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Everything posted by Matt

  1. The only problem I see with this idea, as much as i love it. Each race has it's own sheath position and I could see it being difficult to do a different one for each race/gender but fantastic suggestion all together
  2. Matt

    A letter of concern

    @Mithaniel I'm getting the feeling you more or less skimmed through my letter as apposed to reading it fully, My post is not dedicated entirely to that of Custom Patches, albeit that's one section of it. I outline other major problems like Phase management and other client tools like Render distancing and summoning. @Azarchius I appreciate that you took the time to respond to my post, I understand that we are coming past the halfway point, but it still leaves people with outstanding questions, even if you don't have information to give make that noted with us, your consumers. In no way was I trying to paint you as such, the entire point of my post was to outline a few problems that are seemingly not being addressed. If that's the case, inform us, it leaves us with less to speculate on, it all comes back to what I was initially writing about, communication. I would still like to redirect your attention to this line as it's the underling point of my argument, regardless of how you explain it, this is always going to be a problem.
  3. Matt

    A letter of concern

    Hey guys, I didn't really want to make this post but I feel at this point it has become pertinent. Not long ago I made a post regarding the need to be more transparent in regards to server development, whilst that was somewhat met, it was not the news that we as a community wanted to hear. To be more specific, we as a community have pretty well been left in the dark regarding the release of any new content for the server, Every attempt to find out as to when the release or even an approximated date of the next content patch has simply been evaded or otherwise ignored, most GM officials don't even seem to know what's going on which is indeed worrying to me and I imagine to others as well. I understand that the server is in an "Open Beta" but that as an excuse for some of the issues regarding functionality can only be stretched so far, it's already October and there still isn't any way to adjust client side render distance, a HUGE problem for people with weaker machines, people don't have means to view active phases, Custom content has been removed from the server in favour of making it public content, so on and so forth. The biggest quarrel that I have with what's essentially being done here and I have expressed this to a multitude of people is that, things are being taken out with no adequate substitute being put in it's place. For example, in the early days of release, we had a pseudo form of phase viewer. Albeit it was inaccurate with it's displayed totals of people in the phase, it was still a means of viewing phases. Custom content, on this particular matter we had a multitude of people creating new content for the server which for many was a major reason for wanting to join Epsilon in the first place. It's to my understanding that a new method of content sharing is currently being implemented that would allow for clients to be forcefully integrated with approved user patches. I like the idea of where this plan is going, however like the first, you are taking away content without having a proper substitute in it's place, removing patches from the server. Previously things were just fine as they were, people that did not want patches would simply not download them and those who wanted them would download them, simple as that, taking away the patches and forcing people to wait for the next update has more less shot you in the foot. The current state of Epsilon is best comparable to that of RPH but with MUCH LESS, so far things that have set us apart from them have more or less been taken away and more and more people I am finding are making their way over to greener pastures. To summarize, stop being secretive with the community, it's one thing to hold back information, however when it's gotten to the point where an extended period of time where no content or even as simple as a progress update has been given and you are taking away things as apposed to giving, it makes you look incompetent as developers. I don't want you all to read this and think of it as a stab because I and many of the other people that are still here want to see this community thrive and grow, however there needs to be some give from the development team. I hope this post gives you a little more insight to what is the problem with Epsilon and we can make progress towards putting us on the right track. Sincerely, -Matt
  4. Matt

    Tales Of Faragen

    Patch Post has been updated with some playable factions. Pretty generic stuff for now but will add into it later.
  5. I mean it's not a problem, i'm just correcting you is all. It's honestly a waste of time to post on something that obviously isn't being worked on anymore.
  6. It's a Necropost if nobody has interacted with the post in an extended period of time. In this case it was posted on September 9th with the last post being on the 18th (Mine) and now the most recent being today the 14th of October giving a period 28 days in between posts. By definition it constitutes a Necropost regardless of any "activity" which I don't even know what that could be given the user who posted this hasn't been online since the 3rd of October. @ScharlakenRose
  7. I would consider adding more to your post, how do you plan on operating your guild? is it classic Military RP in which members answer to one Ranked official? Or are you going for a more dynamic body that has various departments i.e squads,units,battalions. Furthermore, what type of events do you have planned, what is me the player going to do in your guild, I would add just a bit of information on that subject since the majority of your type of RP will be derived from military operations unless your plan is to just have a bunch of homies hang out in the Barracks and ER-umm hangout. Otherwise, Great idea you got here just work on it a bit more and you'll have a dope phase.
  8. Right, but even still. IC Rumor or not, my point still stands, if you want to garner attention it still helps to put some attention to detail. It's more or less a helpful tip, and if you bothered to read it, the person listed it as an interest check hence why I criticized it as such. Also is it really necessary to Necropost? This topic is very clearly dead as the original poster hasn't even added to it nor posted since September 9th. @ScharlakenRose
  9. This is a good start, I'm happy to see you guys are taking feedback and -ACTUALLY- making something of it
  10. How about we just start being transparent about what's being done about the server regarding developments. So far as far as iv'e seen there is little to no word regarding the release of anything, Particularly towards fixing some of the major problems with functionality i.e Phase Listings, Render distance, Phase Manager, Etc. Rather than debating over something that is completely arbitrary and honestly just in my personal opinion, a complete and total waste of time. It would be better for you guys to focus on something that is actually pertinent to the community.
  11. They gonna put us in the timeout corner
  12. I would 162% ask you to draw a character, I really dig your art style. If you are willing to do a drawing for me let me know!
  13. Hey genius that still doesn't answer my question. @ScharlakenRose
  14. How do you adjust render distance?
  15. Matt

    Tales Of Faragen

    Post updated, additional Lore (Section elves)
  16. Matt

    I'm erecting a cancer

    *Updated* New full length video uploaded
  17. Matt

    Forum signatures

    Welp that was easy
  18. Hey guys not sure if any of you noticed this, but some of the .WMO's loose their draw distance if you enter them so far iv'e found that the ones that are currently broken is the emptywmo_sw_keep.wmo Is there anything that can be done for this? I'll also keep this thread updated on any other WMO's that might be suffering from the same issue. Update: emptywmo_sw_cathedraldistrict.wmo is also the same, if you go anywhere behind the cathedral the whole district despawns.
  19. If you reverse grip anything shorter than a parrying blade, you're dumb.
  20. ^ It's a Demon hunter gauntlet, leave it for Demon hunters