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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. So we are permitted to use scripts and addons which do this in private phases without worry?
  2. The script I'm referring to doesn't apply at all to system channels, only basic chat channels. it also includes a filter for "." and "/" commands so that it doesn't prevent them from being used. P sure it was one Xeslite posted months ago on some other forums
  3. Mac OS X Sierra has an ongoing problem, resulting directly from Apple locking down the applications allowed to run even further. Due to the edits on the Mac client, OSX mistakes it as a virus. There's a fairly easy way to fix the error, which involves reinstating the ability to run Unknown apps from "Anywhere" in OSX's Gatekeeper. Follow these easy instructions. Open your Terminal Enter this command: sudo spctl --master-disable Enter your Administrator password when prompted and press enter on your keyboard. Assuming you did that correctly, Open System Preferences and then open "Security and Privacy Settings" You should now have an option to allow apps downloaded from "Anywhere". Enable this and run the client from your Applications folder, or any subfolder within that directory. With this: The error should stop showing and the client should launch. Note this only seems to be needed for Mac OS X Sierra.
  4. If it helps anything, I can demonstrate the effect of the script to staff upon request (depending on the time, of course).
  5. Rule in Question: " Chat Modification: Changing the colours of messages you send to the global broadcast is not allowed. Addons which only modify the messages on your client are allowed, however those which may affect other players with the same addon are frowned upon. " Why: Fairly recently I asked what this rule covers, as it's written only to specify "Global Broadcast", Which one would assume to mean the Announce, GUILD, and EVENT channels. It also specifies the use of an addon, which would send an addon message to another user of the same addon (mind you if they have an addon to have chat colors changed based on people using it, this should probably be considered more of a client side thing that can be fixed by uninstalling an addon) According to Tia, the rule also covers (without explicitly stating it, and if it's intended to, it isn't clear) public channels such as Say, yell, and emote. Assuming Party, Raid, and Whisper is included. The Rule apparently also covers any Scripts that can be run via Macro that can change messages of chat color only in non-system channels (say and yell). Suggestion: Since this doesn't particularly seem like something that can be massively exploited, I'd like to suggest an alternative to this rule. I tend to use a script to change the chat color when I DM events, to add a bit of flavor to things and to add further indication of who an emote is directed to. Perhaps the use of scripts to change chat color in public chat channels (not announce or any other system channel) while in phases (not including mainphase) would be something useful to add flavor to emotes and dialogue text. The worst that could truly happen is someone getting upset that they can't figure out how to do it. This could be easily remdied by releasing the script publicly and explaining how to use it. Alternatively: If such a simple thing is to remain disallowed, please ensure the rule regarding it is written clearly so that there are no misunderstandings about what it does and does not cover. Hope you all have a wonderful evening!
  6. isn't really more than a breeding ground for people to get heated over their views
  7. Just making a post to find out if there are any RWBY fans present. If There are any present, please share your thoughts on what you're expecting from this season? -Character shorts: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rwby-volume-5-volume-5-weiss-character-short-premieres-oct-14 http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rwby-volume-5-blake-trailer
  8. Hello! I’m writing this guide to help newbies and long-running roleplayers alike have an understanding of how combat could be handled better. Your Character and You: To start somewhere easy, look at your own character. Understand your character’s personality, their skills, and the class they use. All of these things will affect how your character should act and react in battle. Once you understand these things, you’ll need to know what flaws your character will have. As an example, say you play a Self-praising Human Warrior. The personality of this person might cause them to slip up on their defense, leaving more openings to be attacked by their foe, but as a warrior, he might be more likely to quickly return the attack, taking an eye for an eye. Do not be afraid to hint at your character’s faults in emotes, it makes the battles more interesting, and gives more opportunities for both characters to develop as a result. How should you attack or defend?: When emoting, you should always keep the opponent’s previous emote in mind. If your character is likely to be able to dodge a direct attack, like if they’re trained in movement-type skills (Monks, or other movement-based alternate classes are good examples), be descriptive about how your character manages to avoid the attack, and if you plan to counter, keep it within the boundaries of being a quick counter, as realistically, you probably wouldn’t have enough time to do more than a quick punch and make a retreat. If your character is less likely to dodge, like if they wear heavy armor, or are simply out of shape, keep that in mind and consider blocking, if you have the equipment to block an attack. Attacking