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Everything posted by Kori

  1. Eye Colour variation is a bit of a tricky one, on one hand it's doable and on the other its a very bloaty, monotonous and crude method to integrate for BFA. It's something we were working on, and in the end decided to shelve for this expansion, for the time being, given the crude nature it would have to be integrated. Hope that answers your curiosity!
  2. Hey guys! Thanks for the bug reports, you really do help me clean up some oversights that slithered past my way and I can't thank you enough for your selflessness and the time it takes away from you to do! Every bug is noted down and I'll be working on getting these done soon after I've finished getting shit sorted in my new place. Apologies for what feels like a long time considering how hasty the previous updates were! Give it a week or so and again - sorry for the wait! As per usual, below quotes are addressing things of intent or beyond my control; This is how the client handles streaming new data. I believe this is the bug you're referring to, which just gets downloaded over time. If this still has persisted check you don't have any client patch conflicts before hitting me up if it remains! Shadowlands supports a new way of overlaying textures, particularly for scars. I will mess with the alphas more, but it won't be 1:1 with Shadowlands. That's a limitation of Battle for Azeroth, sorry. Use a different face. The faces are now duplicated to support eyeglow or no eyeglow. Thanks for the bug on the accessories texture. Unfortunately, this hairstyle's boneset was bugged during this client build even on retail, and is not something I can fix until we shift to the next patch. Sorry! (Its my favourite hairstyle too :<) I hadn't originally intended to open up so many Satyr options for Night Elves, as they would lose the DH horns as a result. The larger options was an oversight on my part that finally got fixed. Sorry, for the confusion this has brought. This compromise could possibly be averted soon however. Yes I needed to spend time with my loved ones during Christmas; rent out my house and move the entirety of my possessions 3/4 across the world to go move to Thailand.
  3. Unfortunately this slipped by the most recent set of hotfixes, so may take a while, you'll most likely see it in the next content update. Thanks!
  4. This isnt an M2 issue, this appears to be something funky with the client itself being hammered with requests(?) - this problem also occured during retail Legion. Thrown the bug report to the relevant channel, thanks.
  5. Dont quite understand what you mean. Faces after the eyeglow lookup have disabled eyeglow, showing the texture underneath (mostly applies to DK eye colours).
  6. When reporting; please try and avoid from making duplicate reports, so I can keep a concise track on everything! Cheers! Ross' format is a good example to follow when reporting a bug. • Race: • Sex (Male/Female?): • Type (Animation/Mesh/Texture/Interface?): • Description: • Evidence (Screenshot): Known Issues: Barbershop Unavailable Draenei - F Death Knight Eyes Having to build the M2 from scratch to fix this - may take a while - sorry! Worgen - M Teeth Jowel Mesh Worgen - M NPCs Missing Ears
  7. Patch 830-2f: Character Creation & Customisation Alliance Draenei Male Skin Color 5 New Skin Colors. Hair Styles 3 New Hairstyles. Hair Color 4 New Hair Colors. Face 11 New Faces. Includes Eyebrow Variants. Features General Weight & Rig Improvements. Horn Style 1 New Horn Style. Tendril Style 1 New Tendril Style. General Weight & Rig Improvements. Draenei Female Skin Color 3 New Skin Colors. Hair Color 4 New Hair Colors. Dwarf Male Skin Color 8 New Skin Colors. Hair Color 7 New Hair Colors. Facial Hair 11 New Facial Hairs. General Weight & Rig Improvements. Tattoo Style 16 New Tattoo Styles. Temp. Dark Iron Tattoos Replaced. Dwarf Female Skin Color 8 New Skin Colors. Hair Color 7 New Hair Colors. Hair Style General Weight & Rig Improvements. Tattoo Style 16 New Tattoo Styles. Temp. Dark Iron Tattoos Replaced. Gnome Male Skin Color 6 New Skin Colors. Hair Style Texture Resolution Improvements. Gnome Female Skin Color 6 New Skin Colors. Hair Style Texture Resolution Improvements. Brow Style (New) 5 New Brow Styles. Accessories (New) 9 New Accessories. Human