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About Stellar

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  • Birthday August 22

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  1. Stellar

    HD Mageweave

    Greetings my fellow Epsilonians! It has come to my attention that a sister server, Kuretar, will sadly be coming to its end. And as we welcome an influx of new and talented RP'ers to our community, so too have they come bearing gifts! I did not make this patch, but with permission from the original patch author, Kelzano, they have generously allowed for us to share and redistribute their patch content for us to enjoy. So! With a big thank you to the original patch author, and with a warm welcome to our new blooming French community, here are four HD mageweave sets. Enjoy! Reference Images: https://imgur.com/a/Oetzh84 MageweaveHD.rar
  2. Introduction: For many years, the denizens of Azeroth have known only war. Anguish, destruction, chaos, and bloodshed. For as long as some can remember, even, the world has been in disarray. However, with the Fourth War brought to an unsteady stay of arms, and peace looming ever so closely upon the horizon, a small villa along the coast of Quel'thalas quietly opens its doors for those in dire need of rest and relaxation. Del'anar's Escape. OOC Information: Del'anar's Escape is a small private community looking to open its doors for members looking to make friends and explore the more social elements of their characters. Rather than focus on events with boss battles and perilous journeys, Del'anar's Escape is looking to offer a more relaxed setting, where characters can express themselves in a way that they perhaps have never gotten the chance to in a public RP setting. The group is primarily focused on casual roleplay, and a phase that is always open to its members (Though, there will be times when IC time is announced within the server). Most of all, the phase is intended to be laid back, and fun. Within, characters will find a volleyball court, several places to lounge including on the beach, or inside, various party games to be played, such as Liar's Dice, Death Roll, Dictionary, The Voting Game, and more as they are introduced to the group. A well stocked kitchen and wine cellar ensures food and drink is always flowing, and the good times stay rolling. Rules: The phase itself is more elven-centric, thus, Sin'dorei, Quel'dorei, and Shal'dorei are the most comfortable there, however most neutral races will be considered if they make sense for the phase and setting. While a full list of rules may be found on our server, the general rule of conduct for most public phases still applies. Questions? Feel free to direct them to me at Stellar#5459, or if you are interested in applying for membership, fill out the short application form below! Membership Application
  3. Uh, hi! Been awhile since this received an update. Nothing groundbreaking to add really, however I have added one new addition to the patch, updated one of the really old faces (Pre-dating Epsilon's release), and created a brand new gallery with updated imagery to help you, Epsilon Viewer, make a more well informed decision about whether this patch is for you or not! I am still accepting custom requests to be added to the patch, more of that information can be found in the installation guide below. Happy Holidays~! Installation is fairly simple, just extract the folder to your patches folder and activate it within the launcher, same as any other patch. If you'd like to contact me about possibly having me do a small personal edit for you my discord is Stellar#5459 I'm not really an artist so I'd keep the requests pretty simple, lips, eyeshadow, freckles, small piercings, beauty marks, and possibly a very simple tattoo (no promises). https://drive.google.com/file/d/14pliuBYpdLtNSQIeZVK4utsMRGQjyRDu/view?usp=sharing (Couldn't seem to attach the file to the post as I normally would, so it's been uploaded to google drive instead!)
  4. Saw the comedic opportunity, happened to know about murlocs. I took it. You caught me
  5. Thank you , unfortunately, I have tried cycling between WoWWiki and WoWpedia but most of the time the information that they relay is about the same. The only thing I think I forgot to talk about was magic, but I don't know too much about it to say, so I thought it best to leave it unsaid.
  6. Now I understand that your first thought when reading this probably won't be "Oh my goodness you know what would be a great idea!? MURLOCS!" But this post is for the odds and ends type of roleplayers that want to experiment with something new, and that of course, is murlocs. While I myself can't really say too much about this curious little race, most of what I learned was through WoWWiki, and the rest was my own speculation. So, do with this information what you will, and please be kind. Creation: If you're interested in creating a murloc, you first must understand the various types. Murlocs and their colors will generally hint to their habitat and preferred style of living. If you are a green murloc, you would likely carry traits closer to an amphibian and likely live on the shoreline, remaining for the most part, as semi-aquatic. However, if your murloc is blue, it could likely hint that it spends more time in water than their shore dwelling cousins. This of course could affect the way your murloc looks, feels, and interacts with others. Behavior: While I can't say that I've roleplayed as more than one murloc, I have been around enough murloc roleplayers to know what type of roleplay would/should be suitable for certain settings. Naturally, if your murloc is wild, and crazy, and slamming its face off of a table, it probably has had little to no interaction with another self-aware species other than its own kind, and therefore, it would likely avoid going against its own natural instinct to simply waltz into a dangerous city. Quite the contrary, if your murloc DOES end up waddling into a city, then their curiosity has either betrayed their instinct, or the murloc trusts in him or herself enough to survive a confrontation. Regardless, whether your murloc is wild and untamed, or quiet and curious, it has been shown that many murlocs have been capable of learning languages such as Common, should that murloc have felt the need to do so. This need could be several things, whether they desire currency (Shiny objects that catch its eye and are pretty to look at) , to having the desire to travel elsewhere (Wants to reach another coastline, best to hitch a ride), and other simple minded tasks of the like. It is best to always have a reason. With that being said, try not to over do it. Speaking: If you do have the desire to make your murloc capable of speaking a language, do try to be realistic and understand that many of these creatures are simple-minded and should (Most of the time) only know words that are vital to communication, such as a brief greeting, or a muddled version of what it is that the murloc wants, or even their reason for concerning themself with land creatures. When in doubt, let the murloc learn through in character confrontations. A good rule of thumb is to make a small list of words that your murloc knows from the start, and work your way up. A good way to implement the learning of a new word is having your character listen, whether a character is speaking to them or another, and then attempting to say it themself. Intentional mispellings or simply 'mrgl'ing the end of the word for example could be a great way to show other characters that your murloc is learning, and a bit more intelligent than the average water dweller. Religion: Many believe that all murlocs only worship one deity, when in fact, religion is about as diverse as it is in today's society. Some tribes of murlocs will worship the Deep Mother, which is believed to be the protector of ocean life and other things of the like, while others could worship a different variation of what they believe is the Deep Mother, such as the Tidehunter, or other. However, many murlocs may praise a living creature as their deity. For example, if a tribe worships a shark, it is because a single shark displayed an act of power, either by killing one or two of the tribe members, or by killing another predator of the deeps. The murlocs will praise that creature as their god/goddess until another creature displays an act that the murlocs deem more powerful than the last, such as killing the shark. Taking this into speculation, I personally believe that some murlocs could also praise objects for their powerful, interesting, or unique properties, depending on the personality of the murloc. If your murloc by chance stumbles upon a potion that makes them grow in size, they could immediately formulate a deity in their head in regards to that potion, naming them 'Potion God' or something similar, until of course something better comes along. Utilize this guide however you would like, I hope many of you find it useful, and if there are any (Constructive) comments or other questions I can try to answer them to the best of my ability.
  7. Stellar


    Hello! Some of you may know me from another server, but I'm here to give Epsilon a shot. I look forward to roleplaying with many of you.