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fish with broken dreams

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Everything posted by fish with broken dreams

  1. Either of the tauren models (both female and male) seem to be bugged in a way that they don't work correctly with any of the mesh collections and helmets. Only BFA stuff works somewhat. Also this item doesn't display https://www.wowhead.com/item=162592/hood-of-the-tidesages?bonus=3467
  2. I have upscaled a number of Northrend (Wotlk leveling) weapons from 128x64 to 256x128. Not really a HD patch, more of one that makes these weapons not look horribly low res. Enjoy. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/352849495563698180/626530721271513088/Northrend_Weapons_128x64_to_256x128.rar No screenshots, because it is the same weapons just with slightly better resolution. If anyone need some other textures fixed that I missed, you can post suggestions here.
  3. i couldnt think of a better name so dont troll me STOP
  4. according to rpers gigantism is as common in wow as autism is in irl
  5. i found the issue but i wont be updating it for a while u can fix it before me if u wanna
  6. various video game music that fit the setting of wow or some instrumentals like like like like NO WORLD OF WARCRAFT™ SOUNDTRACK ALLOWED IT RUINS MY IMMERSION
  7. rifle is supposed to be under draenorguard and sword is under draenorcraft but here is the catch admins didnt add weapons yet
  8. I wasn't responsible for the custom items in the game.
  9. Not made by me and I have no clue who was the original creator of this (so I do not take any credit), but put this folder into your addon folder and your TRP will suddenly start showing more profiles. http://puu.sh/wWnLm/a9c81054f2.zip
  10. Download link: https://mega.nz/#!nBNxHb7C!vvzY38H0TBHdL_umaY78jaD1tu7_qR9_2DEjvoW6DUY (Put the "Item" folder into your main WoW folder) This patch replaces old textures for footman armor (example: kul tiras, stromgarde etc) and grunt armor (example: peerless set, sentinel set) with textures that were introduced in WOD. It also adds a helmet similar to what Warcraft 3 human captains used. The original WOD sets were untouched, so I recolored vanilla sets of the same scheme into something else. Tabards were also updated. Footmen Previews: Absolutely all of the sets were recolored. Original vanilla helmets were replaced, but not the shoulders. Shoulders can be found on following items: Kultiras - 31247 Stromgarde - 29316 Theramore - 30964 Gold - 22940 Aside from the traditional footman helmet colors, there are also additional ones. They weren't given their original color, however. Neutral/Alterac - 25010 Black - 23536 Gilneas - 22223 Captain - 11729 I have also recolored the unused neutral footman set, which goes under plate_b_01silver. But I do not know if the server got the custom items made for them or not. Grunt Previews: A lot of these recolors are also hidden behind npc item displayids. But most shoulders hould work, as they're in the game already. But there are two sets you can get right away. http://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=162/sentinel-garb-recolor http://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=137/sentinel-garb The harness was made more brown, rather than having an odd yellow tint that made the piece harder to match with other armor.
  11. ofc its possible i just dont like that cloak patch
  12. what are u talking about this i just learned of it i'll fix it once my client finishes downloading