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  1. I also got around to making a Drustvar themed spell list for my Thornspeaker. Have fun! Previews: https://i.gyazo.com/cae8e06d4991024d312da872c5998a6f.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/1b8b7e8774ea4727fa2088a50a87c92f.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/045856e5665d30a410ff5de399d027d5.mp4
  2. Hey! I don't know if this has been said before or not, but it's an unfortunate truth that some character models are severely outdated. Some harbor more interest than others, of course, but one group that I feel is lacking in this field especially are those of the undead. I know, many undead had been overhauled back in Legion(?) and other things, where we have better models for zombies, some skeletons, and abominations, as well as ghouls. Aside from that, however, other creatures, such as Liches (Both Kel'thuzad and the generic type) are seriously lacking in that regard, as well as the various skeleton mages. Outside of that, the cult of the damned necromancers, which have their own unique models separate from humans, also are lacking in any HD-ification. I am completely unsure as to how to do this, or even start, but I'd love it if this could be something to get made, and if I can learn at the same time, that's even better, I'd be happy to help work on this. Thank you for reading, and to contact me easier, go to the discord and find me at XyrrYai#9886
  3. Okay, I think I may have overdone it a little bit this time... -------------------------------------------- Preview - Rituals: https://i.gyazo.com/5b55c69becb794e93a1ead2eaee49398.mp4 Preview - Projectiles: https://i.gyazo.com/5ac2799ee4ca2597b18976b09025ad24.mp4 Preview - Explosions: https://i.gyazo.com/afa080b3017f66445383dad661abe940.mp4 Preview - Debuffs: https://i.gyazo.com/44ef427fb43cb61221078ac822235862.mp4 Preview - Wand Spells: https://i.gyazo.com/f3cc23bfe0fbb975fb49a20b4c0f7e92.mp4 Preview - Multibox Morphs: https://i.gyazo.com/f26cb622b38bf7c61d68e98d5db0ddc8.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/ada1aaccd0b46066c1ed82dccea2ee74.mp4 --------------------------------------------
  4. I felt like playing a Sunwalker this week so I made a few Paladin-themed macros. ? Some of these macros are brand new, some of them are spells from previous warrior & priest spell lists hybridized together and modified to switch as seamlessly as possible between hammer swinging and spell slinging. I've included 3 combat styles: Polearms, Two-Handed Weapons, One Handed (Shields & Torches Included) I've also included 3 casting styles: Casting with Bare Hands, Casting from a Libram / Tome, Casting spells out of a Weapon All of these were made for a female tauren character, so you may have to tinker with the poses a little bit. Have fun! ======================================================== Previews: ======================================================== https://i.gyazo.com/0146cecc23ef33f15f7b83531d24b243.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/dbc2d87ce1a012ba978a4e5dc230ba8b.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/bb5dba3bf8ea790cf7e37c2a9c95ec8d.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/955a60af9a75d7e87398607a7c2844bf.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/612658b1f13b725c5d23661c034d28e3.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/5fad6956af1d68e83077fd51465f5bd4.mp4 ======================================================== General Macros: ======================================================== General - Remove Effects - Clear All Spells: .unaura all /stopcasting /cleartarget .dismount .cheat fly off .mod anim 470 .mod anim 432 .demorph .mod scale 1.00 .mod speed 1.00 .cheat god on .combat .cheat slowcast off /g .rev .ph clear
  5. Hey hey people. Do you wanna be a spooky wizard? Well heres some spooky spells. Enjoy ❤️ (Apologies for it being half-assed this time. I never ended up finishing the characters these spells were meant for, lol.) https://i.gyazo.com/ba95ba7ca4400fc4550a7a6e996b05cd.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/55cee58f745a897b08bcf8277a16a0c8.mp4 ===================================== SPELLBOOK: Blood Magic & Spells: ===================================== Blood - Stance: /cleartarget /stopcasting .ca 245843 t .c 254901 t .mod scale 0.95 Blood Ritual - Omni: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 274270 t /in 0.1 /g .c 265031 t Blood Ritual - Targeted: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 265031 t /in 0.1 /g .c 274270 t //.c 268264 t //.c 319338 t Blood Ritual - Forward: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 304683 t Blood Ritual - Omni - Large: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 265031 t .c 294576 t Blood Ritual - Prayer: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 287661 t ... Blood Cast - Targeted .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 //.c 268264 t .c 260879 t .c 274992 t .c 304683 t /in 0.8 /g .u 304683 Blood Cast - Omni: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 260879 t .c 274992 t .c 175055 t .c 265031 t /in 1 /g .u 265031 ... Blood NPC Bolt: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 308355 t Blood NPC Bolt - Reverse: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 273516 t Blood NPC Volley Bolt: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 274992 t .c 175055 t .c 265031 t /in 1 /g .u 265031 .c 263295 t Blood NPC Blast: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 274992 t .c 304683 t /in 0.8 /g .u 304683 .c 224056 t .c 265016 t Blood NPC Volley Blast: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 274992 t .c 175055 t .c 265031 t /in 1 /g .u 265031 .c 258363 t Blood NPC Beam: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 274992 t .c 304683 t /in 0.8 /g .u 304683 //.c 258071 t .c 255220 t Blood NPC Beam - Alt: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 265031 t .c 257320 t Blood AoE Nova: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 272942 t .c 314400 t .c 277813 t Blood AoE Nova + Concecration: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 272942 t .c 314400 t .c 277813 t .c 258525 t Blood Massive AoE Nova Bolts: .c 262212 t Blood Massive AoE Nova Beams: .c 262213 t ... Blood Power Aura - Light: .c 272385 t //.c 284344 t Blood Power Aura - Medium: .c 272385 t .c 266230 t //.c 284344 t Blood Power Aura - Heavy: .c 272385 t .c 266230 t .c 304584 t //.c 284344 t Blood Vanish: .u all .c 270218 t Blood Ghost Form: .c 292329 Blood Shield - Small: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 260879 t .c 274992 t .c 175055 t .c 265031 t /in 1 /g .u 265031 .c 262211 t Blood Barrier - Large: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 272942 t /in 0.3 /g .c 265031 t /in 0.3 /g .c 279011 t Blood Barrier - Massive: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 265031 t .c 274067 t Blood Mojo Barrier - Medium: .cheat cool on .cheat cast on /cleartarget /stopcasting .u 274270 .u 265031 .u 319338 .u 268264 .u 304683 .c 265031 t .c 255775 t