in specific areas ; those areas being Affliction and Demonology. She knows basic destruction spells, but prefers to use them in a more controlled manner well as controlled as magics of Chaos can get. More often then not she will first curse an enemy, then she will run into combat with fel-flame running along her fel-steel clay-more, leaping or shadow-stepping into the fray. The most useful tool to her in combat however is her heavily mutated right arm. The black and scaly abomination was the result of her demon-blood addiction, a corrupted ring of trolls blood, and the influence of Katahakan. Her strength and prowess in these dark magics has increased by an absurd amount perhaps even giving her an unfair advantage over most Warlocks and Warriors alike.
  20. Hullo I am Austin or commonly known as Rogmah. Say what you will, traps are not gay. Thank you.