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Everything posted by Mordred

  1. This repository is no longer needed for download links. Most of what you see here will be added to the game itself, so don't worry about there being no more cool patches.
  2. Xetherus will be making an appearance, in one form or another.
  3. Giving DH players a reason to use spectral sight for more than a couple of quests, if any. Oh, and some loot/reagents. It's something, but still may as well be nothing. I do not think much thought was put into it. The wowhead pages do not list any quest material, only loot. The wowpedia articles only detail what they are and how to reveal them with your artifact weapon or your sight if you're a DH. The player hero is more powerful than what we play on this server (or, that's how it should be.) Romeo basically summed my thoughts up with this. Something practically timeless that is adept at hiding will not be found if it does not want to be. Furthermore, "Only after much exertion and investigation do the heroes uncover the dreadlord behind a plot. Even then, the task of tracking and slaying a dreadlord can overwhelm the most competent hunter of evil. "
  4. As requested by @AnnaBanana, High Elf/Dark Ranger females now have underwear ... AESTHETIC or something.
  5. You might want to get me these models in .m2 form otherwise there's nothing I can do.
  6. Based on my findings, standstates 646 and 647 are the only things relating to the bartender emotes, however they have no function on Pandaren, spare 647 which is a wave. I'm not sure this is even used right now, unless you know of any NPCs using it.
  7. Mordred

    Epsilon Janitor

    2017 introducing automated functions, what a time to be alive
  8. Mordred

    Epsilon Janitor

    I'm still an amateur at addons, ok? ok. thanks. love you. Epsilon Janitor is another simple quality of life addon that allows you to easily clear every item in your bag, clear all of your action bars or even unequip everything on your character with a command! This can be useful for times where you accidentally fill your bags with too many of one item, or make a new character and want to set them up quickly. You'll see this in your chat frame when you enter the game or reload your UI after installation: Follow the instructions from there and be on your way. Download Installation: Open up the .7zip with whatever archive software you have on your computer and drag the contents in to your Addons folder, located within your root WoW directory. Credits: Graydon and Chase for assisting me with code/functions.
  9. Mordred

    Build Mode

    I'm an amateur at addons, give me a break ok? ok. thanks. love you Have you ever found yourself looking for the axis morph, or having to use up macro slots for morphing in and out of the axis? Look no further! BUILD MODE is a fairly simple quality of life addon that allows you to enter/exit the popular axis morph with the additions of a bigger scale and flight enabled at will. Simple enough, once you log in and/or reload your UI, you are greeted with this message, letting you know that the addon is enabled and functional: From there, do what it instructs and you're on your way to having an easier life. wew Download Instructions: Open up the .7zip with whatever archive software you have on your computer and drag the contents in to your Addons folder, located within your root WoW directory.
  10. The end product of this is most satisfactory! It was a pleasure working with you and I look forward to future endeavors.
  11. I could, but it was mostly just a reference.
  12. The coat patch ahs been updated once again, introducing 12 new colors (listed in the spoiler) as well as fixing clipping issues on Night Elf males and females, as well as Blood Elf males. The Blood Elf female mantle has also been resized and is now more form fitting and less bulky. All coat textures are also now HD-ified.
  13. Mordred

    Spaced names

    This is able to be done with the .rename command, but I think it's a bit bugged at the moment, so you may have to wait on Az to give it the ole' fixaroo.
  14. It is now fixed, expect it in the next update.
  15. Mordred

    Unselectable NPC

    You can easily delete npcs by doing this: Walk next to it and type .npc near The ID that shows up will be the NPC's GUID. Now type .npc del GUIDhere, and it'll delete.
  16. Bannerless PvP Mounts have been added to the repository! Enjoy.
  17. Feel free to join us on the Discord and fill out the form, we'd be happy to have you!
  18. I'm better than Blizzard..........
  19. I'm sorry to see the departure of Rogan. He helped me achieve the vision I always wanted to bring to life with Deathwatch, and for that I thank him. Without his volunteering I believe we'd be a bit set back. On the bright side, we now have a new writer, Zenn, who will be picking up where we've left off in a new series of impactful events! Him and I will be writing them together and taking a whole new turn in to another alley. As always: thank you to everyone who participated in todays event.
  20. shit i thought i fixed that thank you
  21. Zanaris awaits a competent challenger. Two have fallen thus far.
  22. Hi Jack! Been quite a while, I hope things have been well since we last spoke over the .. not so bright rainbow. I believe Epsilon is quite good. The roleplay quality is far better than what I was dealing with previously, and the population is steady, allowing the Discord, announce chat or any phase to be populated and bustling with activity.
  23. ?? You can easily clean this sentence up by removing the 'flaw' bit, as it only makes the following bit awkward. Worgen Death Knights are of Arugal, there are no flaws as there were no Human forms for them. Unfortunately some roleplayers would like to be a Neopet instead of abiding by Blizzard's vision. WoWWiki is not updated as frequently nor as accurately as Wowpedia, I'd suggest removing that one as an option. Lastly, I'd like to suggest you link the articles about Worgen in your post for convenience, which can be found here, here, here and here -- My shameless nitpicking aside, this is an overall good guide that can assist Worgen players in all ranges.