Male Skin Color 7 New Skin Colors. Hair Style 4 New Hairstyles. Temp. Removal of Jimmy Neutron Hair. Brow Style Mesh Rework of Elf Eyebrows. Human Female Skin Color 7 New Skin Colors. Hair Style 28 New Hairstyles. Piercings 26 New Piercings. Makeup (New) 6 New Makeup Styles. Mane Style (New) 7 New Accessories. Features (New) 5 New Features. Night Elf Male Skin Color 4 New Skin Colors. Face 11 New Faces. Includes Eye Glow Variation. Hair Style 3 New Hairstyles. Mesh & Texture Improvements. Hair Color 3 New Hair Colors. Features Demon Hunter Horns Restored. Accessories Demon Hunter Blindfolds Restored. Night Elf Female Skin Color 4 New Skin Colors. Face 11 New Faces. Includes Eye Glow Variation. Hair Style 7 New Hairstyles. Mesh & Texture Improvements. Hair Color 3 New Hair Colors. Features Demon Hunter Horns Restored. Accessories 9 new accessory options. Worgen Male Skin Color 24 New Skin Colors. Hair Style 28 New Hairstyles. Facial Hair 12 New Facial Hairs. Features 9 New Features. General Weight & Rig Improvements. Void Elf Male Skin Color 21 New Skin Colors. Face 12 New Faces. Mechagnome Male Skin Color 46 New Skin Colors. Hair Color 8 New Hair Colors. Worgen Female Skin Color 48 New Skin Colors. Face 7 New Faces. Includes Eye Glow Variation. Hair Style 50 New Hairstyles. Hair Colors 8 New Hair Colors. Ear Style 2 New Ear Styles. Mane Style (New) 3 New Mane Styles. Features (New) 15 New Features. Void Elf Female Skin Color 21 New Skin Colors. Face 12 New Faces. Mechagnome Female Skin Color 46 New Skin Colors. Hair Color 8 New Hair Colors. Horde Blood Elf Male Skin Color 4 New Skin Colors. Face Includes Eye Glow Variation. Hair Style General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 46 New Hair Colors. Blood Elf Female Skin Color 4 New Skin Colors. Face Includes Eye Glow Variation. Hair Style General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 46 New Hair Colors. Goblin Male Facial Hair General Weight & Texture Improvements. Hair Color 46 New Hair Colors. Nose Style Nose Style 1+5 Swapped. Goblin Female Hair Style General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 46 New Hair Colors. Nose Style Nose Style 1+3 Swapped. Orc Male Skin Color 1 new skin colour options. General UV & Texture Improvements. Hair Style Texture Resolution Increased. General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 3 New Hair Colors. Orc Female Skin Color 5 New Skin Colors. Hair Style Texture Resolution Increased. General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 3 New Hair Colors. Tusk Style (New) General Weight & Rig Improvements. Tauren Male Skin Color 2 New Skin Colors. Tattoo Style 6 New Tattoo Styles. Tauren Female Skin Color 3 New Skin Colors. Tattoo Style 6 New Tattoo Styles. Troll Male Skin Color 17 New Skin Colors. Hair Style Texture Resolution Increased. General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 21 New Hair Colors. Troll Female Skin Color 17 New Skin Colors. Hair Style Texture Resolution Increased. General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 21 New Hair Colors. Undead Male Skin Color 6 New Skin Colors. Hair Style 2 New Hairstyles. General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 48 New Hair Colors. Nightborne Male Skin Color 3 New Skin Colors. Hair Style 8 New Hairstyles. Undead Female Skin Color 6 New Skin Colors. Hair Style General Weight & Rig Improvements. Hair Color 48 New Hair Colors. Nightborne Female Skin Color 3 New Skin Colors. Hair Style 9 New Hairstyles. Patch 830-2f: Hotfixes Alliance Draenei Male Meshes & Textures Fixed an issue with Horn Style UVs. Feature 16 Human Male Missing Restored Boy Genius hair. Hair 30 Restored Transmog Skin. Skin Color 24 Meshes & Textures Hair 30 Caesar Cut moved. Hair 59 Fixed an issue with mismatched Hair IDs. Hair 53 - 59 Fixed an issue with head variation vertices. Feature 5 - 6. Fixed an issue with underwear pelvis skin. Dwarf Male Missing Restored 7 Accessories Accessories 7 - 16 Restored 6 Facial Lower Colors. Hair Color 14 - 20 Meshes & Textures Improved Accessories metal texture. Gnome Male New 1 New Face. Skin 1 - 4, Face 15 Skin 11 - 13, Face 15 Missing Restored Scalp Upper Hair Hair Color 14 - 20 Meshes & Textures Added scalp hairs to previous hairstyles. Fixed a texture issue with feet and cloaks. Fixed vanilla facial hair and