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Instance Teleports

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Do they all work on Epsilon? I'll go through the list and format them into something Deramyr can pop directly in. You can do it if you really want, but I don't mind either way.


Deramyr's format is:


("Teleport name", MAPID, X, Y, Z, ORIENTATION),


INSERT INTO `game_tele` (`name`, `map`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`)
("Legion Dungeon", 1470, 2104.445, 4624.86, 281.226, 0),
("Old Zul'Gurub", 309, -11916.300, -1264.79, 90.599, 4.712),
("Quel'Thalas Flat", 0, 3599.21, -2244.98, 131.408, 5.23),
("Ghostlands Flat", 530, 5375.1, -7371.72, 0.000015, 3.174),
("Hellfire Flat", 1448, 5429.85, -2864.35, 8.559, 0.064),
("Hellfire Flat2", 1448, 5025, -3124, 8.56, 4.126),
("Scarlet Flat", 1001, 657.948, 465, 0, 4.351),
("Burning Nether Flat", 1451, 5060, -1307, 60.004, 5.641),
("Blackwing Lair Flat", 469, -7483, -260, 170.517, 2.389),
("Well of Eternity Flat", 939, 2261.6, -4610.93, 33.518, 0.429),
("Stormstout Flat", 961, -2377, 1263, 0.001, 4.823),
("Shado-Pan Flat", 959, 3923.05, 1813.8, 904.334, 1.139),
("Alterac Valley Flat", 30, 467.594, 373.474, 139.185, 5.932),
("Arathi Basin Flat", 529, 306.22, 1664.33, 143.128, 1.645),
("Zul'Farrak Flat", 209, 761.441, 472.932, 13.126, 5.104),
("Stranglethorn Flat", 0, -12639.911, -2208.066, 55.342, 2.071),
("Zul'Aman Flat", 568, 436.884, 2333.672, 0.001, 5.516),
("Snowy Flat", 602, 2260, 172, -495.12, 0.212),
("Deadmines Flat", 36, -528.711, -393.272, 357.808, 3.386),
("Arathi Basin Snow Flat", 1681, 306.224, 1664.33, 143.128, 1.645),
("Magisters Flat", 585, -1864.593, -1802.318, -132.982, 2.821),
("Deepholm Flat", 646, 2980, -429, 344.68, 0);


Edited by Grandmaster Pa

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You can do .lookup area QUERY
e.g. lookup area Neltharion's Lair.

Once you have the area ID you can do .zoneport 10,10 AREAID

Then you just gotta fly around and figure out where the starting position is.

Just this once, I've found it for you.

.world 2935.22 1156.33 102.234 1458 1.33 

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5 hours ago, ilovekitty said:

Do anyone know what the code to thunter bluff and dranosh valley?

Hey you can do:

  • .tele start to get to Dranosh Valley, alternatively the worldport is .world 2929 6171 121 1737
  • .tele ThunderBluff to get to Thunder Bluff, you can also do .worldport -1277 124 131.2 1

If you want to find teleport locations, you can use the .lookup teleport $Searchterm command, where $Searchterm is what you want to look up.

Welcome to Epsilon!


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On 7/30/2017 at 10:35 AM, DavidTwo said:

a .tele add command came to be for players.

we have phase teles only for the big reason that .tele add can be abused by creating misleading teleport names which can prevent people who don't know exact location names to get where they want to be. Not to mention the possibility of creating Crash teles

find me on discord @Lehvie#1473

or just find me on a certain other server.
have fun boys

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4 hours ago, ScarletRose said:

we have phase teles only for the big reason that .tele add can be abused by creating misleading teleport names which can prevent people who don't know exact location names to get where they want to be. Not to mention the possibility of creating Crash teles

I'm more than aware of this. As I also suggested in my own topic;


**Even if you have to add in a failsafe system where teleport additions get approved, that is fine. In fact, I suggest the idea of a failsafe system if you allow .tele add for players. That way, no one is making teleport locations that are merely spamming the database.

But at the same time, .ph tele is also currently bugged. The benefit of .tele add as well also leads to:

  1. It helps with having people(the players) add teleport locations to areas never before able to visited. Like old Scholomance, or scenarios that Blizzard has not released
  2. It allows the PLAYERS to create teleport locations for building spots, like flat lands. And believe me. As a builder, I would not want to type in a bunch of worldport coordinates when it came to finding flatlands. That would be a pain in the neck.
  3. It would alleviate stress from the GM's always having to add teleport locations themselves.

It's just something that could've been helpful, but I'm also more than aware at this point that it will not be added in. Sad to say.

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