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Phase Overview - yay/nay?

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I've been thinking about the command ".phase overview"

This goes back to the days on Divinity-X where we also had a command like this and personally I don't have too much of a problem with the command's function itself. But I know a lot of people did dislike it as people tend to flock to the phase with the most players in. Which is true.

However as seen on other servers they still flock to phases with the most players in even without the command. So from my experience that's not too much of a issue. However

While I don't think it should be removed, I do think that adding more information to the phases, like have the phase's advertisements get display underneath could be useful. So that people don't join a phase without have any idea or clue about what's going on.

Two other things I'd like to mention is that I do think that it should be tweaked to only display Phases with x amount of players or more. I was thinking perhaps 4/5. i.e More than 5 players and the phase would get displayed.

The second feature would be that phases that are on "Whitelist" should not be displayed.


What do you think? Anything I missed, anything that should be different from this?

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Could remove it and change a few things, like displaying the number of people, instead, with .ph info (Which I think happens already). Or could also just have it display the names of people in a phase instead of the numbers, and it'll only work in whichever phase you are in.


Because let's be honest.... with .ph pop/overview, people stalked ERPs that way too >:P

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I may sound old fashioned but I have never been fond of displaying the number of players in a phase. If people know where to find role-play, they will go there. Having [20+ plrs] promotes neutral phases with generic themes like Laketown or Rosehearth that had oligopolies in the hosting market ("who can get the most players?" essentially). There was a lot of bumping in role-play announce in the process.

I agree that whitelisted phases probably should not be displayed, but why not use the .phase overview command to add your phase to a list instead of having it be automatic. It would become very cluttered otherwise.


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I'm mainly in agreement with Biggrouse. It's also sort of a privacy thing, if I'm not advertising my phase then I probably don't want people in unless I ask them to be.

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As much as I do enjoy the convenience of a phase listing, it absolutely contributes to what I like to call, "Walmart RP', which is essentially what was described above - massive generic village/city/town phases for people to just sit in and do nothing.  I mean gosh heck, .tele start works well for that purpose.

Edited by The Undertaker


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