brow style UVs. Night Elf Male Missing Restored Eye Glow Variation. Face 10 Meshes & Textures Fixed an issue with the chunky leg mesh. Worgen Male Missing Restored Bald Hairstyle combo. Hair 1 - 2 Restored 1 Ear Style Ear Style 1 Meshes & Textures Fixed an issue with the tail vertices. Fixed an issue with the chunky leg mesh. Mechagnome Male New 1 New Face. Face 15 Missing Restored eyebrows. Meshes & Textures Fixed mismatched eyebrow colors. Kul Tiran Male Missing Restored 2 Facial Hairs. Human Female New 3 New Makeup Options. Makeup 8 - 10 Meshes & Textures Improved Custom Hair UVs. Fixed multiple hair weight issues. Reduced brightness on Hair Color 3. Fixed an issue with doubles rendering light improperly. Dwarf Female Meshes & Textures Fixed an issue with Kul Tiran hairstyle weights. Improved hairline positioning for multiple hairstyles. Fixed an issue with doubles rendering light improperly. Gnome Female New 2 New Faces Skin 1 - 4, Face 16 - 17 Skin 11 - 13, Face 16 - 17 Missing Restored Scalp Upper Hair Hair Color 14 - 20 Restored Brown Eyes Face. Skin 1 - 4, Face 15 Skin 11 - 13, Face 15 Night Elf Female Missing Restored Eye Glow Variation. Skin 23 - 27, Face 11 - 18 Worgen Female Meshes & Textures Changed braid hairstyle to mirror worgen form. Hair 45 Mechagnome Female New 2 New Faces Face 16 - 17 Kul Tiran Female Missing Restored Earrings Restored Necklaces Void Elf Female Missing Restored Skin Colors. Skin 23 - 24 Meshes & Textures Fixed an issue with blue underwear legs. Horde Blood Elf Male Missing Restored Golden Eye Glow. Face 21 - 23 Meshes & Textures Swapped Eye Glow Variation for NPCs. Skin 12 - 16 Face 1 - 10 <-> 11 - 16 Orc Male Missing Restored 3 Mag'har Hair Colors. Hair Color 12 - 14 Meshes & Textures Fixed the red face issue with Hair Colors. Troll Male Missing Restored 3 Forest Troll Skins. Skin Color 35 - 37 Mag'har Male Missing Restored 3 Orc Hair Colors. Hair Color 20 - 22 Zandalari Male Missing Restored 1 Face. Face 6. Nightborne Male Missing Restored 1 New Hairstyle. Hair 15 Goblin Male Missing Restored Bald Hairstyle. Hair 53 Restored Faces Skin Color 13 - 15 Meshes & Textures Fixed transmog skin faces. Vulpera Male New Patterns seperated from Skin Colour. Blood Elf Female Missing Restored Void Elf Hairstyle. Hair 59 Meshes & Textures Improved Custom Hair UVs for ombre colors. Swapped Eye Glow Variation for NPCs. Skin 12 - 16 Face 1 - 10 <-> 11 - 15 Orc Female Missing Restored 3 Mag'har Hair Colors. Hair Color 12 - 14 Troll Female Missing Restored 2 Forest Troll Skins. Skin Color 35 - 36 Mag'har Female Missing Restored 3 Orc Hair Colors. Hair Color 20 - 22 Restored Features Section. Meshes & Textures Fixed a crash that would occur with new hair colors. Zandalari Female Missing Restored 1 Face. Face 6. Tauren Female Missing Restored 3 Shadowlands Skins. Skin 21 - 23 Vulpera Female New Patterns seperated from Skin Colour. Pandaren Male Meshes & Textures Fixed an issue with Shadowlands Faces. Fixed an issue with Shadowlands Skin Colours. Broken Male Meshes & Textures Fixed an issue with incorrect model textures.
  8. Always love people making these kind of patches, sound is bread and butter to help immerse yourself!
  9. This was being worked on when I first started out doing customisation, unfortunately many things borked up for Human Females at the time, and the ETA I needed to release. As a result, Human Females were put on hold; and by extension Worgen Females (as they essentially share assets with customisation). Also, the only workaround during BFA is adding different options for human and worgen form; seperating them just isn't feasible at all until SL. This is being worked on ?
  10. Like Raz said it's partly a limitation. The only way to reasonably get around this (without breaking everything) would be to create new leg textures of every kind cut off on the thighs, with alpha applied. Though this would be needed to be done, for the most part, manually, for every texture.
  11. After you hit apply, then ok, the little black square usually persists. Ensure you have admin permissions to do it - the little square should be visible, however.
  12. I'll have a look into them; see if the spell mesh is different from the item itself. If it is - I personally see no reason for this not to be included, regardless of replacement ideology.
  13. Kori