should also be kept within your character’s means. Heavy armor and weapons will result in slower attacking speed, but might cause more damage to the opponent. Lighter armor or robes, matched with light weapons and staves, might offer quicker actions, but probably less damage. Magic can be a useful tool in combat, but it comes with various down-sides as well. Most spells require time and concentration to properly execute, which can be difficult to find in solo combat. A skilled mage might be able to use quick offensive spells to distract their opponent for a moment to get some distance, maybe allowing for a more powerful spell to be cast while the opponent tries to recover and close the gap. You should limit yourself on spell usage. Try to specialize in one type of Magic (Cryomancy, Pyromancy, Illusion, Aeromancy, etc). If you play a novice mage, understand large scale spells will likely be next to impossible for you, and if you play an archmage, it’s unlikely you’d be a master of every spell, but rather a master of a specific school of spells. Side note for Mages: Magic use while running and dodging attacks should and likely will be taxing, leaving less energy for other possible moves. This is why mages are suited for better for combat across large-medium distances. What you should not do: -Do not complain OOC when an emote, in the proper circumstances, leaves you little room for reaction. Example: Character A is not facing the opponent, Character B. Character B Takes advantage of this to punch Character A in the back of their head. Character A’s player goes into OOC, complaining about “OPRP” (overpowered roleplay, power emoting, godmodding, etc). -Do not act Psychic and ‘sense’ a seemingly normal character creeping on you. Be realistic, you wouldn’t know someone is staring at you from an alley 50+ yards behind you. Apply this rule when a likely silent attack comes at you from behind, unless another character might alert you to it. -Do not enact an OOC grudge by forcing combat or death scenarios on someone. Properly build up IC hostilities to escalate it to combat if you really must. -If you are a DM observing the combat scenario to possibly have guards take notice of it ICly, it might be best to bring the guards in quietly before stepping in, rather than stepping in and telling the two combating characters to halt emotes to allow time to set up guard response and “Emote control”. This can quickly kill interest. - Do not complain about an emote not stating it’s an attempt. There’s no reason to state the obvious. All emotes are attempts, but you should understand you should not be able to counter any and all circumstances. - Don't write a multi-paragraph describing the exact movement of your muscles and hair and how light reflects of your blade/armor, ... It's not as bad in 1v1 situation, but when DM has to read through 5 things like these it 1) takes long time to write and read 2) can really kill the mood Playing your character as a super-powerful, omnipotent being might be fun for you for a few hours, but in the process you likely suck the fun out of other people’s RP when you insert yourself into it as that kind of character. You are likely not a god. You are likely not a Hero of Azeroth. This is only a basic outline of what would be considered good combat RP and etiquette related to it. These are not hardlined rules, but rather suggestions. I hope someone finds this useful.
  9. You mean just a regular black dragon model? dragons all kinda look the same in their respective flights. Ysera and Alexstrasza are only really unique dragon models because they have accessories to separate them from the others
  10. That wasn't meant as rude? it was a suggestion, nothing more.
  11. I would think automation would fit better than automatic. But welcome
  12. And as of now, unfortunately due to personal circumstances, I can't work on this, nor anything else. hopefully someone else will come along to work on this.
  13. this. the CDev stuff only said they all "conveniently forgot how to summon it" i think it's them just covering for not wanting to expand on it
  14. Anyhoo, I'll be getting on some texture work to see what can be done for this, I'll keep updated with progress on it
  15. even then, it's not like custom lore should be completely frowned on as it seems to be, as it opens up ways to enjoy the server, and last I checked, we're all here to have fun, not be at eachother's necks over who abides tightly to lore and who smudges it to make things more fun and interesting.
  16. see this is my problem here. all of you pulling the whole "personal patches aren't a thing, this is stupid to me so it's not happening" It's up to Tia iirc. And you guys coming across as hostile as you do easily drive off anyone who has a nice suggestion. Mind you this is just my opinion based on my observation on several people acting exactly as you are, so take it as you will. I'd just suggest you leave the deciding of whether or not it should be implemented up to Dera, Azarchius, or Tia. I'll continue to attempt to work on this and then it'll be up to them.
  17. the devs can easily just sit back and continue whatever it is they're already working on if it can be finished and posted and be suggested for implementation
  18. lucky for me then that I'm not a dev, and if it's done without the devs having to do it, no time is wasted, my guy
  19. not to mention it may not even have to be a custom model, likely just a retexture of the HD Satyr
  20. time wasted? its an option available on a private WoW RP server. literally anything that can be added is just as valid as anything else. not everyone wants mordred's coats patch but it's likely getting added anyway.