    Upright Orc.

    Correct, I think this is a leftover change from when we were on 7.3.5, thanks
  14. Do you have an antivirus? Add to the list of exceptions, if so. Also make sure your folder is not set to read only; you can do when right clicking the main folder's properties.
  15. Kori

    Kori's Lil' Kompendium

    Oddities - Removed - Needs restructuring for Epsilon 8.3.0 Zones - Removed - Needs restructuring for Epsilon 8.3.0 Icons - Removed - Included in Epsilon 8.3.0 AddOns - New - RPG UI ( 21:9 Widescreen Support Only, Right Now ) - Spell List for Epsilon 8.3.0
  16. - Applications are open.
  17. - Applications are OPEN with one slot available! With a lot of troubles getting in the way this year; Fable of Fortune will finally crack on with Roleplay shortly after Christmas! - Botanist and Shapeshifter are being redone in the Google Docs as they were far too overpowered. - Any class is available, though variety is always appreciated! Current Roster; 1 Human Warden; 1 Half-Orc Berserker 1 Human Paladin; 1 Human Cleric 1 Human Scoundrel; 1 Human Sorcerer; 1 Night Elf Elementalist Unused Classes Marksman; Shapeshifter; Botanist
  18. Kori

    Kori's Lil' Kompendium

    Icons - 2,500~ New Icons - W3Refoged_, DOS_2 New Prefixes Zones - Tanaris should no longer cause a streaming error. - Check the .Phase Tele locations to access the Pre-Cata zones. - Shaders - V1 Removed. - V2 & V3 Packaged All-In-One. Keep an eye out on the Oddities Section! soon
  19. Applications - Applications have CLOSED far exceeding the original limit of 6. - If the party amount lowers I will be re-opening applications. - Thank you ever so much for those that have shown interest, and sorry to those that did not make it! Current Roster; 1 Warden; 1 Berserker 1 Paladin; 1 Cleric 1 Scoundrel; 1 Marksman 2 Sorcerers; 1 Elementalist Thiccroy / Thromgar Howlsteel / Marskman Accepted. Romnalisa / Brisha / Berserker Accepted. Sting / Hathan Isenstrider / Scoundrel Accepted. (via Discord DMs) Crommush / Perton Derryn / Paladin Accepted. Manduin / Marcia Pike / Cleric Accepted. Rabbit / James Cassingrove / Warden Accepted. Zyn / Camilla Cliffmour / Sorceror Accepted. Dreadzy / Elric Albreht / Sorceror Accepted. LifeWithCydney / Relana Snowbreeze / Elementalist Accepted.
  20. Applications are being accepted! The campaign will start beginning April 20th!
  21. Applications - Applications are OPEN with one slot available.
  22. Click the images for an overview of Fable of Fortune! Note: The google docs provided simply provide an overview of each system; these rulesets are automated entirely under-the-hood; you do not need to memorise them (other than the character and class of your choosing.)
  23. Kori

    Kori's Lil' Kompendium

    Forgot to update the download link with the missing map - new links fixes the backpacks.
  24. Kori

    Kori's Lil' Kompendium

    Updated thread w/ some lil backpack and quiver spells and re-packaged my patches into one full download; just one password, now. You can choose between one with or without the zones included (as the zone files themselves are 600+ mb). The reshade downloads are still seperate. Oddities: - Replaces Forsaken Plague Thrower mesh - Replaces Vanilla Quiver mesh.
  25. Kori

    Kori's Lil' Kompendium

    Sorry for the late reply - This seems to be a problem for your client only. Did you install the new TRP after you installed the icon patch? Could be a reason. Thanks for the heads up with the macros though - I think I need to re-upload the macro lua so it supports the custom icons. I'll get a fix for that by the end of next week. Going Forward; - I will be removing all passwords for previous Patches, but going forward for texture, model and personal customisation patches that remain unofficial to Epsilon. - I will password lock them for a short period of time; then eventually lift them consecutively; if you are a registered Epsilon member, this should be no concern :).